This is a tale of a young girl named Eva and her amazing adventures with a mischievous elf, Babadooga. Hold on to your imagination as Eva discovers an enchanting world filled with exciting creatures in the forest behind her house. a??Babadooga whooped and hollered with glee as they sailed through the air. Although excited, Eva was a bit scared and held tightly to Babadooga. Being small was still new and she was definitely not used to flying through the air in a nutshell! They settled in for the journey. Babadooga had many questions for her. He wanted to know all about her village and the ball she had mentioned. Something round that you kick sounded like fun.a?? The first in a five-part series, Back to Big introduces Eva, Babadooga, and his hedgehog friend, Bakkar. Adventure with Eva in the forest she fears, discover exciting characters, soothe the angry bees, rescue a caterpillar in need, and fly to the moona?¦ all before dinner time! BOOK REVIEW: a??Back to Big really is quite an adventure. Many children would love the opportunity to be small like Eva and explore the day she had with her newfound friends. I wait with anticipation for the book that details Babadoogaa??s fun and clumsy character. The whimsical illustrations appeal to the eye and take the reader along for the journey with ease. Wonderful!a?? a?? Marie Powers, Masters in Organizational Leadership and Bachelors in Education. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Adventures of Babadooga: Back to Big (Volume 1) (Kristin Hamilton)