На данной странице предаставлены все книги издательства «Wayne State University Press»
Leaving Springfield: The Simpsons and the Possibility of Oppositional Culture (Contemporary Film and Television Series) (John Alberti)
Learning to Cook in 1898: A Chicago Culinary Memoir (Ellen Steinberg)
Old English: Grammar And Reader ()
Lake Superior Profiles. People on the Big Lake (John Gagnon)
An Introduction to Political Philosophy. Ten Essays by Leo Strauss (Revised) (Leo Strauss,Hilail Gildin)
Anti-Semitic Stereotypes Without Jews. Images of the Jews in England 1290-1700 (Bernard Glassman)
Constructing Modern Identities. Jewish University Students in Germany, 1815-1914 (Keith Pickus)
Script Culture and the American Screenplay (Kevin Alexander Boon)
Keepin' It Hushed. The Barbershop and African American Hush Harbor Rhetoric (Vorris L Nunley)
The Golem Redux. From Prague to Post-Holocaust Fiction (Elizabeth R Baer)