На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar»
The Koran. Commonly Called the Alcoran of Mahomet (John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar,André ca. 1580-ca. 1660 tr Du Ryer)
Report of the Trial and Acquittal of Edward Shippen, Esquire, Chief Justice, and Jasper Yeates and Thomas Smith, Esquires, Assistant Justices, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, on an Impe (Edward Shippen,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar,Pennsylvania. General Assembly. Senate)
The new English Canaan of Thomas Morton (John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
The History of Italy; Volume 1 (John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
Discourses on Davila. A Series of Papers, on Political History. Written in the Year 1790, and Then Published in the Gazette of the United States (John Adams,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
Two Sermons on Infidelity, Delivered October 24, 1813 (John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
The History of England From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. In Eight Volumes: 5 (David Hume,John Adams,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
A Collection of Several Pieces of Mr. John Locke (John Locke,Pierre Desmaizeaux,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
The History of New-England. Containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country, to the Year of Our Lord, 1700. To Which is Added, the Present State of New- (John Adams,Daniel Neal,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
The History of England From the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. In Eight Volumes: 7 (David Hume,John Adams,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. 3a (John Adams,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
The Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series. With its Application to the Geometry of Curve-lines (Isaac Newton,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar,John Colson)
The History of the Arts and Sciences of the Antients. Under the Following Heads, in Three Volumes : vol. I., Agriculture, Commerce, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music, the art Military (John Adams,Charles Rollin,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
A Collection of Essays and Fugitiv Writings. On Moral, Historical, Political and Literary Subjects (John Adams,Noah Webster,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England. Concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts; Volume 4 (John Adams,Edward Coke,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
Elemens de tactique pour la cavalerie (John Adams,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar,de la Balme Mottin)
A Sermon, Preached in the Old South Church, Boston, Sabbath Evening, Dec. 16, 1821 (John Adams,Daniel Temple,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
The Justice and Policy of the Late act of Parliament for Making More Effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, Asserted and Proved. And the Conduct of Administration R (William Knox,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar,Québec Quebec Act)
The History of Italy. 2 (John Adams,Francesco Guicciardini,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
Memoir of John Gallison, Esq (John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
A System of Moral Philosophy, in Three Books; Volume 2 (Francis Hutcheson,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
Mercure de France (John Adams,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
The law of Passive Obedience. Or Christian Submission to Personal Injuries : Wherein is Shewn, That the Several Texts of Scripture, Which Command the Entire Submission of Servants Or Slaves t (John Adams,Granville Sharp,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)
A Discourse, Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers. With Some Reflections on the Resistance Made to King Charles I, and on the Anniversary of his Death: in W (John Adams,Jonathan Mayhew,John Adams Library (Boston Public Librar)