На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «J. Michael Farr»
Landing Your Dream Job (J. Michael Farr)
200 Best Jobs for College Graduates (200 Best Jobs for College Graduates) (J. Michael Farr)
Job Searching Fast and Easy (J. Michael Farr)
The Quick Resume & Cover Letter Book: Write And Use An Effective Resume In Only One Day (Quick Resume & Cover Letter Book) (J. Michael Farr)
Seven Step Job Search: Cut Your Job Search Time in Half (Help in a Hurry) (J. Michael Farr)
Best Jobs for the 21st Century (Best Jobs for the 21st Century, 3rd Ed) (J. Michael Farr,Laurence Shatkin)
VoTech Student's Guide to Job Hunting (J. Michael Farr,Merie A. Pavlicko)
300 Best Jobs Without a Four-Year Degree (300 Best Jobs Without a Four Year Degree, 2002) (J. Michael Farr,Laverne L. Ludden,Laurence Shatkin)
Same-Day Resume: Write an Effective Resume in an Hour (J. Michael Farr)