На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Frederic Pincott»
The Hindi Manual: Comprising a Grammar of the Hindi Language Both Literary and Provincial; a Complete Syntax; Exercises in Various Styles of Hindi . Several Subjects; and a Complete Vocabular (Frederic Pincott)
Primitive and Universal Laws of the Formation and Development of Language: A Rational and Inductive System Founded On the Natural Basis of Onomatops (Frederic Pincott)
Hitopadesa: A New Literal Translation from the Sanskrit Text of F. Johnson, for the Use of Students (Frederic Pincott)
Hitopadesa: a new literal translation from the Sanskrit text of prof. F. Johnson for the use of students (Frederic Pincott)
Hitopadesa, a New Literal Translation From the Sanskrit Text, of Prof. F. Johnson (Frederic Pincott)
Hitopadesa. A New Literal Translation From the Sanskrit Text of F. Johnson, for the Use of Students (Frederic Pincott,Francis Johnson)