На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Pindar Pindar»
The Nemean and Isthmian odes: with notes explanatory and critical, introductions, and introductory essays (Pindar Pindar)
Pindar: the Nemean and Isthmian odes : with notes explanatory and critical, intro., and introductory essays (Pindar Pindar)
Pindar. The Olympian and Pythian odes; (Pindar Pindar)
The Olympian and Pythian odes (Pindar Pindar)
Pindarou ta sozomena. Pindari opera qvae supersvnt. Textvm in genvina metra restitvit et ex fide librorvm manvscriptorvm doctorvmque coniectvris . perpetvvm et indices ad (Greek Edition) (Pindar Pindar)
Carmina, ad fidem textus Bockhiani. Notas quasdam anglice scriptas adjecit Gulielmus Gifford Cookesley (French Edition) (Pindar Pindar)
Odes. Literally translated into English prose by Dawson W. Turner. To which is adjoined a metrical version by Abraham Moore (Pindar Pindar)
The Olympian and Pythian odes of Pindar; (Pindar Pindar)
The Olympic and Pythian odes of Pindar; (Pindar Pindar)
Selected odes of Pindar: with notes and an introduction (Pindar Pindar)
The Olympian and Pythian odes of Pindar (Pindar Pindar)
Pindar: The Nemean and Isthmian odes with notes (Pindar Pindar)
Palestine, and other poems (Pindar Pindar)
Carmina et fragmenta (Latin Edition) (Pindar Pindar)
Carmina; cum lectionis varietate et adnotationibus. Accedunt interpretatio latina emendatior, scholia, et fragmenta, necnon Godofredi Hermanni . tres, a Chr. Gottl. Heyne (Latin Edition) (Pindar Pindar)
Works (Ancient Greek Edition) (Pindar Pindar)
The Odes of Pindar in English Prose, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Pindar Pindar)
Breviary Treasures (Pindar Pindar)
The Odes of Pindar (Pindar Pindar)
Pindar. The Olympian and Pythian Odes (Pindar Pindar,Basil L. 1831-1924 Gildersleeve)