На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Vito Volterra»
Lectures delivered at the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of Clark University, under the auspices of the Department of Physics (Vito Volterra)
Lectures delivered at the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of Clark University under the auspices of the Department of Physics, Worcester, Mass., September 7-11, 190 (Vito Volterra)
Drei Vorlesungen Uber Neuere Fortschritte Der Mathematischen Physik: Gehalten Im September 1909 an Der Clark-University (German Edition) (Vito Volterra)
Lecons sur les fonctions de lignes, professees a la Sorbonne en 1912 par Vito Volterra . recueillies et redigees par Joseph Peres (Vito Volterra)
Lecons sur les equations integrales et les equations integro-differentielles. Lecons professees a la Faculte des sciences de Rome en 1910 par Vito Volterra, et publiees par M. Tomasetti et F (Vito Volterra)
The Theory of Permutable Functions (Classic Reprint) (Vito Volterra)
Lectures Delivered at the Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Foundation of Clark Univer (Carl Barus,Vito Volterra,Ernest Rutherford)