На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Charles Wesley»
Hymns for the Use of Families and on Various Occasions (Charles Wesley)
Sacred Poetry: Selected from the Works of the Rev. Charles Wesley (Charles Wesley)
Lioar Dy Hymnyn: As Arraneyn Spyrrydoil, Chyndait Gys Gailck, Veih Lioaryn Wesley As Watts, &C. Son Ymmyd Creesteenyn (Charles Wesley)
The early journal of Charles Wesley (Charles Wesley)
Sacred poetry. Edited by a lay member of the Protestant Episcopal Church (Charles Wesley)
Hark the herald angels sing (Charles Wesley)
Journal, Etc: To Which Are Appended Selections from His Correspondence and Poetry, Volume 2 (Charles Wesley)
Charles Wesley Seen in His Finer and Less Familiar Poems (Charles Wesley)
Journal, Etc: To Which Are Appended Selections from His Correspondence and Poetry, Volume 1 (Charles Wesley)
Poetical Version of Nearly the Whole of the Psalms of David (Classic Reprint) (Charles Wesley)
The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Vol. 8 (Charles Wesley)
The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley. Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1739, and 1740 (John Wesley,Charles Wesley,George Osborn)
The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, Reprinted From the Originals With the Last Corrections of the Authors; Together With The Poems of Charles Wesley, not Before Published. Collecte (John Wesley,Charles Wesley,G 1808-1891 Osborn)
A Guide to Syllogism, or, A Manual of Logic ... (Charles Wesley)
Memorials of the Wesley Family. Including Biographical and Historical Sketches of all the Members of the Family for two Hundred and Fifty Years ; Together With a Genealogical Table of the Wes (Charles Wesley,George J. 1818-1888 Stevenson)