На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Stopford Augustus Brooke»
The Fight of Faith: Sermons Preached on Various Occasions (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Theology in the English poets, Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Burns (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The history of early English literature (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Tennyson (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Tennyson, His Art and Relation to Modern Life (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Freedom in the Church of England (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
King Alfred as Educator of his People and Man of Letters (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Life and Letters of Frederick W. Robertson, M.a., Incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 1847-53 (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Life and Letters of Frederick W. Robertson, M.a., Incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 1847-53, Volumes 1-2 (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Life and Letters of Fred W. Robertson (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Tennyson, his art and relation to mo modern life (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
On ten plays of Shakespeare (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The poetry of Robert Browning (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Riquet of the tuft: a love drama (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Studies in poetry (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Tennyson: his art and relation to modern life (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The history of early English literature: being the history of English poetry from its beginnings to the accession of King ?lfred (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Old Testament and modern life (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Theology in the English poets: Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth & Burns (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The history of early English literature: being the history of English poetry from its beginnings to the accession of King Aelfred (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Religion in literature and religion in life (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The onward cry, and other sermons (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Four Victorian poets; a study of Clough (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Ten more plays of Shakespeare (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Christian Hymns (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The History of Early English Literature: Being the History of English Poetry from Its Beginnings to the Accession of King ?lfred, by Stopford A. Brooke (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Fight of Faith, Sermons (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
God and Christ: Sermons Preached in Bedford Chapel (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Freedom in the Church of England, 6 Sermons (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Tennyson, His Art and Relation to Modern Life, Volume 1 (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Sea-Charm of Venice (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Early Life of Jesus: Sermons Preached at Bedford Chapel Bloomsbury (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The History of Early English Literature: Being the History of English Poetry from Its Beginnings to the Accession of King Alfred (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Spirit of the Christian Life: Sermons (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Gospel of Joy (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The History of Early English Literature: Being the History of English Poetry from Its Beginnings to the Accession of King ?lfred, Volume 2 (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Christ in Modern Life: Sermons (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Theology in the English Poets: Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Burns (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Four Victorian Poets: A Study of Clough, Arnold, Rossetti, Morris; with an Introduction On the Course of Poetry from 1822 to 1852 (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Tennyson, His Art and Relation to Modern Life, Volume 2 (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The History of Early English Literature: Being the History of English Poetry from Its Beginnings to the Accession of King ?lfred, by Stopford A. Brooke ., Volume 1 (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The History of Early English Literature: Being the History of English Poetry from Its Beginnings (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Liberal Theology in English Poetry (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Jesus and Modern Thought: Discourses On the Humanity of Jesus and the Love We Bear to Jesus (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Ship of the Soul, and Other Papers (Classic Reprint) (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Fight of Faith (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Onward Cry, and Other Sermons (Classic Reprint) (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
God and Christ (Classic Reprint) (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Tennyson, Vol. 2 of 2 (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Faith and Freedom (Classic Reprint) (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Riquet of the Tuft (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
Studies in Poetry (Classic Reprint) (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
English Literature (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Ship of the Soul, and Other Papers (Stopford Augustus Brooke)
The Early Life of Jesus. Sermons Preached at Bedford Chapel Bloomsbury (Stopford Augustus Brooke)