На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Cunningham Alexander»
The ancient geography of India (Cunningham Alexander)
Book of Indian Eras, with Tables for Calculating Indian Dates (Cunningham Alexander)
Ladak ... with Notices of the Surrounding Countries (Cunningham Alexander)
Report for the Year 1872-73 (Cunningham Alexander)
Report of a Tour in the Central Provinces and Lower Gangetic Doab in 1881-82 (Cunningham Alexander)
Reports of a Tour in Bundelkhand and Rewa in 1883-84, and of a Tour in Rewa, Bundelkhand, Malwa, and Gwalior, in 1884-85 (Cunningham Alexander)
Report of Tours in Bundelkhand and Malwa in 1874-75 and 1876-77 ... (Cunningham Alexander)
Report of a Tour in Eastern Rajputana in 1882-83 (Cunningham Alexander)
The Stupa of Bharhut: A Buddhist Monument Ornamented with Numerous (Cunningham Alexander)
Coins of Ancient India from the Earliest Times Down to the Seventh Century A.D (Cunningham Alexander)
Report of a Tour in the Central Provinces in 1873-74 and 1874-75, Volume IX (Cunningham Alexander)