На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Plotinus Plotinus»
Complete works, in chronological order, grouped in four periods; with biography by Porphyry, Eunapius, & Suidas, commentary by Porphyry, illustrations . influence, index of subjects, thou (Plotinus Plotinus)
Plotinus.translated from the Greek by Stephen Mackenna (Plotinus Plotinus)
Plotinus on the beautiful: being the sixth treatise of the first Ennead (Plotinus Plotinus)
Plotinus: psychic and physical treatises, comprising the second and third Enneads (Plotinus Plotinus)
Plotini Opera Omnia, Porphyrii Liber De Vita Plotini Cum Marsilii Ficini Commentariis Et Ejusdem Interpretatione Castigata, Volume 3 (Latin Edition) (Plotinus Plotinus)
Plotini Opera, Volume 1 (Latin Edition) (Plotinus Plotinus)
Plotinus Psychic and Physical Treatises, Comprising the Second and Third Enneads, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Plotinus Plotinus)