На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Jones Charles Colcock»
The Dead Towns of Georgia (Jones Charles Colcock)
The History of the Church of God During the Period of Revelation (Jones Charles Colcock)
The history of Georgia (Jones Charles Colcock)
Biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to the Continental Congress (Jones Charles Colcock)
The life and services of Commodore Josiah Tattnall (Jones Charles Colcock)
Historical sketch of Tomo-chi-chi, mico of the Yamacraws (Jones Charles Colcock)
The Life, Literary Labors And Neglected Grave Of Richard Henry Wilde, By Charles C. Jones, Jr., Ll. D (Jones Charles Colcock)
Hernando de Soto. The adventures encountered and the route pursued by the adelantado during his march through the territory embraced within the present geographical limits of the state of Geo (Jones Charles Colcock)
Suggestions on the religious instruction of the Negroes in the Southern States (Jones Charles Colcock)
The religious instruction of the Negroes (Jones Charles Colcock)
The life and services of ex-Govenor Charles Jones Jenkins. A memorial address delivered before the General assembly of Georgia, in the hall of the House ... ... in Atlanta, on the 23d of July (Jones Charles Colcock)
Historical sketch of the Chatham artillery during the Confederate struggle for independence (Jones Charles Colcock)
The siege of Savannah, in 1779 (Jones Charles Colcock)
Hon. R. M. T. Hunter. Post-bellum mortality among Confederates (Jones Charles Colcock)
Reminiscences of the last days, death and burial of General Henry Lee (Jones Charles Colcock)
The Religious Instruction of the Negroes in the United States (Jones Charles Colcock)
The History of Georgia, Volume 1 (Jones Charles Colcock)
Historical Address, Delivered To The Liberty Independent Troop, Upon Its Anniversary: February 22, 1856 (Jones Charles Colcock)
Suggestions On The Religious Instruction Of The Negroes In The Southern States: Together With An Appendix Containing Forms Of Church Registers, Form . Of Different Denominations Of Christians (Jones Charles Colcock)