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Horticultural statutes with court decisions and legal opinions relating thereto, also, county ordinances relating to horticulture and list of state . officers. Corrected to March 1, 1908 (California California)
The codes and statutes of California, as amended and in force at the close of the twenty-sixth session of the Legislature, 1885: with notes containing . or illustrating the sections of the co (California California)
The California Practice Act; being an act entitled "An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in the courts of justice in this state," passed . May 4, and May 7, 1855; Feb. 20, (California California)
The constitution of the State of California: adopted in convention, at Sacramento, March 3, 1879 : ratified by a vote of the people May 7, 1879 . : . in California reports vols. 1 to 132 (California California)
Corporation laws of the state of California, 1909. Citations are taken from the California reports up to and including volume 153, and from the . and are followed by later citations as they (California California)
Insurance laws of the State of California, a compilation of the statutes of the State and the ordinances of the City of San Francisco, relating to . in this State, in force at the date hereof (California California)
The Constitution of the state of California: adopted in convention at Sacramento, March 3, 1879, ratified by a vote of the people May 7, 1879 / edited by Edward F. Treadwell (California California)
The Constitution of the state of California: adopted in convention at Sacramento, March 3, 1879, ratified by a vote of the people May 7, 1879,together . 26, 1915, ed. by Edward F. Treadwell, (California California)
California street laws; a discussion of the general laws of California relating to the opening and improving of streets within incorporated cities and . to street work by private contract, wi (California California)
The law establishing and regulating common schools in the state of California, passed May 3, 1855, with notes and explanatory forms, and list of books . the Department of Public Instruction, (California California)
Bank act of the State of California as amended 1915 (California California)
Horticultural statutes with court decisions and legal opinions relating thereto, also, county ordinances relating to horticulture and list of state and ... officers. Corrected to March 1, 190 (California California)
The codes and statutes of the State of California (California California)
Corporation laws of the state of California, 1909. Citations are taken from the California reports up to and including volume 153, and from the California ... and are followed by later citati (California California)
Pharmacy laws of California and Administrative rules of Board of Pharmacy (California California)
Bank act of the state of California (with complete index) (California California)
Insurance laws of the state of California (California California)
Revised school law, approved March 24, 1866 (California California)
Direct primary law with the official forms (California California)
Weights and measures, net container laws (California California)
The road laws of California, embracing the provisions of the constitution, the codes, and special statutory acts relating to highways, bridges and the condemnation of lands for public use (California California)
District irrigation laws of California. Decision thereon by the Supreme Court. Notes and index (California California)
Weights and measures, net container and public weighmaster laws as amended in 1919 (California California)
The law establishing and regulating common schools in the state of California, passed May 3, 1855, with notes and explanatory forms, and list of books ... Department of Public Instruction, Be (California California)
Laws of California relating to women and children (California California)
Bank act of California, including 1919 amendments (California California)
Bank Act of California, including 1921 amendments (California California)
Constitution of the State of California (California California)
Lunacy Law of the State of California, 1913 (Classic Reprint) (California California)
Direct Primary Law of California (California California)
Laws of California Relating to Women and Children (California California,William Chambers,Elizabeth L Kenney)