На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Marcus Dods»
The book of Genesis and The book of Exodus (Marcus Dods)
The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels. Translated from the German of J. P. Lange (Marcus Dods)
The Bible, Its Origin and Nature: Seven Lectures (Marcus Dods)
The Supernatural in Christianity: With Special Reference to Statements in the Recent Gifford Lectures (Marcus Dods)
Christ and Man (Marcus Dods)
Christ and Man Sermons (Marcus Dods)
Why Be a Christian Addresses to Young Men (Marcus Dods)
The Bible Its Origin and Nature (Marcus Dods)
The works of Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo: a new translation (Marcus Dods)
The city of God. Translated by Marcus Dods (Marcus Dods)
The Works of Aurelius Augustine: A New Translation, Volume 15 (Marcus Dods)
The Works of Aurelius Augustine: A New Translation, Volume 3 (Marcus Dods)
The City of God, Volume 2 (Marcus Dods)
The parables of Our Lord. Second series. The parables recorded by St. Luke (Marcus Dods)
The prayer that teaches to pray (Marcus Dods)
Forerunners of Dante: an account of some of the more important visions of the unseen world, from the earliest times (Marcus Dods)
The parables of our Lord: the parables recorded by St. Matthew (Marcus Dods)
The presently controverted opinions of Professor Marcus Dods: on the inspiration of Holy Scripture, refuted (Marcus Dods)
The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels, Volume 3 (Marcus Dods)
The literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount (Marcus Dods)
The Gospel of St. John (Marcus Dods)
How to become like Christ : and other papers (Marcus Dods)
How to Become Like Christ (Dodo Press) (Marcus Dods)
Later Letters of Marcus Dods, D.D (Marcus Dods)
The Gospel of St. John, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Marcus Dods)
The Book of Genesis (Classic Reprint) (Marcus Dods)
Handbooks (Marcus Dods)
The Parables of Our Lord (Classic Reprint) (Marcus Dods)
The Post-Exilian Prophets (Marcus Dods)
The Epistles of Our Lord the Seven Churches of Asia (Classic Reprint) (Marcus Dods)
The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Vol. 6 (Marcus Dods)
Handbooks for Bible Classes and Private Students (Classic Reprint) (Marcus Dods)
How to Become Like Christ (Marcus Dods)
Sermons (Classic Reprint) (Marcus Dods)
The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Vol. 3 (Marcus Dods)
On the Incarnation of the Eternal Word (Classic Reprint) (Marcus Dods)
The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Vol. 13 (Marcus Dods)
The Literal Interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount (Marcus Dods,James Moffatt,James Denney)
The Bible and Its Origin and Nature (Marcus Dods)
Erasmus and Other Essays (Marcus Dods)