На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «B. Franklin»
The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
The Essays, Humorous, Moral and Literary of the Late Dr. Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
Some Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital (B. Franklin)
The Works of the Late Dr. Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Containing Several Political and Historical Tracts Not Included (B. Franklin)
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin: : consisting of his life, written by himself; together with essays, humorous, moral & literary, chiefly in the manner of the Spectator (B. Franklin)
Familiar letters and miscellaneous papers of Benjamin Franklin; now for the first time published (B. Franklin)
Benjamin Franklin, His Life (B. Franklin)
Bogtrykkeren Benjamin Franklin; Uddrag af Hans Selvbiografi (B. Franklin)
Benjamin Franklin: his autobiography ; with a narrative of his public life and services (B. Franklin)
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, now first printed in England from the full and authentic text (B. Franklin)
Some account of the Pennsylvania Hospital; from its first rise, to the beginning of the fifth month, called May, 1754 (B. Franklin)
Philosophical and miscellaneous papers. Lately written by B. Franklin, LL.D (B. Franklin)
The Chess Player (B. Franklin)
The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, in philosophy, politics, and morals (B. Franklin)
The posthumous and other writings of Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
The complete works in philosophy, politics, and morals, of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin: now first collected and arranged : with memories of his early life (B. Franklin)
The life & writings of Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
The private correspondence of Benjamin Franklin comprising a series of letters on miscellaneous, litarary, and political subjects: written between . and private life, and developing the secr (B. Franklin)
The private correspondence of Benjamin Franklin . comprising a series of letters on miscellaneous, literary, and political subjects: written between . and private life, and developing the sec (B. Franklin)
The private life of the late Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
The ledger of Doctor Benjamin Franklin . postmaster general, 1776: a fac-simile of the original manuscript now on file on the records of the Post office department of the United States (B. Franklin)
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: with a continuation drawn from his letters : edited for use in schools (B. Franklin)
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin with an introduction and notes (B. Franklin)
The life and essays of Dr. Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Including the Private As Well As the Official and Scientific Correspondence Together with the Unmutilated and Correct Version of the Autobiography, Volume 2 (B. Franklin)
The Writings of Benjamin Franklin: 1783-1788 (B. Franklin)
The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Including the Private As Well As the Official and Scientific Correspondence Together with the Unmutilated and Correct Version of the Autobiography, Volume 8 (B. Franklin)
The Essays, Humourous, Moral and Literary: Of the Late Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Including the Private As Well As the Official and Scientific Correspondence Together with the Unmutilated and Correct Version of the Autobiography, Volume 7 (B. Franklin)
The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Volume 2 (B. Franklin)
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals, of the Late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Now First Collected and Arranged: With Memories of His Early Life, Volume 1 (B. Franklin)
The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin .: Pt.I. Letters On Miscellaneous Subjects (B. Franklin)
The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, Ll.D, F.R.S., &c. Minister Plenipontentiary from the United States of America at the Court of France, . &c. &c: Comprising a Serie (B. Franklin)
The Gospel Preacher: A Book of Twenty Sermons, Volume 2 (B. Franklin)
The Life of Benjamin Franklin: Containing the Autobiography, with Notes and a Continuation (B. Franklin)
The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Volume 8 (B. Franklin)
Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces: Arranged Under the Following Heads, and Distinguished by Initial Letters in Each Leaf: G. P. . A. D. T. American Politics During the Troubl (B. Franklin)
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals, of the Late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Now First Collected and Arranged: With Memories of His Early Life, Volume 2 (B. Franklin)
The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself, Volume 1 (B. Franklin)
The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself: Now First Edited from Original Manuscripts and from His Printed Correspondence and Other Writings, Volume 1 (B. Franklin)
The Creed and Modern Thought (B. Franklin)
Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, Volume 2 (B. Franklin)
The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Volume 3 (B. Franklin)
The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, Ll.D, F.R.S., &c. Minister Plenipontentiary from the United States of America at the Court of . with Great Britain, &c. &c: Compri (B. Franklin)
The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Including the Private As Well As the Official and Scientific Correspondence Together with the Unmutilated and Correct Version of the Autobiography, Volume 6 (B. Franklin)
The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself: Now First Edited from Original Manuscripts and from His Printed Correspondence and Other Writings, Volume 2 (B. Franklin)
The Life of Benjamin Franklin: Containing the Autobiography (B. Franklin)
The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written by Himself: Now First Edited from Original Manuscripts and from His Printed Correspondence and Other Writings, Volume 3 (B. Franklin)
The Postumous and Other Writings of Benjamin Franklin (B. Franklin)
The Works of . Franklin: Consisting of Essays, Humorous, Moral, and Literary, with His Life (B. Franklin)
The Works of Benjamin Franklin: Including the Private As Well As the Official and Scientific Correspondence Together with the Unmutilated and Correct Version of the Autobiography, Volume 12 (B. Franklin)
The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin .: Pt.III. Letters Relating to Negotiations for Peace &c (B. Franklin)
The Writings of Benjamin Franklin: 1777-1779. V. 8. 1780-1782 (B. Franklin)
Franklin in France (B. Franklin)
The Life of Benjamin Franklin: Illustrated by Tales, Sketches, and Anecdotes : Adapted to the Use of Schools : With Engravings (B. Franklin)
Tvaer Aefisogur Utlendra Merkismanna (Icelandic Edition) (B. Franklin)
Observations On Smoky Chimneys, Their Causes and Cure: With Considerations On Fuel and Stoves (B. Franklin)
ivot Bendamina Franklina (Serbian Edition) (B. Franklin)
OEuvres De M. Franklin . (French Edition) (B. Franklin)
Correspondance De Benjamin Franklin: 1757-1775 (French Edition) (B. Franklin)
Vita Di Beniamino Franklin, Scritta Da Se Medesimo (Italian Edition) (B. Franklin)
The Creed and Modern Thought (Classic Reprint) (B. Franklin)
The American Age of Reason (B. Franklin,T. Jefferson,T. Paine)