На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «William Whewell»
The elements of morality, including polity (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time, Volume I (William Whewell)
On the Foundations of Morals: Four Sermons Preached Before the University of (William Whewell)
Hugonis Grotii De Jure Belli Et Pacis Libri Tres: Accompanied by an Abridged Translation (William Whewell)
The Life and Selections from the Correspondence of William Whewell, Part 4 (William Whewell)
Hugonis Grotii De Jure Belli Et Pacis Libri Tres (Latin Edition) (William Whewell)
The Theological Works of Isaac Barrow, Volume 4 (William Whewell)
The Theological Works of Isaac Barrow, Volume 1 (William Whewell)
The Theological Works of Isaac Barrow, Volume 2 (William Whewell)
The Theological Works of Isaac Barrow, Volume 6 (William Whewell)
Plato and Socrates (William Whewell)
The Platonic Dialogues for English Readers (William Whewell)
Geschichte Der Inductiven Wissenschaften: Th. Geschichte Der Electricitat. Geschichte Des Magnetismus. Geschichte Des Galvanismus, Oder Der . Der Systematischen Botani (German Edition) (William Whewell)
Geschichte Der Inductiven Wissenschaften: Th. Geschichte Der Mechanischen Wissenschaften. Geschichte Der Physischen Astronomie. Geschichte Der . Warmelehre Und Meteorology (German Edition) (William Whewell)
William Whewell, D. D., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge: An Account of His Writings with Selections from His Literary and Scientific Correspondence (William Whewell)
Lectures on the history of moral philosophy (William Whewell)
History of scientific ideas (William Whewell)
History of the inductive sciences: from the earliest to the present time (William Whewell)
The philosophy of the inductive sciences: founded upon their history (William Whewell)
On the principles of English university education ; (William Whewell)
Indications of the creator: extracts, bearing upon theology, from the History and the Philosophy of the inductive sciences (William Whewell)
Of a liberal education in general: and with particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: From the Earliest to the Present Times, Volume 3 (William Whewell)
The Elements of Morality: Including Polity, Volume 2 (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: Vi. Mechanics, Including Fluid Mechanics. Vii. Physical Astronomy. Viii. Acoustics. Ix. Optics, Formal and Physical. X. Thermotics and Atmology (William Whewell)
Of a Liberal Education in General; and with Especial Reference to the University of Cambridge (William Whewell)
Conic Sections: Their Principal Properties Proved Geometrically (William Whewell)
Lectures On Systematic Morality (William Whewell)
The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, Volume 3 (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: I. the Greek School Philosophy, with Reference to Physical Science. Ii. the Physical Sciences in Ancient Greece. . V. Formal Astronomy After the Stationary (William Whewell)
First Principles of Mechanics: With Historical and Practical Illustrations (William Whewell)
On the Foundations of Morals: Four Sermons Preached Before the University of Cambridge, November, 1837; with Additional Discourses and Essays (William Whewell)
History of Scientific Ideas: Being the First Part of the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences (William Whewell)
The Mechanical Euclid, Containing the Elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics (William Whewell)
The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences: Founded Upon Their History, Volume 2 (William Whewell)
The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, Volume 6 (William Whewell)
History of Inductive Sciences (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time, Volume 2 (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: From the Earliest to the Present Times (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: From the Earliest to the Present Times, Volume 1 (William Whewell)
Lectures On the History of Moral Philosophy in England (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time, Volume 1 (William Whewell)
The Mechanical Euclid: Containing the Elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics Demonstrated After the Manner of the Elements of Geometry; and Including . Requisite for the Degree of B.a. to Whi (William Whewell)
On the Free Motion of Points, and On Universal Gravitation: Including the Principal Propositions of Books I. and Iii. of the Principia; the First Part of a Treatise On Dynamics (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: From the Earliest to the Present Times, Volume 2 (William Whewell)
History of Scientific Ideas, Volume 1 (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time, Volume 3 (William Whewell)
On the Free Motion of Points, and On Universal Gravitation: Including the Principal Propositions of Books I. and Iii. of the Principia; the First Part of a New Edition of a Treatise On Dynami (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: From the Earliest to the Present Time, Volumes 1-3 (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: Xi. Electricity. Xii. Magnetism. Xiii. Galvanism, Or Voltaic Electricity. Xiv. Chemistry. Xv. Mineralogy. Xvi. . and Comparative Anatomy. Xviii. Geology (William Whewell)
History of Scientific Ideas: Being the First Part of the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, Volume 1 (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences: Xi. Electricity. Xii. Magnetism. Xiii. Galvanism, Or Voltaic Electricity. Xiv. Chemistry. Xv. Mineralogy. Xvi. . Anatomy. Xviii. Geology.: From the Earliest (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time: Viii. Acoustics. Ix. Optics, Formal and Physical. X. Thermotics and Atmology. . Electricity. Xiv. Chemistry. Xv. Miner (William Whewell)
On the Philosophy of Discovery: Chapters Historical and Critical (William Whewell)
On the Principles of English University Education: Including Additional Thoughts On the Study of Mathematics (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences, from the Earliest to the Present Time: Viii. Acoustics. Ix. Optics, Formal and Physical. X. Thermotics and . Electricity. Xiv. Chemistry. Xv. Mineralog (William Whewell)
The Theological Works of Isaac Barrow (William Whewell)
On the Motion of Points Constrained and Resisted, and On the Motion of a Rigid Body: The Second Part of a New Edition of a Treatise On Dynamics (William Whewell)
The Mechanical Euclid: Containing the Elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics Demonstrated After the Manner of the Elements of Geometry; and Including . As Requisite for the Degree of B. A. to (William Whewell)
The Doctrine of Limits with Its Applications: Namely, Conic Sections, the First Three Sections of Newton, the Differential Calculus. a Portion of a Course of University Education (William Whewell)
On the Free Motion of Points, and On Universal Gravitation: Including the Principle Propositions of Books I. and Iii. of the Principia, Volume 1 (William Whewell)
The Mechanics of Engineering: Intended for Use in Universities and in Colleges of Engineers (William Whewell)
The Knight of Toggenburg (William Whewell)
Geschichte der inductiven Wissenschaften, der Astronomie, Physik, Mechanik, Chemie, Geologie von der fruhesten bis zu unserer Zeit (German Edition) (William Whewell)
On the principles of English university education; (William Whewell)
The Plurality of Worlds: With an Introduction by Edward Hitchcock (William Whewell)
Geschichte der inductiven Wissenschaften, der Astronomie, Physik, Mechanik, Chemie, Geologie von der fruhesten bis zu unserer Zeit (William Whewell)
Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy (Classic Reprint) (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences, Vol. 2 of 3 (William Whewell)
The Platonic Dialogues, Vol. 3 (William Whewell)
History of Scientific Ideas, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (William Whewell)
Of a Liberal Education in General; And With Especial Reference to the University of Cambridge, Vol. 1 (William Whewell)
The Elements of Morality, Vol. 2 of 2 (William Whewell)
Grotius on the Rights of War and Peace (William Whewell)
Six Lectures on Political Economy (William Whewell)
On The Motion Of Points Constrained And Resisted, And On The Motion Of A Rigid Body. The Second Part Of A New Edition Of A Treatise On Dynamics (1834) (William Whewell)
The Elements of Morality. Including Polity; Volume I (William Whewell)
Novum Organon Renovatum. Being the Second Part of the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences (William Whewell)
History of Scientific Ideas, The Third Edition; Volume II (William Whewell)
Elements of Morality Including Polity Part 2 (William Whewell)
The Philosophy Of The Inductive Sciences V1. Founded Upon Their History (1847) (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time V1 (William Whewell)
History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to the Present Time V2 (William Whewell)