На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Berthold Laufer»
The Prehistory of Aviation (Berthold Laufer)
Chinese baskets (Berthold Laufer)
Sino-Iranica (Berthold Laufer)
The diamond: a study in Chinese and Hellenistic folk-lore (Berthold Laufer)
Sino-Iranica; Chinese contributions to the history of civilization in ancient Iran, with special reference to the history of cultivated plants and products (Berthold Laufer)
Japanese collections: Frank W. Gunsaulus Hall (Berthold Laufer)
Boas Anniversary Volume: Anthropological Papers Written in Honor of Franz Boas (Berthold Laufer)
The Beginnings of Porcelain in China, Volume 15, issue 2 (Berthold Laufer)
Chinese Clay Figures, Part 1 (Berthold Laufer)
Sino-Iranica: Chinese Contributions to the History of Civilization in Ancient Iran, with Special Reference to the History of Cultivated Plants and Products, Volume 15, issue 3 (Berthold Laufer)
The Diamond: A Study in Chinese and Hellenistic Folk-Lore, Volume 15 (Berthold Laufer)
Descriptive Account of the Collection of Chinese, Tibetan, Mongol, and Japanese Books in the Newberry Library (Classic Reprint) (Berthold Laufer)
Jade. A Study in Chinese Archaeology and Religion Volume Fieldiana, Anthropology; Volume 10 (Berthold Laufer)
Boas Anniversary Volume. Anthropological Papers Written in Honor of Franz Boas (Berthold Laufer,H A. Andrews)
Chinese Clay Figures, Part 1. Prolegomena On The History Of Defensive Armor (1914) (Berthold Laufer)
Ethnology of the Mayas of Southern and Central British Honduras. Fieldiana, Anthropology, v. 17, no.2 (Berthold Laufer,John Eric Sidney Thompson)