На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Mike Halsey»
Beginning Windows 8 (Mike Halsey)
Windows 8: Out of the Box (Mike Halsey)
Troubleshoot and Optimize Windows 8 Inside Out: The ultimate, in-depth troubleshooting and optimizing reference (Mike Halsey)
Windows 10 Primer. What to Expect from Microsoft's New Operating System (Mike Halsey)
The Windows 10 Productivity Handbook. Discover Expert Tips, Tricks, and Hidden Features in Windows 10 (Mike Halsey)
Beginning Windows 8.1 (Mike Halsey)
Windows 10 Troubleshooting (Mike Halsey)
Windows Registry Troubleshooting (Mike Halsey,Andrew Bettany)
The IT Support Handbook. A How-To Guide to Providing Effective Help and Support to IT Users (Mike Halsey)
Beginning Windows 10. Do More with Your PC (Mike Halsey)
The Windows 10 Accessibility Handbook. Supporting Windows Users with Special Visual, Auditory, Motor, and Cognitive Needs (Mike Halsey)
Windows Networking Troubleshooting (Joli Ballew,Mike Halsey)
Gemini PDA Official User Guide (Mike Halsey)