На данной странице предаставлены все книги автора «Eugene F. Brigham»
Principles of Finance (Scott Besley,Eugene F. Brigham)
Study Guide to accompany Essentials of Managerial Finance (Scott Besley,Eugene F. Brigham)
Fundamentals of Financial Management (Concise Edition with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition and TVM Card) (Eugene F. Brigham,Joel F. Houston)
Fundamentals of Financial Management (with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition) (Eugene F. Brigham,Joel F. Houston)
Study Guide to accompany Financial Management: Theory and Practice (Eugene F. Brigham)
Intermediate Financial Management (+ CD-ROM) (Eugene F. Brigham,Phillip R. Daves)
Financial Management/infotrac: Theory and Practice (Eugene F. Brigham,Michael C. Ehrhardt)
Fundamentals of Financial Management With Infotrac: Concise (Eugene F. Brigham,Joel F. Houston)
Financial Management: Theory and Practice (Eugene F. Brigham,Michael C. Ehrhardt)
CFIN 2010 (with Review Cards and Printed Access Card) (Scott Besley,Eugene F. Brigham)