На данной странице предаставлены все книги по ключевому слову «актёрское мастерство»
Актерский тренинг: теория и практика (Л. В. Грачева)
Script into Performance: A Structuralist Approach ()
The Eight Characters of Comedy: A Guide to Sitcom Acting And Writing (Scott Sedita)
The Intercultural Performance Training Handbook (John Martin)
De Niro: A Biography (John Baxter)
Peter Ustinov: The Gift of Laughter, The Authorized Biography (John Miller)
Spirit of America: Patriotic Monologues for Middleand High School Students (Young Actors Series) ()
70 Not Out: The Biography of Sir Michael Caine (William Hall)
The Theatre Arts Audition Book for Women ()
Good Morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip : Movies, Memory and World War II ()
Richard Harris: Sex, Death & The Movies (Michael Feeney Callan)
The Christopher Lee Filmography: All Theatrical Releases, 1948-2003 ()
Liz Hurley Uncovered ()
Casting Might-Have-Beens: A Film-by-Film Directory of Actors Considered For Roles Given To Others (Eila Mell)
Remembering : Oral History Performance (Palgrave Studies in Oral History) ()
Starring Michael Caine (David Bishop)
How to Get an Acting Job Outside of New York and Hollywood ()
Babe: The Life Of Oliver Hardy (John McCabe)
The Monologue : From Mystery to Mastery (Peter DeAnello)
Original Monologues That Showcase Your Talent (Dwight Watson)
Smirk, Sneer and Scream: Great Acting in Horror Cinema (Mark Clark)
Being an Actor (Simon Callow)
Bad Boys: The Actors of Film Noir (Karen Burroughs Hannsberry)
Steve McQueen: Portrait of an American Rebel (Marshall Terrill)
The Faber Book of Monologues: Women ()
Bette Davis ()
The Strong, Silent Type: Over 100 Screen Cowboys, 1903-1930 (Buck Rainey)
The Faber Book of Monologues: Men ()
Legend: The Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe (Fred Lawrence Guiles)
Swashbuckling : A Step-by-Step Guide to the Art of Stage Combat and Theatrical Swordplay - Revised and Updated Editi ()
Scenes for Actors and Voices (Daws Butler)
Stage Acting Techniques (john Hester)
Bette Davis (Life & Times) (Laura Moser)
Shooting the Actor (Simon Callow)
James Dean: A Biography (John Howlett)
Vincent Price: The Art of Fear (Denis Meikle)
Drive-In Dream Girls: A Galaxy of B-Movie Starlets of the Sixties ()
Listen, Feel, Respond : A workbook and guide to acting on camera (Paul Neal Rohrer)
Spare Scenes : 60 Skeletal Scenes for Acting and Directing (Diane Timmerman)
Going Hollywood : How to Get Started, Keep Going and Not Turn Into a Sleaze (Kristin M Burke)
Improv for Actors (Dan Diggles)
Vivien Leigh: A Biography (Michelangelo Capua)
Tallulah: My Autobiography (Southern Icons Series) ()
Fallen Stars : Tragic Lives and Lost Careers (Julian Upton)
Drama Games & Improvs: Games For the Classroom and Beyond (Justine Jones,Mary Ann Kelley)
70 Not Out: The Authorised Biography Of Michael Caine (William Hall)
The John Wayne Filmography (Fred Landesman)
The Perfect Monologue : How to Find and Perform the Monologue That Will Get You the Part (Ginger Howard Friedman)
Killer Tomatoes: Fifteen Tough Film Dames ()
The Other Way: An Alternative Approach to Acting and Directing (The Applause acting series) (Charles Marowitz)
Play-Acting: A Guide to Theatre Workshops (Luke Dixon)
Doris Day (Eric Braun)
Celebrity-In-Chief: How Show Business Took over the White House ()
The Harold Lloyd Encyclopedia ()
The Films of Audie Murphy (Bob Larkins)
The Valentino Mystique: The Death and Afterlife of the Silent Film Idol ()
The Theatre Arts Audition Book for Men (Theatre Arts (Routledge Paperback)) ()
Cruise Control (Wensley Clarkson)
Friendly Enemies: Maximizing the Director-Actor Relationship (Delia Salvi)
The Bob Hope Films (James L. Neibaur)
The Best Stage Scenes of 2003 (Best Stage Scenes) ()
The Complete Voice and Speech Workout: 74 Exercises for Classroom and Studio Use (Janet Rodgers)
Работа актера над собой. О технике актера (К. С. Станиславский,М. А. Чехов)
Театрализованные праздники и обряды в СССР (А. А. Конович)
Моя профессия - театр! (Рубен Агамирзян)
Куклы выходят на сцену: книга для учителя (И. Н. Соломоник)
Этьен Декру. Теория и школа "mime pur" (Елена Маркова)
К истории творческого метода (В. Э. Мейерхольд)
Михаил Чехов. Литературное наследие в двух томах. Том 1. Воспоминания. Письма (Михаил Чехов)
Методологические основы актерского мастерства и режиссуры в театральной педагогике (В. А. Ремнев)
Вопросы театроведения ()
Художник театра (Илья Сегаль)
Музыка, которую мы видим (И. Г. Шароев)
Зрелищность и выразительность театрализованного представления (Сергей Овсянников)
Силуэт на экране (Н. Т. Ширман)
Начало (З. Я. Корогодский)
Sonia Moore and American Acting Training : With a Sliver of Wood in Hand (Suzanne M. Trauth)
Living on Stage: Acting from the Inside Out: A Practical Approach (Walt Witcover)
First Steps in Acting (Samuel Seldon)
The Verbal Arts Workbook (Methuen Drama) (David Carey,Rebecca Clark Carey)
The Art of Acting (Stella Adler)
Real : Scenes and Monlogues for Urban Youth (Lynn Pannell)
Why the Long Face? : The Adventures of a Truly Independent Actor (Craig Chester)
Be a Great Stand-Up: A Teach Yourself Guide (Teach Yourself: Reference) (Logan Murray)
Promoting Your Acting Career: A Step-By-Step Guide To Opening The Right Doors (Glenn Alterman)
Dreamwork for Actors (Janet Sonenberg)
Сценография. Теория и опыт (А. А. Михайлова)
Contemporary Southeast Asian Performance: Transnational Perspectives (Laura Noszlopy and Matthew Isaac Cohen)
The Dragon and the Tiger: The Birth of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, the Oakland Years (Greglon Yimm Lee)
To Move or Not to Move to LA? One Actor's Journey to Find the Answer (Geri Payawal)
Выразительное слово. Опыт исследования и руководства в области механики, психологии, философии и эстетики речи в жизни и на сцене (С. М. Волконский)