На данной странице предаставлены все книги по ключевому слову «ренессанс»
Ирвинг Стоун. Собрание сочинений в 13 томах. Том 6. Муки и радости. Роман о Микеланджело (Ирвинг Стоун)
James V : The Personal Rule, 1528-1542 (Critical Views) (Jamie Cameron)
Leonardo (Martin Kemp)
The Decline, Revival and Fall of the British Empire : The Ford Lectures and Other Essays (John Andrew Gallagher)
Italian Ate: Art & Italian Cooking (Janet Jeffs)
Henry VIII Revealed: Holbein's Portrait and Its Legcy (Xanthe Brooke)
The Lost Tapestries of the City of Ladies: Christine De Pizan's Renaissance Legacy (Susan Groag Bell)
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci (Volume 1) (Leonardo da Vinci)
Battle of the Nudes: Pollaiuolo's Renaissance Masterpiece (Shelley R. Langdale)
"The Dance around the Golden Calf" by Lucas van Leyden (Jan Piet Fildet Kok)
Brunelleschi's Egg: Nature, Art, and Gender in Renaissance Italy (Mary D. Garrard)
Renaissance Theories of Vision (John Shannon Hendrix,Charles H. Carman)
Renaissance Art And Architecture (Gordon Campbell)
Passion in Venice: The Man of Sorrows from Bellini to Tintoretto (William Barcham)
From The Attic Of Civilization: Rembrandt And His Biblical Art (Dr Leonard S Girsh)
Thoughts on Art and Life (Leonardo da Vinci)
Raw Painting: "The Butcher's Shop" by Annibale Carracci (Kimbell Masterpiece Series) (C. D. Dickerson III)
The Italian Renaissance / Итальянский Ренессанс (Shaaron Magrelli,Giovanna Uzzani)
Сонеты (Данте Алигьери,Джованни Боккаччо,Франческо Петрарка)
Сочинения (Луиза Лабе)
Мазуччо. Новеллино (Гвардато Мазуччо)
A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age (William Manchester)
Безобразный Ренессанс: Секс, жестокость, разврат в век красоты (Александр Ли)