На данной странице предаставлены все книги по ключевому слову «государство и право»
Государство и право (С. С. Алексеев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в вопросах и ответах (А. В. Севастьянов)
История государства и права России в вопросах и ответах (И. А. Исаев)
История государства и права России (И. А. Исаев)
История государства и права России. Конспект лекций (А. В. Якушев)
История политических и правовых учений (В. Г. Графский)
Проблемы общей теории государства и права: в 2 томах том 1: Государство (М. Н. Марченко)
Проблемы теории государства и права (М. Н. Марченко)
Теория государства и права в вопросах и ответах (Л. А. Морозова)
Теория государства и права в вопросах и ответах (М. Н. Марченко)
Теория государства и права (Е. И. Темнов)
Теория государства и права (М. И. Абдулаев)
Теория государства и права (М. Н. Марченко)
Теория государства и права (Л. А. Морозова)
Теория государства и права (Т. Н. Радько)
Теория государства и права. Элементарный курс (А. В. Малько,В. В. Нырков,К. В. Шундиков)
Общее учение о праве и государстве (Иван Ильин)
Общее государственное право (Б. Н. Чичерин)
История государственного управления в России (Н. А. Омельченко)
Проблемы теории государства и права (М. М. Рассолов)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для вузов (М. И. Абдулаев)
Философские аспекты правозащитной деятельности в истории государства российского (А. Е. Цуков)
История государства и права России IX - начала XX веков (В. А. Рогов)
Теория государства и права (Т. А. Клепицкая)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (И. А. Исаев,Е. А. Рыжкова,К. И. Батыр,Г. С. Кнопов,С. Ю. Седаков,Т. А. Селиверстов,Т. П. Филип)
Мировая юстиция (Н. А. Колоколов,С. Г. Павликов,А. Н. Сачков)
Теория государства и права (А. В. Попова)
История отечественного государства и права (Т. К. Кириллова)
История государства и права России ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран (В. В. Сажина,Д. Е. Тагунов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Конспект лекций (А. В. Желудков)
История государства и права России (С. М. Кошелев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (С. М. Кошелев)
Конституционное право зарубежных стран (Н. М. Кондратович,Г. А. Василевич,Л. А. Приходько)
Теория государства и права (А. В. Якушев)
Теория государства и права в схемах, определениях и комментариях (А. В. Малько)
Лучшие рефераты по государственному регулированию и налогообложению ()
Теория государства и права (Под редакцией А. С. Пиголкина и Ю. А. Дмитриева)
Общая теория государства и права (С. А. Комаров)
Элементарные начала общей теории права (В. И. Червонюк,И. В. Гойман-Калинский,Г. И. Иванец)
Учебник истории русского права периода империи (XVIII и XIX вв.) (В. Н. Латкин)
Теория государства и права. Шпаргалки. 3 изд. исправ. и доп (Головистикова Анастасия Николаевна)
Теория государства и права. Учебный курс (Г. В. Назаренко)
История государства права и судопроизводства зарубежных стран (М. Н. Прудников)
Теория государства и права (А. Б. Венгеров)
Открытость правосудия в России. Проблемы и перспективы правового регулирования (Под редакцией С. В. Кабышева,Н. Н. Чучелиной)
История государственного управления в России (Н. А. Омельченко,Е. П. Казбан)
Всеобщая история государства и права. Том 2. Учебник (О. А. Омельченко)
Всеобщая история права и государства (В. Г. Графский)
Теория государства и права (Р. А. Ромашов)
История государства и права России. Краткий курс (В. В. Баталина)
Государственная гражданская служба (Л. В. Акопов,А. К. Агапонов,Е. П. Беклемищев)
История государства и права России (IX-XIX вв.) (С. В. Юшков)
История государства и права России (Д. А. Пашенцев)
История государства и права славянских народов. Учебное пособие ()
История отечественного государства и права. Часть 1 ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран (О. А. Кудинов)
Всеобщая история государства и права. Учебник для вузов в двух томах. Том 2. Новое время. Новейшее время ()
Всеобщая история государства и права. Учебник для вузов в двух томах. Том 1. Древний мир и средние века ()
Конституционное право Российской Федерации. Курс лекций. Часть 1. Основы теории конституционного права (Ю. А. Дмитриев,М. П. Авдеенкова)
История государства и права России (В. М. Сырых)
История государства и права России (А. Е. Иваньков,М. А. Иванькова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. В. Макаров)
Правоведение. Курс лекций (О. А. Зайцев)
Основы государства и права. Ответы на экзаменационные вопросы (М. И. Петров)
Основы охранной деятельности. Практическое пособие для сотрудников негосударственных охранных организаций (С. Н. Федоткин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Экзаменационные ответы для студентов вузов (И. В. Абдурахманова,Н. Е. Орлова)
Конституционный Суд Российской Федерации. Постановления. Определения. 2001 ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Конспект лекций в схемах (В. П. Водопьянов)
Теория государства и права (А. Н. Чашин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Краткий курс (Н. А. Никифорова)
Хрестоматия по всеобщей истории государства и права. Том 2 ()
Хрестоматия по всеобщей истории государства и права. Том 1 ()
Теория государства и права (А. В. Малько,Н. И. Матузов)
Теория государства и права в схемах и определениях (Н. А. Недоцук)
Проблемы общей теории права и государства ()
Общая теория государства и права. Академический курс в 3 томах. Том 1 ()
Общая теория государства и права. Академический курс в 3 томах. Том 2 ()
Общая теория государства и права. Академический курс в 3 томах. Том 3 ()
Теория государства и права (+ CD-ROM) (С. В. Бошно)
Правовое регулирование транспортно-экспедиторской деятельности (Ю. А. Чунтомова,К. И. Плужников)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах. Том 1. Древний мир и Средние века ()
История государства и права России (В. Е. Усанов)
Теория государства и права. Ответы на экзаменационные вопросы (А. В. Селянин)
Теория государства и права в вопросах и ответах (А. В. Малько)
Теория государства и права. Курс лекций ()
Проблемы теории государства и права ()
Экзамен по теории государства и права (Е. В. Романова)
Конституционное право в Российской Федерации. Курс лекций. В 9 томах. Том 1. Основы теории конституционного права (Ю. А. Дмитриев,М. П. Авдеенкова)
Теория государства и права. Схемы и комментарии ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. А. Вологдин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Хрестоматия (Н. Н. Ягур)
Исполнительное производство в Российской Федерации. Курс лекций (И. Н. Балашова,О. В .Исаенкова,А. Н. Балашов)
Теория государства и права. Краткий курс ()
Теория государства и права (И. В. Упоров,О. В. Старков,Л. П. Рассказов)
Основы знаний о государстве и праве (в схемах и определениях) (Б. С. Эбзеев,И. В. Левакин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (Р. Т. Мухаев)
Оказание юридической помощи населению в Российской Федерации (В. И. Качалов,О. В. Качалова)
Теория государства и права ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран (М. М. Борисевич,О. А. Бельчук,С. Г. Евтушенко)
Государство и право: философские проблемы (Ю. В. Сорокина)
История правоохранительных органов Отечества (В. В. Рыбников,Г. В. Алексушин)
История политических и правовых учений. Основные классические идеи (С. А. Дробышевский)
Теория государства и права. Элементарный курс (М. Н. Марченко)
История отечественного государства и права (Мулукаев Р.С.,Чистяков О.И.,Четвертков А.М.,Чистякова Л.Н.)
Исполнительное право в Российской Федерации. Особенности становления и перспективы развития (О. В. Исаенкова)
История государства и права России (И. Н. Кузнецов)
История отечественного государства и права (Т. В. Шатковская)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. И. Косарев)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права России (Ю. П. Титов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (Ю. С. Тинт)
История политических и правовых учений. Хрестоматия (В. П. Малахов)
История отечественного государства и права (А. И. Тихонов)
Теория государства и права в таблицах и схемах (А. Н. Головистикова,Ю. А. Дмитриев)
Шпаргалка по истории государства и права России ()
Проблемы теории государства и права (+ CD) (Под редакцией В. М. Сырых)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Конспект лекций (А. В. Попова)
Учебник русского уголовного процесса. Часть 2. Судопроизводство (В. К. Случевский)
Общая теория права и государства (В. С. Нерсесянц)
История отечественного государства и права (А. А. Акмалова,В. А. Смирнов)
Происхождение государства и права (Т. В. Кашанина)
Теория государства и права в схемах (О. М. Беляева)
Хрестоматия по истории отечественного государства и права. X век - 1917 год ()
Теория государства и права (Л. П. Рассказов)
Теория государства и права (А. В. Макаров)
Государственное управление зарубежных стран (С. В. Пронкин,О. Е. Петрунина)
История отечественного государства и права (С. Н. Смирнов)
Сравнительное государствоведение (Л. А. Голубева,А. Э. Черноков)
Теория государства и права (А. В. Малько,С. А. Комаров)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (И. В. Абдурахманова)
Теория государства и права (В. Н. Хропанюк)
Российское право (Т. В. Кашанина,А. В. Кашанин)
Проблемы истории государства и права ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. Ю. Саломатин)
Общая теория государства и права. Краткое изложение курса (В. А. Круглов,В. Н. Дмитрук)
История государства и права России (В. И. Афанасьева)
Теория государства и права. Элементарный курс (А. М. Лушников)
Проблемы становления и развития Российской государственности (А. А. Тимофеева)
Теория государства и права (В. Д. Перевалов)
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 2 (Под редакцией О. И. Чистякова)
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 1 (Под редакцией О. И. Чистякова)
Хрестоматия по истории отечественного государства и права. Форма государственного единства в отечественной истории XX века (О. И. Чистяков,А. Г. Кутьина)
Теория государства и права (А. В. Малько,В. В. Нырков,К. В. Шундиков)
Теория государства и права. Конспект лекций (С. А. Жинкин)
Теория государства и права. Шпаргалка ()
Общая теория государства и права. Курс лекций (А. Ф. Вишневский)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (И. В. Абдурахманова,Н. Е. Орлова)
Теория права и государства (В. С. Нерсесянц)
Теория государства и права. Экзаменационные ответы ()
История государственно-правовых учений ()
История государства и права России. Курс лекций (Д. А. Пашенцев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Курс лекций (Н. И. Ильинский)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (Древность и Средние века) (В. А. Томсинов)
Теория права и государства. Конспект лекций (В. Н. Протасов)
История государства и права России. Конспект лекций ()
Шпаргалка по теории государства и права (С. Г. Зубанова)
Шпаргалка по истории государства и права России (Л. В. Дудкина,О. В. Щербакова)
Шпаргалка по истории государства и права зарубежных стран (А. С. Жаворонкова)
Шпаргалка по истории политических и правовых учений (О. А. Янюшкина)
Теория государства и права (М. М. Рассолов)
Юридическое образование и юриспруденция в России в XVIII столетии (В. А. Томсинов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. А. Иванов)
Основы государства и права (Под редакцией А. В. Малько)
Теория государства и права (В. Я. Любашиц,А. Ю. Мордовцев,А. Ю. Мамычев)
Теория государства и права. Практикум (В. Я. Любашиц,А. Ю. Мордовцев,А. Ю. Мамычев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. В. Желудков)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. А. Под ред. Иванова,Н. В. Михайловой)
История государства и права России. Шпаргалка ()
История государства и права России: Практикум (А. А. Тимофеева)
Юридическое образование и юриспруденция в России в первой трети XIX века (В. А. Томсинов)
История суда России (В. К. Цечоев)
Право и правовая система Великобритании (А. К. Романов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. 100 экзаменационных ответов (И. В. Абдурахманова)
История отечественного государства и права. 100 экзаменационных ответов (Т. В. Шатковская)
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 1 ()
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 2 ()
Теория государства и права (Под редакцией А. С. Пиголкина,Ю. А. Дмитриева)
Теория государства и права (А. Н. Головистикова,Ю. А. Дмитриев,А. Х. Саидов,А. С. Пиголкин)
Теория государства и права (В. В. Лазарев,С. В. Липень)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права России. Учебное пособие (Ю. П. Титов)
Теория государства и права (Н. М. Чистяков)
История отечественного государства и права. Курс лекций (Под редакцией Ю. М. Понихидина)
История государства и права в вопросах и ответах (И. А. Исаев)
Теория государства и права (П. М. Бабенко)
Древнерусское государство и право. Конспект лекций (Д. А. Славин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Шпаргалка ()
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права России ()
Право Европейского союза. Вопросы истории и теории (М. Н. Марченко,Е. М. Дерябина)
Хрестоматия по истории отечественного государства и права ()
История государства и права России (А. И. Толстая)
История государства и права России в схемах (Д. А. Пашенцев)
Теория государства и права. Краткий курс. За три дня до экзамена (Г. А. Воронцов)
Основы права европейского союза. Схемы и комментарии (Под редакцией С. Ю. Кашкина)
Практикум по истории отечественного государства и права (Ф. И. Долгих)
История государственного управления России (В. В. Моисеев)
Опыт становления конституционализма в США, Японии и Советской России (В. М. Курицын,Д. Д. Шалягин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник ()
Всеобщая история государства и права новейшего времени (С. Г. Кащенко)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в схемах (Д. А. Пашенцев)
История государства и права России в схемах. IX-XX века (Н. А. Печень)
Политический режим Российской Федерации (Г. Ю. Курскова)
Теория государства и права. 100 экзаменационных ответов (М. Б. Смоленский,Л. Ю. Колюшкина,Н. И. Лавриненко)
История государства и права России. Краткий курс (В. В. Баталина,А. А. Рождествина)
Российский сыск в IX - первой половине XIX века. Генезис и становление (Т. Л. Матиенко)
Теория права и государства. Конспект лекций (В. Н. Протасова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. В. Попова)
Шпаргалка по истории государства и права (Л. В. Дудкина,О. В. Щербакова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (В. Е. Рубаник)
Практикум по курсу "Теория государства и права". Программа курса "Актуальные проблемы теории государства и права" (Е. И. Темнов,С. В. Косиков)
Теория государства и права (Р. Т. Мухаев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (В. В. Лазарев,С. В. Липень)
Теория государства и права. Учебник ()
Теория государства и права. Конспект лекций ()
Лекции по общему государственному праву (Ф. Ф. Кокошкин)
Общая теория права и государства. Учебник ()
Теория государства и права (В. М. Сырых)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебное пособие (А. И. Тихонов)
Проблемы теории государства и права. Учебник (М. Н. Марченко)
История отечественного государства и права ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник (Л. А. Морозова)
История государства и права России. Учебное пособие (И. А. Исаев)
Происхождение государства и права. Учебное пособие (Т. В. Кашанина)
Конституция РСФСР 1918 года (О. И. Чистяков)
Теория государства и права (А. Ю. Ларин)
Теория государства и права в схемах и определениях (Т. Н. Радько)
История государства и права России IX - начало XX в (В. Н. Бабенко)
История отечественного государства и права. Шпаргалка (Е. Н. Романенкова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (Л. Р. Симонишвили)
Общая теория государства и права. Ответы на экзаменационные вопросы (Д. В. Мазарчук,Н. А. Глыбовская)
История государства и права России. Конспект лекций (В. И. Власов)
Теория права и государства (С. В. Бошно)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах. Том 1 (Под редакцией К.И. Батыра и Е. В. Поликарповой)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах. Том 2 (Под редакцией К. И. Батыра и Е. В. Поликарповой)
История государства и права России (Под редакцией Ю. П. Титова)
Теория государства и права (В. И. Попов,О. Ю. Винниченко)
Теория государства и права (В. М. Корельский,В. Д. Превалов)
Теория государства и права (В. И. Власов,Г. Б. Власова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Курс лекций (В. Е. Рубаник)
Теория государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 1. Теория государства ()
Теория государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 2. Теория права ()
Теория государства (Виталий Иванов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (Под редакцией К. И. Батыра)
История судебной системы в России ()
Ликвидация компаний по праву Англии и ликвидация акционерных обществ по праву России (А. В. Московая)
Правотворчество в Российской Федерации (И. А. Нестеренко)
История отечественного государства и права. Шпаргалка ()
Теория государства и права. Шпаргалка (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Теория права и государства. Краткий курс лекций (В. Н. Протасов)
Всеобщая история государства и права. В 2 томах. Том 1. Древний мир и средние века (Под ред. В. А. Томсинова)
Всеобщая история государства и права. В 2 томах. Том 2. Новое время. Новейшее время ()
История отечественного государства и права (В. В. Медведев,Л. Е. Лаптева,М. Ю. Пахалов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (Н. А. Никифорова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в схемах (К. И. Шинкаренко)
Теория государства и права (Н. А. Власенко)
Теория государства и права:краткий курс дп (Г. А. Воронцов)
Сравнительное государствоведение (В. Е. Чиркин)
Общая теория государства и права. Академический курс в 3 томах. Том 2. Право ()
Теория государства и права (Ответственный редактор А. В. Малько)
Теория государства и права. Системный курс (Я. В. Давыдов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (М. А. Исаев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Краткий курс лекций (А. В. Попова)
Теория государства и права. Конспект лекций (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Основы учения о праве и государстве (Д. А. Керимов,Д. В. Шумков)
Общая теория права (А. В. Поляков,Е. В. Тимошина)
Общая теория государства и права (В. В. Оксамытный)
РИМСКОЕ ПРАВО. Учебник для бакалавров (И. Б. Новицкий)
Теория государства и права (И. В. Упоров,О. В. Старков)
Шпаргалка по истории государства и права зарубежных стран (О. И. Беликова)
Теория права и государства (В. Н. Протасов)
История отечественного государства и права (М. М. Рассолов,П. В. Никитин)
История политических и правовых учений. Полный курс (С. А. Рубаник)
Теория государства и права. Схемы с комментариями (М. Н. Марченко,Е. М. Дерябина)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Древний мир и Средние века (Д. В. Мазарчук,В. В. Сажина,Д. Е. Тагунов,И. Г. Яцкевич)
Организация государственных учреждений России (В. И. Куликов)
Теория государства и права. Курс лекций (А. А. Двигалева)
Римское частное право. Ответы на экзаменационные вопросы (Н. Л. Бондаренко)
Шпаргалка по истории отечественного государства и права ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Новое и Новейшее время. Ответы на экзаменационные вопросы (Д. В. Мазарчук,В. В. Сажина,Д. Е. Тагунов,И. Г. Яцкевич)
ИЗБРАННЫЕ КОНСТИТУЦИИ ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ СТРАН. Учебное пособие для бакалавров (Страшун Б.А. - Отв. ред.)
История отечественного государства и права. Конспект лекций (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Шпаргалка по истории отечественного государства и права (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Теория государства и права (Л. А. Морозова,В. В. Лазарев,Т. Н. Радько)
Теория государства и права. Введение в юриспруденцию ()
История отечественного государства и права (И. А. Исаев)
Теория государства и права (М. Н. Марченко,Е. М. Дерябина)
Теория государства и права. Краткий курс (Г. А. Воронцов)
История государства и права России (В. Е. Рубаник)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. Новое и Новейшее время. Сост. Томсинов В.А (Сост. Томсинов В.А.)
Краткий курс по истории государства и права России: Учебное пособие ()
Правовое обеспечение национальных интересов Российской Федерации в информационной сфере (Н. Н. Куняев)
Трудовое право ЕС (аудиокурс MP3) (Ю. С. Кашкин)
Теория государства и права. Курс лекций (А. В. Васильев)
Теория государства и права. Конспекты + Шпаргалки (А. В. Петренко)
Шпаргалка по теории государства и права (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Основы конституционного права Китайской Народной республики (А. В. Фомичев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (А. В. Вениосов)
История государства и права Беларуси (Д. В. Мазарчук)
Государственные режимы (Ю. А. Кудрявцев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Краткий курс ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник для бакалавров /=?360550/ (Т. Н. Радько)
Государственно-частное партнерство (Н. А. Игнатюк)
Теория государства и права в схемах и определениях (О. М. Беляева)
История отечественного государства и права в вопросах и ответах (И. А. Исаев)
Основы идеологии белорусского государства (И. А. Кузнецова,И. И. Екадумова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник для бакалавров ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Древность и Средние века (В. А. Томсинов)
История политических и правовых учений (В. И. Власов,Г. Б. Власова,С. В. Денисенко,В. К. Цечоев)
Всеобщая история государства и права. В 2 томах. Том 1. Древний мир и средние века ()
Теория государства и права (Ю. А. Дмитриев)
История отечественного государства и права (комплект из 2 книг) ()
Право Европейского Союза. Том 1. Общая часть (С. Ю. Кашкин,А. О. Четвериков)
История отечественного государства и права (И. А. Исаев,А. П. Печников,Н. С. Кувырченков,М. А. Приходько)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах. Том 1 ()
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах. Том 2 (ред,Батыр К.И.,Поликарпова Е.)
Теория государства и права: Учебное пособие. Рассказов Л.П (Л. П. Рассказов)
ИСТОРИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВА И ПРАВА ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ СТРАН 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник для бакалавров (М. А. Исаев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник. 7-е изд., стер. Хропанюк В.Н., Под ред. Стрекозова В.Г (Хропанюк В.Н.,Под ред. Стрекозова В.Г.)
Шпаргалка по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. Ответы на экзаменационные билеты (А. С. Жаворонкова)
Европейское право. Право Европейского Союза и правовое обеспечение защиты прав человека: Учебник. 3-е изд., пересмотр. и доп. Отв. ред. Энтин Л.М (Отв. ред. Энтин Л.М.)
Теория государства и права: Учебное пособие. 2-e изд. Малько А.В., Саломатин А.Ю (А. В. Малько,А. Ю. Саломатин)
Государственная служба: основные этапы развития как науки и профессии от Древнего мира до начала XX века: Учебное пособие. Кабашов С.Ю (С. Ю. Кабашов)
Хрестоматия по истории отечественного государства и права 2-е изд., пер. и доп. учебное пособие для вузов и ссузов (О. И. Чистяков,Г. А. Кутьина)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для бакалавров (Т. Н. Радько)
Римское право. Учебное пособие (С. Ю. Седаков)
История государства и права России. Краткий курс лекций ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник для бакалавров (ред.,К. И. Батыр)
Право Европейского Союза. В 2 томах. Том 2. Особенная часть ()
Теория государства и права. Рассолов М.М (М. М. Рассолов)
ТЕОРИЯ ПРАВА И ГОСУДАРСТВА 4-е изд., пер. и доп. Конспект лекций (В. Н. Протасов)
ТЕОРИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВА И ПРАВА 4-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник для бакалавров (В. В. Лазарев,С. В. Липень)
Теория государства и права: Учебник. 5-e изд., перераб. и доп. Морозова Л.А (Л. А. Морозова)
История отечественного государства и права (Б. Н. Земцов)
Государственно-правовая мысль и юридическое образование в дореволюционной России (А. В. Борисов,А. В. Корнев)
Национальная безопасность (А. И. Веруш)
Охранительная концепция права в России (Александр Васильев)
Римское частное право. Учебное пособие (Е. В. Кожевина)
Государство. Право и политика (Карл Шмитт)
ТЕОРИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВА И ПРАВА. Учебник для бакалавров (В. Н. Протасов)
История суда России. Учебное пособие (В. К. Цечоев)
Презумпции в современном российском праве (М. П. Пронина)
История, теория, перспективы развития правосудия и альтернативных юридических процедур в России (В. К. Цечоев,С. В. Ротко,В. Н. Цыганаш)
Теория государства и права (И. А. Иванников)
Общая теория права и государства. К проблеме правопонимания (В. П. Малахов)
Либеральная и консервативная альтернативы развития российской государственности середины XVIII в. - первой четверти XIX в (О. В. Петровская,Р. В. Шагиева)
Римское частное право. Курс лекций ()
ПРАВО ВТО 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник для магистров (В. М. Шумилов)
Теория государства и права. Курс лекций (С. Н. Братановский,А. Е. Епифанов,Я. Р. Джамбалаев)
Considerations on the Royal Marriage Act (John Joseph Dillon)
The Law of Real Property in England (G. Wood Hill)
Light and Air (Banister Fletcher)
The Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in Engineering and Architecture (John Cassan Wait)
История отечественного государства и права в схемах и таблицах (И. А. Исаев,Н. С. Кувырченков)
История государства и права России (А. И. Толстая,Е. С. Щербакова)
История государства и права России (XIX - начало XXI в.) (Н. В. Михайлова)
Всемирная история государства и государственного управления (А. Ю. Саломатин)
Теория государства и права. Схемы с комментариями. Учебное пособие (М. Н. Марченко,Е. М. Дерябина)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран.Учебное пособие.Том 2 (К. И. Батыр,Е. В. Поликарповой)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (В. Л. Кулапов)
История отечественного государства и права. Шпаргалка. Учебное пособие (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Шпаргалка по теории государства и права (карман.).Уч.пос.-М.:РГ-Пресс,2014 ()
Технологии этнической мобилизации (Г. П. Лежава)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. В вопросах и ответах (Н. И. Ильинский,Г. К. Аргучинцев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (В. В. Сажина,Г. К. Аргучинцев,В. А. Данилов,А. В. Вениосов,В. А. Шелкопляс)
Западно-европеские либералы в 70-е годы (Б. С. Орлов)
Congress and the American Tradition (James Burnham)
Young Republicans (Jesse Russel)
Pascalina Lehnert (Jesse Russel)
Reports of Prize Cases Determined in the High Court of Admiralty, Before the Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes, and Before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, From 1745- (Edward Stanley Roscoe)
Правоохранительные органы. Спецслужбы. Учебное пособие (С. А. Воронцов)
Актуальные проблемы теории государства и права: Учебное пособие. Власенко Н.А., Коаров С.А (Н. А. Власенко,С. А. Коаров)
Право Европейского союза. Вопросы истории и теории. Учебное пособие (Ю. Ф. Беспалов,О. А. Егорова)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебное пособие ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебное пособие (О. А. Андреева)
Теория права и государства. Введение в естественно-правовой курс (Е. Г. Лукьянова)
Теория государства и права в схемах:учеб.пособие (О. М. Беляева)
Теория государства и права (для бакалавров) ()
Право Европейского союза. Учебник ()
Samuel J. Tilden (Jesse Russel)
Frank Orren Lowden (Jesse Russel)
Gerard Schivardi (Jesse Russel)
John Greenleaf Whittier (Jesse Russel)
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Jesse Russel)
Save Our Children (Jesse Russel)
Bob Neill (Jesse Russel)
Bob Spink (Jesse Russel)
Lewis Morris (Jesse Russel)
Barisan Nasional (Jesse Russel)
United Kingdom Election Results (Jesse Russel)
PlaNet Finance (Jesse Russel)
Richard J. Oglesby (Jesse Russel)
Carolyn Goodman (Jesse Russel)
James Hutchinson Woodworth (Jesse Russel)
Hannibal Hamlin (Jesse Russel)
Проблемы государства и права переходного периода: учебное пособие. Дойников И.В (И. В. Дойников)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в вопросах и ответах. Учебное пособие (А. В. Севастьянов)
История государства и права России. Схемы, таблицы, диаграммы. Учебное пособие (Е. А. Климчук,С. Е. Воробьева)
Jay Dardenne (Jesse Russel)
Bardoli Satyagraha (Jesse Russel)
Papal conclave (Jesse Russel)
Kitty Ussher (Jesse Russel)
Bangladesh Liberation War (Jesse Russel)
Toward Leader Democracy (Jan Pakulski)
The Constitution of the Confederate States of America Explained (Lochlainn Seabrook)
Silence and Democracy (John G. Zumbrunnen)
Savage Democracy (Steven T. Wuhs)
The Time of Popular Sovereignty (Paulina Ochoa Espejo)
Decolonizing Democracy (Christine Keating)
The American Judiciary (Simeon E. Baldwin)
Учебник русского уголовного процесса. Введение. Часть 1. Судоустройство (В. К. Случевский)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для вузов (В. В. Оксамытный)
История государства и права России. Альбом схем. Учебное пособие. Под ред. Михайловой Н.В (Под ред. Михайловой Н.В.)
Strategies for Success in Law School and Beyond (Frank Read)
How to Kill a Lawsuit (Brian Turner)
Winning Jury Trials (James Rasicot Phd)
The Ten Political Compromises that Produced the United States Constitution (J Wilson McCallister JD)
История отечественного государства и права (Н. П. Карпиченко,В. Н. Амбаров)
Dollar Democracy (Peter Mathews)
Основы российского права (Кашанина Т. В.,Кашанин А. В.)
Хрестоматия по отечественной истории государства и права. Учебное пособие ()
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 1. Учебник ()
Проблемы общей теории государства и права.Уч.Т.2.Право.-2-е изд.-М.:Проспект,2015 (М. Н. Марченко)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран.Уч.пос.Том 1.-М.:Проспект,2015 (Е. В. Поликарповой,К. И. П/р Батыра)
Проблемы общей теории государства и права.Уч.Т.1.Государство.-2-е изд.-М.:Проспект,2015 (М. Н. Марченко)
Государство и право.Уч.пос.-М.:Проспект,2015 (С. С. Алексеев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах. Том 1. Введение в историю права. Древний мир. Учебник (М. А. Исаев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах. Том 2. Средневековье. Новое и новейшее время. Учебник (М. А. Исаев)
Теория государства и права.Уч. для бакалавров.-М.:Проспект,2015 ()
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (Н. А. Власенко)
История государства и права зарубежных стран.Древний мир.Уч.-метод.пос.-М.:Проспект,2015 (Т. Ф. Антоненко)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в вопросах и ответах.Уч.пос.-М.:Проспект,2015 (А. В. Севастьянов)
История отечественного государства и права.Уч.пос.-М.:Проспект,2015. Рек.УМО (С. Н. Смирнов,А. А. Свистунов)
Теория государства и права.Уч.-М.:Проспект,2015 (А. В. П/р Малько,Д. А. Липинского)
Организация государственных уч ()
Международно-правовые основы создания и функционирования Евразийского экономического союза ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник для бакалавров (М. Н. Марченко,Е. М. Дерябина)
История отечественного государства и права в вопросах и ответах. Учебное пособие (И. А. Исаев)
Теория государства и права. Конспект лекций. Учебное пособие (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Хрестоматия по теории государства и права.-2-е изд.-М.:Проспект,2015 (Т. Н. Радько,п/общей ред. Лизиковой И.И.)
Теория государства и права в вопросах и ответах.Уч.пос.-2-е изд.-М.:Проспект,2015 (М. Н. Марченко)
Теория государства и права. Шпаргалка. Учебное пособие (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Теория государства и права. Схемы с комментариями.Уч.пос.-М.:Проспект,2015 (М. Н. Марченко,Е. М. Дерябина)
История отечественного государства и права. Конспект лекций.Уч.пос.-М.:Проспект,2015 (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Теория государства и права. Учебник. Схемы. Хрестоматия.-2-е изд.-М.:Проспект,2015 (М. Н. Марченко)
Система Римского права. Учебник (В. М. Хвостов)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (В. И. Власов,Г. Б. Власова,С. В. Денисенко)
Краткий курс по теории государства и права: учебное пособие ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник (М. М. Рассолов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в схемах.Уч.пос.-М.:Проспект,2015 (К. И. Шинкаренко)
Robert Brown (Ohio politician) (Jesse Russel)
Теория государства и права.Элементарный курс.Уч.пос. для бакалавров.-5-е изд.-М.:КноРус,2015 (А. В. Малько,В. В. Нырков,К. В. Шундиков)
Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom (Jesse Russel)
История государства и права заруб.стран:100 экз.от (И. В. Абдурахманова)
Общая теория государства и права. Учебник (В. В. Оксамытный)
История государства и права России. Учебное пособие ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник и практикум (В. Н. Протасов)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник и практикум (Г. Ю. Курскова,В. Ф. Калина)
Проблемы теории государства и права. Учебник (Т. Н. Радько)
Право в контексте форм общественного сознания. Принцип правопонимания (В. П. Малахов)
Комплексное правовое регулирование. Монография (Е. В. Сидорова)
История государства и права России. Учебник ()
Основы теории государства и права. Учебник ()
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник (А. А. Вологдин)
История отечественного государства и права:учебник (Т. В. Шатковская)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (В. Н. Хропанюк)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах. Том 2. Учебное пособие ()
Теория государства и права. Курс лекций (Е. И. Бычкова,Е. А. Сунцова,А. Н. Волчанская,С. А. Правкин)
История отечественого государства и права. Курс лекций (Н. Е. Орлова)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник (В. В. Медведев,Л. Е. Лаптева,М. Ю. Пахалов)
"Славная революция" 1688-1689 годов в Англии и Билль о правах. Учебное пособие (В. А. Томсинов)
Хрестоматия по истории отечественного государства и права. Форма государственного единства в отечественной истории XX века. Учебное пособие ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник. В 2 томах (комплект) ()
Теория государства и права в схемах. Учебное пособие (О. М. Беляева)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для бакалавров (Л. А. Морозова,В. В. Лазарев,Т. Н. Радько)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник (В. Е. Рубаник)
The Islamic Shield (Elie Elhadj)
In the Shadow of the United States (Giancarlo Soler Torrijos)
Zimbabwe (John Mw Makumbe)
Decentralisation and Transformation of Governance in Uganda (Delius Asiimwe)
Gridlock (Payne Edwards)
Faith in Democracy (Fabrizio Elefante)
Reassessing Democracy (Gregory Shafer)
Parties, Governments and Voters in Finland (Lauri Karvonen)
Third Term (Paul Begala)
Saving America (John Ma Wood)
Time for Harvest. Women and Constitution Making in Kenya (Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira)
Democratisation et integration sociopolitique des minorites ethniques au Cameroun. Entre dogmatisme du principe majoritaire et centralite des partis politiques (Ibrahim Mouiche)
Reconsidering the Dem. Public-Ppr ()
Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States ()
Pathways to Power ()
Decentralization, Democratization, and Informal Power in Mexico ()
Condorcet ()
Between Left and Right ()
Launching the Grand Coalition ()
Vision of an Enlightened World ()
The Mainspring of Human Progress ()
When Money Speaks ()
Проблемы общей теории государства и права. В 2 томах. Том 2. Право. Учебник (М. Н. Марченко)
Parliamentary Democracy in the Lisbon Treaty (Sotirios Petrovas)
Preserving Democracy (Elgin L Hushbeck)
Healing the Wound. Personal Narratives about the 2007 Post-Election Violence in Kenya ()
Challenges for the Democratisation Process in Tanzania. Moving Towards Consolidation Years After Independence? (Jonas Ewald)
Democratizing or Reconfiguring Predatory Autocracy? Myths and Realities in Africa Today ()
Democracy and Human Rights in Africa. the Politics of Collective Participation and Governance in Cameroon (Peter Ateh-Afac Fossungu)
Youth and Peaceful Elections in Kenya (Kimani Njogu)
The Cameroon Condition (George Ngwane)
The General Elections in Kenya, 2007 ()
Voting for Democracy in Ghana. The 2004 Elections in Perspective Vol.1 ()
Voting for Democracy in Ghana. The 2004 Elections in Perspective Vol.2 ()
Rights and Revolution (Stephen F. Diamond)
History, Democracy, Values ()
The Power of Ideas (Danielle Rowell)
Civil Society and the Zuma Government ()
Israel, Our Frankenstein ()
Democracy and Power (Noam Chomsky)
The Little Book of Revolution (David Akadjian)
The Choice (Bob Woodward)
Running for the People? ()
Civil Society in the Age of Monitory Democracy ()
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник ()
Let the People Speak. Tanzania Down the Road to Neo-Liberalism (Issa G Shivji)
The Alaska Pacific Railway and Terminal Company: H.R. 25553 ()
The Australian Constitution as it is Actually Written (Graham L Paterson)
Теория государства и права (конспект лекций) (А. В. Якушев)
История российского государства и права (М. А. Исаев)
Хрестоматия по истории отечественного государства и права (Х век - 1917 год) ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник (Ф. И. Долгих,А. М. Зарецкий)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 томах (комлпект из 2 книг) (А. А. Вологдин)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник. В 2 томах (комплект) (М. М. Рассолов,П. В. Никитин)
Право государственной и муниципальной службы. Учебное пособие ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Краткий курс. Учебное пособие ()
История государства и права России. Краткий курс. Учебное пособие ()
Государственное управление зарубежных стран. Учебное пособие (С. В. Пронкин,О. Е. Петрунина)
The Supreme Court in United States History, Vol. III (in Three Volumes) (Charles Warren)
The Supreme Court in United States History, Vol. II (in Three Volumes) (Charles Warren)
Popular Law Making (Frederic Jesup Stimson)
Principles and Practice of the Law of Libel and Slander ()
Hindustan Times Contempt Case (August-November, 1941) ()
Business Law For Engineers (C. Frank Allen)
General Election Laws Of Minnesota Including The Primary Election Law And Other Acts (Julius A. Schmahl)
The Franchise, A Manual Of Registration And Election Law And Practice (Parliamentary And Municipal) (William Leader)
Instructions To Juries By West Virginia Courts (B. H. Oxley)
Laws Governing General Elections and Primary Elections in the State of Florida (Various)
Lectures On The Labour Question ()
Legal Investments For Trust Funds; General Principles, Statutes And Decisions Of The Various States (Frank C Mckinney)
Lord Stowell (Edward Stanley Roscoe)
Convicting The Innocent; Sixty-Five Actual Errors Of Criminal Justice (Edwin M Borchard)
Famous Cases Of Circumstantial Evidence; With An Introduction On The Theory Of Presumptive Proof (S. M. Phillipps)
Land Survey And Land Titles; A Book For Boys And Girls, A Reference Volume For Property Owners, A Text For Students In The Laws Of Elementary Principles, Respecting The Division Of Our Land A (Charles Claudius Kagey)
Congregationalism (Benjamin Albert Millard)
Handbook Of The Law Of Mexican Commercial Corporations, Including Foreign Corporations In Mexico (In English) Containing Explanations Of The System Of Laws Of The Republic Of Mexico And The L (Dean E Fuller)
The Law Of Landlord & Tenant A With Copious Collection Of Useful Forms (W. A. Holdsworth)
Patents, Trademarks And Copyrights (Ford Whitman Harris)
Business Law; A Working Manual Of Every-Day Law ()
Charter of the City of Pasadena, California (Various)
The Charters Of The City Of Chicago (Edmund James James)
Business Law for Engineers, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (C. Frank Allen)
Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, Vol. 34 ()
Collected Legal Papers (Classic Reprint) ()
Illustrative Cases on Constitutional Law (James Parker Hall)
Talks About Law (Edmund P. Dole)
How to Buy and Sell Real Estate at a Profit (William A. Carney)
Questions and Answers for Law Students (Classic Reprint) (Edwin Baylies)
John Byrne Quiz Book on Criminal Law and Procedure (Classic Reprint) (Frederick Stansbury Tyler)
The Trustee Acts ()
The Law of Artistic Copyright (John Martin Routh)
Six Roman Laws (Classic Reprint) (Ernest George Hardy)
The Criminal Courts, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) ()
How to Conduct the Real Estate, Insurance and General Brokerage Business (William Rogers Gahagen)
Studies in the Civil Law (William Wirt Howe)
The Deformity of the Doctrine of Libels (M. Dawes)
The Criminal Law Consolidation Acts (Edward W. Cox)
United States Tax Cases (Kixmiller Kixmiller)
Principles of the Law of Contracts (Israel A. Washburne)
The Canada Law Journal, Vol. 58 (Classic Reprint) ()
Jurisprudence, Law and Ethics (Edgar B. Kinkead)
The Institutes ()
Legal Essays (Classic Reprint) (James Bradley Thayer)
The Law of Mortgage in India (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law of Agency (Classic Reprint) ()
Report on Extradition, 1924 (Classic Reprint) (John Bassett Moore)
Illustrative Cases on Criminal Law (Classic Reprint) (William E. Mikell)
The Home Library of Law, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law in Its Relations to Physicians (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law Reports, 1872, Vol. 7 (Classic Reprint) (Great Britain; Court of Exchequer)
The Law Reports, Vol. 8 (James Anstie)
Commercial Law Cases, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint) ()
Handbook of the Law of Partnership (Classic Reprint) (William George)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, Vol. 33 (Nathan Howard)
Reports of Cases in Law and Equity in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, 1868, Vol. 13 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Reform of Legal Procedure (Classic Reprint) (Moorfield Storey)
The Madras Law Reporter, Vol. 1 ()
Selected Cases on the Law of Contracts ()
Reports of Decisions in Criminal Cases Made at Term, at Chambers, and in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer of the State of New York, 1868, Vol. 6 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Relation of Custom to Law (Classic Reprint) (Gilbert T. Sadler)
Selection of Cases on the Law of Carriers, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Henry Beale)
Cases on the Law of Agency (Classic Reprint) (Ernest W. Huffcut)
The Expansion of the Common Law (Classic Reprint) (Sir Frederick Pollock)
Cyclopedia of Law, Vol. 5 (Charles E. Chadman)
Leading Cases Upon the Law of Torts (Classic Reprint) (George Chase)
The Law Reports, Vol. 10 (James Anstie)
Cases on Selected Topics (Jeremiah Smith)
Guide to the Law and Legal Literature of Spain (Classic Reprint) ()
The Aryan Household (William Edward Hearn)
Legal Masterpieces, Vol. 1 of 2 (Eminent Lawyers)
Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery, Vol. 43 (Norman L. Freeman)
Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois, Vol. 81 (Norman L. Freeman)
The Law Library ()
Commentaries on the Law in Shakespeare (Edw; J. White)
The Science of Law (Classic Reprint) (Sheldon Amos)
Reports of Cases in Law and Equity in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Vol. 43 (Classic Reprint) ()
Institutes of Common and Statute Law, Vol. 1 (John B. Minor)
Commentaries on the Common Law ()
Law and Business, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) (William H. Spencer)
The Law of Unfair Business Competition, Including Chapters on Trade Secrets and Confidential Business Relations (Classic Reprint) ()
Cases Illustrating the Principles of the Law of Torts (Classic Reprint) (Francis Reynolds Yonge Radcliffe)
The Law of Married Women in Massachusetts (Classic Reprint) (George A. O. Ernst)
The Conflict of Laws in the Province of Quebec (Classic Reprint) (Eugene Lafleur)
The Genius of the Common Law (Classic Reprint) (Frederick Pollock)
Cases Illustrative of Oriental Life, and the Application of English Law to India, Decided in H. M. Supreme Court at Bombay (Classic Reprint) (Erskine Perry)
Cases on the Law of Suretyship (Clinton de Witt)
Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, Vol. 2 (George Greene)
Students Leading Cases and Statutes on International Law (Classic Reprint) (Norman De Mattos Bentwich)
International Law (Classic Reprint) (George Grafton Wilson)
Humorous Phases of the Law, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Irving Browne)
The Western Law Times of Canada, Vol. 6 (Classic Reprint) (J. T. Huggard)
Federal Procedure at Law, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (C. L. Bates)
Cases on Torts (Francis M. Burdick)
The Law Reports, Vol. 6 (James Anstie)
Commentaries Upon International Law, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Sir Robert Phillimore)
The Canada Law Journal, 1885, Vol. 21 (Classic Reprint) (Law Society of Upper Canada)
In the Supreme Court of the United States ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, Vol. 17 (S. F. Glenn)
The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Egyptian Native Tribunals, as Amended by Law No; 6 of 1905 ()
Commentaries on the Law of Marriage and Divorce, of Separations Without Divorce, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Joel Prentiss Bishop)
Law and Lawyers, Vol. 2 of 2 ()
Commercial Laws of Switzerland (Classic Reprint) ()
Римское частное право.Уч.пос.-М.:Проспект; Екатеринбург: Издательский дом "УрГЮА",2015 ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник и практикум ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник (В. Д. Перевалов)
История государственного управления России. Учебное пособие (В. В. Моисеев)
The Supreme Court in United States History, Vol. I (in Three Volumes) (Charles Warren)
Partnership Private Corporations Public Corporations, Vol. 8 ()
Cases in Quasi Contract, Selected From Decisions of English and American Courts, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Edward S. Thurston)
The Law of Associations ()
Leading Cases in Constitutional Law Briefly Stated (Ernest C. Thomas)
Some Opinions and Papers of Stephen J. Field, Vol. 3 ()
Principles of Law for the Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant and Householder ()
Questions and Answers on Law, Vol. 5 ()
Cases and Opinions on International Law (Freeman Snow)
The Domestic and Foreign Relations of the United States (Classic Reprint) (Joel Parker)
Wigmore Celebration ()
Principles of English Law ()
The Law of Presumptive Evidence (John D. Lawson)
Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws, Vol. 1 (John Bouvier)
Students Cases (Philip B. Petrides)
Forest Law (B. H. Baden-Powell)
Law Lawyers Literature (Classic Reprint) (Irving Browne)
The Law of the Canadian Constitution (Classic Reprint) (W. H. P. Clement)
Due Process of Law Under the Federal Constitution (Classic Reprint) (Lucius Polk McGehee)
Commentaries Upon International Law, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, Vol. 23 ()
Observations on the Public Right of Fishing by Angle or Nets in Public Navigable Rivers in General, and the River Thames in Particular (Piscator Piscator)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South-Carolina, Vol. 5 ()
Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois, Vol. 37 (Classic Reprint) (Norman L. Freeman)
Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery, Vol. 39 (Norman L. Freeman)
Leading Cases in Constitutional Law (Ernest C. Thomas)
Reports of Cases, Vol. 7 (Charles H. Gildersleeve)
Treatise on Maritime Law (Classic Reprint) ()
The Trial of Mungo Campbell, Before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, for the Murder of Alexander Earl of Eglintoun (Mungo Campbell)
Commercial Arbitration and the Law (Classic Reprint) (Julius Henry Cohen)
Treatise on Torts (Sydney Hastings)
Pacific Coast Law Journal, 1884 (California Supreme Court)
Certainty and Justice (Frederic R. Coudert)
Leasehold Enfranchisement (Classic Reprint) ()
The Commercial Code for the German Empire (Classic Reprint) (Bernard A. Platt)
Commentaries on American Law, Vol. 1 of 4 (Classic Reprint) (James Kent)
Handbook on the Law of Persons and Domestic Relations (Classic Reprint) (Walter C. Tiffany)
The Jewish Law of Divorce, According to Bible and Talmud With Some Reference to Its Development in Post-Talmudic Times (Classic Reprint) (David Werner Amram)
The Law of Unincorporated Associations and Similar Relations (Classic Reprint) (Sydney R. Wrightington)
The Irish Land Laws (Classic Reprint) ()
Principles of Corporation Law (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Chalmers France)
Fish and Game Laws (Classic Reprint) ()
The Two Trials of John Fries, on an Indictment for Treason (Classic Reprint) (John Fries)
Safeguarding Stock Transfers (Classic Reprint) (Corporation Trust Company)
Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery, Vol. 71 (Norman L. Freeman)
The Law Magazine and Review ()
Citizenship of the United States (Classic Reprint) (Frederick Van Dyne)
Sales, Personal Property, Bailments, Carriers, Patents, Copyrights, Vol. 5 ()
Bar Examinations (New York) And Courses of Law Study (Franklin M. Danaher)
The Banking System of the State of New York (John Cleaveland)
Bar Examinations (New York) And Courses of Law Study (Classic Reprint) (Franklin Martin Danaher)
Cases on Common Law Pleading (Classic Reprint) (Clarke Butler Whittier)
The Elements of Mercantile Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Report of a Hearing Before the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives ()
The Principles of the Law of Torts (Classic Reprint) (L. C. Innes)
Law Made Easy (Lelia Josephine Robinson)
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Vol. 7 ()
The Law of Torts or Private Wrongs, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Francis Hilliard)
Judge and Jury (Benjamin Vaughan Abbott)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of the State of New-York, Vol. 25 (Classic Reprint) (Nathan Howard)
The Scottish Law Review and Sheriff Court Reports, Vol. 8 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law Journal Reports, Vol. 16 ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Vol. 5 ()
Great Opinions by Great Judges (William L. Snyder)
The Upper Canada Law Journal, Vol. 4 ()
The American Plan of Government (Charles W. Bacon)
Laws of Barbados, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Barbados Barbados)
Considerations on the Abolition of the Common Law in the United States (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Hopkinson)
Lectures on the Constitution of the United States (Classic Reprint) (Samuel Freeman Miller)
Studies in History Economics and Public Law, Vol. 13 (Classic Reprint) ()
Commentaries on the Law of Nations (Classic Reprint) (William Oke Manning)
Four Lectures on the Law of Employers Liability at Home and Abroad (Classic Reprint) ()
Selected Cases on Contracts, Arranged for the Students of Business Law (Classic Reprint) (Ward Wright Pierson)
The Law Magazine and Law Review, Vol. 31 (William S. Hein Company)
Illustrative Cases on the Law of Bills and Notes (Classic Reprint) (Wm; Underhill Moore)
Law Students Review and Quiz Book, in the Form of Questions Which Supply, Concrete Statements of Facts and of Answers Which Set Forth, the Legal Principles Involved Includes All Important Sub ()
The Conflict of Laws in Cases of Divorce (Classic Reprint) (Lord Patrick Fraser)
Reports of Cases Civil and Criminal, Vol. 5 of 6 (William Cranch)
Common Bench Reports, Vol. 7 (John Scott)
The Essentials of American Timber Law (Classic Reprint) (J. P. Kinney)
Handbook of the Law of Insurance (Classic Reprint) (William Reynolds Vance)
Supplemental Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court, of the State of Maine, Contained in Volumes Forty-Four to Fifty Six (Both Inclusive), Of the Maine Reports, 1870 (Classic R (Wm; Wirt Virgin)
Principles of Contract at Law and in Equity (Frederick Pollock)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont, 1900, Vol. 3 of 71 (Classic Reprint) (Wendell P. Stafford)
Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Nebraska (Classic Reprint) (James M. Woolworth)
The Law of Married Women in New Jersey (Classic Reprint) ()
Commercial Law for High Schools, Business Colleges and Business Men (Classic Reprint) (Wayne Carlyle Townley)
The French Law of Marriage, Marriage Contracts, and Divorce, and the Conflict of Laws Arising Therefrom (Classic Reprint) (Edmond Kelly)
Handbook to the Labor Law of the United States (Classic Reprint) (F. J. Stimson)
The Code of Criminal Procedure ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, Vol. 2 (Charles P. Daly)
Jurisdiction Its Exercise in Commencing an Action at Law (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Hardcastle Vance)
Handbook of Admiralty Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Handbook of the Law of Equity Pleading (Classic Reprint) (Benjamin Jonson Shipman)
Code of Ethics and Policies (Classic Reprint) ()
The Right of Landed Property in Egypt (Classic Reprint) (Yacoub Artin Bey)
Law for the American Farmer (Classic Reprint) (John B. Green)
The Principles of Legal Liability for Trespasses and Injuries by Animals (Classic Reprint) (William Newby Robson)
Some Observations on a Bill Entituled ()
Historical Law-Tracts (Classic Reprint) ()
Business Law a Working Manual of Every-Day Law, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) ()
Contracts and Combinations, in Restraint of Trade (Classic Reprint) ()
Roman Law in Medi?val Europe (Classic Reprint) (Paul Vinogradoff)
Federal Criminal Law and Procedure, Vol. 1 of 3 (Classic Reprint) (Elijah N. Zoline)
The Principles of International Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Cases on the Law of Bills, Notes, and Cheques (Classic Reprint) (Melville M. Bigelow)
Selected Cases on the Law of Taxation (Classic Reprint) (Frank Johnson Goodnow)
The Law of Torts (Francis M. Burdick)
The Study of Cases (Eugene Wambaugh)
Civil Procedure at Common Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Opinion on the Right of the State of Georgia to Extend Her Laws Over the Cherokee Nation (Classic Reprint) (William Wirt)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court, Vol. 31 (Nathan Howard)
The Trustee Act, 1893, and Other Recent Statutes Relating to Trustees (Francis Gawayne Champernowne)
Treatise on the Law (Francis Hilliard)
Forensic Facts and Fallacies (Sydney Edward Williams)
The Law Review and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Jurisprudence, 1847, Vol. 6 (Classic Reprint) (William S. Hein Company)
Glossary of Technical Terms (Frederic Jesup Stimson)
The New South Wales Law Reports, 1880-1900, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint) (New South Wales Supreme Court)
Woman and the Law (Classic Reprint) (George James Bayles)
The Law as a Vocation (Classic Reprint) (Frederick James Allen)
Woman Under the English Law ()
The Reports, 1864-1874 (E. P. Morris)
Commentaries on the Law of Persons and Personal Property ()
The Law of Nations (Joseph Chitty)
Selected Cases and Statutes on the Law of Bankruptcy (Classic Reprint) (Samuel Williston)
Reports of Cases, Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Vol. 10 ()
The Supreme Court of the United States ()
Legal Masterpieces Specimens of Argumentation and Exposition, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Eminent Lawyers)
Observations on Military Law (william c. de hart)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court, Vol. 21 (Nathan Howard)
The Law and Procedure of United States Courts (Classic Reprint) (John W. Dwyer)
The Land Laws (Classic Reprint) (Frederick Pollock)
Handbook of the Law of Evidence (Classic Reprint) (John Jay McKelvey)
The Texas Reports, Vol. 108 ()
Famous Legal Arguments (Moses Field)
The Collected Papers of John Westlake on Public International Law (Classic Reprint) (John Westlake)
Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois, 1877, Vol. 34 (Classic Reprint) (Illinois; Supreme Court)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of California, Vol. 8 ()
Constitutional History of the United States ()
The Government Class Book ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court and at Law, in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey, 1877, Vol. 10 (Classic Reprint) (New Jersey; Supreme Court)
Cases on Equity Jurisdiction, Vol. 1 of 2 (James Brown Scott)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, Vol. 29 (Nathan Howard)
Selection of Cases Illustrative of the Law of Contract (Courtney Stanhope Kenny)
The Law of Negligence (Classic Reprint) ()
Between-Election Democracy ()
История отечественного государства и права. Курс лекций. Учебное пособие (Е. Н. Романенкова)
The Political Campaigning Handbook (Lionel Zetter)
Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New-York With a Digest of All Points of Practice Embraced in the Standard New-York Reports Issued During the Period Covered (Benjamin Vaughan Abbott)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (Н. И. Летушева,М. В. Гриценко)
Growing Into Politics ()
Democracy (Jack Lively)
Democratic Institutions and Authoritarian Rule in Southeast Europe (Danijela Dolenec)
The Nordic Voter ()
Contesting Europe (Pieter De Wilde)
Personal Representation ()
The Modern State Subverted (Giuseppe Di Palma)
Functional Representation and Democracy in the EU (Corinna Wolff)
Hans Kelsen and the Case for Democracy (Sandrine Baume)
Is Democracy a Lost Cause? Paradoxes of an Imperfect Invention ()
Shades of Grey (Jusuf Wanandi)
The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia ()
The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia ()
Codification in British India (Classic Reprint) (B. A. Bijay Kisor Acharyya)
Opinions and Papers of Stephen J. Field and Others, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Stephen Johnson Field)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court, 1876, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) (John W. Rowell)
Club Law and the Law of Unregistered Friendly Societies (Classic Reprint) (Dominick Daly)
Illustrative Cases on the Law of Sales (Classic Reprint) ()
The Legal Status of Women (Classic Reprint) (Jessie Jane Cassidy Saunders)
Foreigners in Turkey, Their Juridical Status (Classic Reprint) (Philip Marshall Brown)
Practice and Pleading in Civil Actions and Proceedings at Law in All the Courts of Massachusettts (Joseph Mason)
History of Roman Private Law, Vol. 1 (E. C. Clark)
The Law of Fire Insurance (Classic Reprint) (Charles John Bunyon)
Two Essays on the Law of Primogeniture (Classic Reprint) (Courtney Stanhope Kenny)
Reports of Cases Heard and Determined in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Vol. 112 (Marcus T. Hun)
Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, Vol. 176 (Edwin A. Bedell)
The Sources of the Law of England ()
Lemuel Shaw (Frederic Hathaway Chase)
Principles of the Law of Wills (Stewart Chaplin)
The Law and Practice Relating to the Administration of the Estates of Deceased Persons (W. Gregory Walker)
Thirty-Five Years in the Divorce Court (Classic Reprint) ()
The Principles of Pleading and Practice (W. Blake Odgers)
University of California Los Angeles ()
Legal Decisions in Car Service Cases (Classic Reprint) ()
The Bills of Exchange Act, 1890 (Desire Girouard)
The Habeas Corpus, and Martial Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Treatise on the Patent Law of the Dominion of Canada (John G. Ridout)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin, Vol. 49 ()
Lectures on Scots Law ()
Hints to Solicitors, Being a Treatise on the Law Relating to Their Duties as Officers of the High Court of Justice, Vol. 1 ()
The Hindu Law of Marriage and Stridhan (Classic Reprint) (Gooroodass Banerjee)
Law Lyrics (Classic Reprint) (Edward Douglas Armour)
Preliminary Report on Efficiency in the Administration of Justice, 1914 (Classic Reprint) (National Economic League)
Including the Merchandise Marks Act, 1862, and the Trade Marks Registration Act, 1875 (Classic Reprint) (J. Bigland Wood)
The Geography of Marriage (William Lamartine Snyder)
The Origin and Scope of the American Doctrine of Constitutional Law (Classic Reprint) (James Bradley Thayer)
The Mukkuva Law (C. Brito)
The Law of Life Insurance (Charles Crawley)
The Law of Loss and Damage Claims ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery, Vol. 2 (Charles Ewing Green)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery, Vol. 1 (Charles Ewing Green)
The Case Against Picketing (Classic Reprint) (W. J. Shaxby)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 5 (Frederick Watts)
The Liability of Municipal Corporations for Tort (Waterman L. Williams)
Commentaries on the Law of Promissory Notes, and Guaranties of Notes, and Checks on Banks and Bankers (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Story)
The Dauphin County Reports, Vol. 25 (George R. Barnett)
Reports of Cases, Civil and Criminal, Argued and Adjudged in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of Washington, Vol. 2 (John A. Hayward)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 10 ()
Great American Lawyers, Vol. 6 (William Draper Lewis)
United States Reports, Vol. 162 (J. C. Bancroft Davis)
Outline of the Law of Landlord and Tenant (Edgar Foa)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Victoria, Vol. 2 ()
Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court (Wm; Wirt Virgin)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Victoria, 1867, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) (Victoria; Supreme Court)
The Law of Bills, Notes and Checks (Classic Reprint) (James Lucius Whitley)
Reports of Practice Cases, Vol. 10 ()
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, Vol. 22 (E. Peck)
International Law (Joel Parker)
Labour Contracts (David Gibbons)
Principles of the Common Law, Intended for the Use of Students and the Profession (Classic Reprint) (John Indermaur)
Reeves History of the English Law, From the Time of the Romans, To, Vol. 5 of 5 (W. F. Finlason)
The Law of Personal Injuries in the State of Illinois and the Remedies and Defenses of Litigants (Classic Reprint) (David T. Corbin)
Statute Law (Edward Wilberforce)
The Distinctions and Anomalies, Arising Out of the Equitable Doctrine of the Legal Estate (Classic Reprint) ()
The Administration of Justice Under Military and Martial Law (Charles M. Clode)
The Legal Profession (William Thomas Charley)
Fanti Customary Laws, 1904 (John Mensah Sarbah)
Cases on Public Corporations (Classic Reprint) ()
The Constitutionality and Legality of Confiscations in Fee (Classic Reprint) (L. Madison Day)
Concluding Argument of Hon. Geo; W. Paschal ()
Cases Relating to the Law of Railways, Decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, and in the Courts of the Several States, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) ()
Laws Affecting the Rights and Liberties of the Indian People ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery, 1883, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases, 1880, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (William Rawle)
Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama, 1878 (Classic Reprint) ()
Opinions Delivered by the Judges of the Court of Appeals, on the Constitutionality of the Act of Congress Declaring Treasury Notes a Legal Tender for the Payment of Debts (Classic Reprint) (New York)
The Law of Commercial Paper (William Underhill Moore)
Statute Law Making in the United States (Classic Reprint) (Chester Lloyd Jones)
The Company and Commercial Laws of the Transvaal ()
The Law of Void Judicial Sales (Classic Reprint) ()
Charges Delivered to Grand Juries in the Isle of Ely, Upon Libels, Vagrants, Criminal Law, Religion, Rebellious Assemblies, &C (Edward Christian)
Some Legal Phases of Corporate Financing, Reorganization and Regulation (Classic Reprint) (Francis Lynde Stetson)
The Slave-Catcher Caught in the Meshes of Eternal Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Law of Eminent Domain, and of Railroads and Warehouses (Classic Reprint) (W. H. Manier)
The Annotated Corporation Laws of All the States, Generally Applicable to Stock Corporation, Vol. 2 of 3 (Classic Reprint) ()
Commentaries, Vol. 1 (John F. Dillon)
The Negotiable Instruments Law Annotated (Joseph Doddridge Brannan)
Roman Private Law ()
The Law of Husband and Wife (Lelia Josephine Robinson)
Digest of the Laws of Virginia of a Criminal Nature (Classic Reprint) (James Muscoe Mathews)
Constitution and Laws of Maryland in Liberia ()
Cases on the Law of Bills and Notes ()
Reports of Cases Determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States of Oregon and California (Matthew P. Deady)
The History of English Law, Vol. 1 (Frederick Pollock)
The American Judiciary (Classic Reprint) (Simeon Eben Baldwin)
Lectures on Commercial Law and the Law of Negotiable Instruments (Samuel Williston)
The Law of Mandamus Practice Connected With It ()
The Commentaries on the Laws of England of Sir William Blackstone, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (William Blackstone)
The Laws and Customs of the Yoruba People (Classic Reprint) (E. An; Ajisafe Moore)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, Vol. 29 (E. Peck)
The Law Relating to Contract of Sale of Goods (William Willis)
Selection of Leading Cases on the Hindu Law of Inheritance, Vol. 1 (John Bruce Norton)
International Civil and Commercial Law as Founded Upon Theory, Legislation, and Practice (Classic Reprint) (F. Meili)
The Law Mortage, Vol. 1 of 2 (William Richard Fisher)
The Law Relating to Civil Engineers, Architects and Contractors, Vol. 1 of 9 (Luke Livingston Macassey)
Commentaries on the Law of Contracts Upon a New and Condensed Method (Classic Reprint) (Joel Prentiss Bishop)
International Law and the Great War (Classic Reprint) (Coleman Phillipson)
Select Cases and Other Authorities on the Law of Property, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (John Chipman Gray)
Reports of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Wisconsin (Wisconsin; Supreme Court)
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1812, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law Relating to Trade Unions (Classic Reprint) (William Erle)
Reports of Cases, Vol. 16 ()
Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama, Vol. 188 (Lawrence H. Lee)
The Unconstitutionality of the Prohibitory Liquor Law (James M. Smith)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court, Vol. 12 (Nathan Howard)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Montana, Vol. 37 (Supreme Court Montana Supreme C Montana)
Illustrative Cases on Torts ()
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1825, Vol. 6 (Pennsylvania; Supreme Court; Reports)
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Vol. 3 (William Cranch)
Works of Henry Lord Brougham, Vol. 2 of 10 (Brougham and Vaux)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, Vol. 7 (Eugene G. Kreider)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, Vol. 38 (Nathan Howard)
Berks County Law Journal, Vol. 7 ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 1 ()
Habeas Corpus and Martial Law (Joel Parker)
Supreme Court Reports, 1899, Vol. 14 (Cape of Good Hope)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, Vol. 27 (Nathan Howard)
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, Vol. 4 (William Cranch)
The American Reports, 1872, Vol. 5 (Isaac Grant Thompson)
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 3 (William Rawle)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined, Vol. 175 (Lawrence H. Lee)
Laws of the Territory of Michigan, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint) (Michigan Michigan)
Trade Union Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Decisions in Criminal Cases, Vol. 2 ()
The Slavery of the British West India Colonies Delineated, Vol. 1 (James Stephen)
The Visigothic Code (Classic Reprint) (S. P. Scott)
Of Practice Cases, Vol. 8 ()
Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Privateer Savannah, on the Charge of Piracy, in the United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York (Savannah Savannah)
Opinions Delivered in the Insular Tariff Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, May 27, 1901 (Classic Reprint) ()
Hand Book of Social Laws of Pennsylvania (Classic Reprint) (Ward Bonsall)
The Law and Custom of the Constitution, Vol. 1 (William R. Anson)
The Law of Horses, Including the Law of Innkeepers, Veterinary Surgeons, &C (Classic Reprint) (George Henry Hewit Oliphant)
Chapters on the Law Relating to the Colonies (Charles James Tarring)
Outline of the Law of Trusts, Prepared for the Use of Students (Classic Reprint) (George Ingalls Woolley)
Outlines of the Law of Bailments and Carriers (Classic Reprint) (Edwin C. Goddard)
Principles of Conveyancing ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court and at Law, in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey, 1886, Vol. 9 (Classic Reprint) (New Jersey; Supreme Court)
Stand Your Ground (Jack Forbes)
The Law Business or Profession? (Classic Reprint) (Julius Henry Cohen)
Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Wills Administration, Vol. 10 ()
Law of Wills and Administration (Classic Reprint) (James Schouler)
Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, Vol. 38 ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court, Vol. 1 (Peter D. Vroom)
Combination, Consolidation and Succession of Corporations ()
The Law of the Sea (George L. Canfield)
Cases for Analysis, 1894 (Eugene Wambaugh)
Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama, 1873, Vol. 47 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Constitutional Decisions of John Marshall, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Joseph P. Cotton)
The Law of Contract During War (William Finlayson Trotter)
The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Tennessee, Vol. 9 (Jere Baxter)
The Law of War Between Belligerents (Percy Bordwell)
United States Reports, 1919 ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New York (Classic Reprint) (Samuel Jones)
The Irish Land Question (Classic Reprint) (James Caird; Oliver)
Reports of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, Vol. 1 ()
Studies in History Economics and Public Law, Vol. 22 (Classic Reprint) (Edward Warren Capen)
The Law of Private Corporations (John Proffatt)
Leading Cases and Opinions on International Law (Pitt Cobbett)
Law of Assignments of Life Policies (Classic Reprint) (C. C. Hine)
Law of Copyright (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law Reports, Vol. 2 (James Redfoord Bulwer)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of the State of New-York, Vol. 24 (Classic Reprint) (Nathan Howard)
Outlines of the Law of Agency (Classic Reprint) (Floyd R. Mechem)
The Law Relating to Goodwill, Vol. 1 of 9 (Classic Reprint) (Charles E. Allan)
Fur Seal Abitration, Vol. 13 ()
Civil Procedure Reports, Vol. 6 ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio, 1873, Vol. 10 (Classic Reprint) ()
Review of the Decision of the Court of Appeals Upon the Manor Question (Classic Reprint) ()
Select Statutes, Cases, and Documents to Illustrate English Constitutional History, 1660-1832 (Charles Grant Robertson)
Sir Henry Maine ()
Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama, Vol. 50 (J. W. Shephed)
Cases Referred (C. W. Chitty)
The Law Relating to Trading With the Enemy (Charles Henry Huberich)
Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Alabama, Vol. 61 ()
Commentaries on the Law of Agency as a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence (Joseph Story)
Illustrative Cases on Persons and Domestic Relations (Classic Reprint) ()
The Official Reports of the High Court of the South African Republic, Vol. 3 (Walter S. Webber)
Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, Vol. 9 (Eben; J. Buchanan)
Cases Decided in the Supreme Court, Vol. 7 (Eben; J. Buchanan)
Reports of Important Cases Heard and Determined by the Supreme Court of Ceylon, 1927 (Classic Reprint) (P. Rama-Nathan)
Handbook of the Law of Sale of Goods (Classic Reprint) (John Delatre Falconbridge)
The Law of Executors and Administrators, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Samuel Toller)
The Complete Works of Edward Livingston on Criminal Jurisprudence, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Salmon P. Chase)
John Armstrong Chaloner, Plaintiff in Error, Vs (John Armstrong Chaloner)
The Law Relating to Cheques (Classic Reprint) (Eric R. Watson)
International Law and the World War, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (James Wilford Garner)
The Miscellaneous Reports, Vol. 114 (William V. R. Erving)
The Amenability of Northern Incendiaries as Well to Southern as to Northern Laws (Classic Reprint) ()
Selected Cases, Statutes and Orders Illustrative of the Principles of Private International Law as Administered in England ()
The Mississippi Justice of the Peace (Classic Reprint) (L. O. Bridewell)
The Elements of Commercial Law (Edward W. Spencer)
Judgments and Other Decisions and Directions of the Supreme Court of the Island of Ceylon (Charles Marshall)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, Vol. 3 (Charles P. Daly)
The Case of Elizabeth Rutgers Versus Joshua Waddington (Mrs. Elizabeth Rutgers)
Juridical Reform (John D. Works)
The Jurisprudence of Medicine in Its Relation to the Law of Contracts, Torts, and Evidence (John Ordronaux)
The Laws of Insurance (James Biggs Porter)
The Declaratory Judgment, Brief (Classic Reprint) (Edwin Montefiore Borchard)
Illustrative Cases in Equity (Classic Reprint) (William Sullivan Pattee)
Reports of Practice Cases, Vol. 13 ()
Cases on Personal Property (Classic Reprint) (Levi T. Griffin)
Report of Two Cases Upon the Marriage Law of Ireland ()
Some Account of George William Wilshere, Baron Bramwell of Hever (Charles Fairfield)
Wyoming Reports, Vol. 16 (Charles N. Potter)
Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions ()
The Law of Literature, Vol. 1 of 2 (James Appleton Morgan)
Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) (John Johnson)
The Principles of Equity, as Administered in the Supreme Court of Judicature and Other Courts of Equitable Jurisdiction (Classic Reprint) ()
The Principles of Common Law and Equity Procedure ()
The Renovation of International Law (D. Josephus Jitta)
Cases Decided in the Supreme Court, Vol. 2 (M. W. Searle)
Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope During the Years, Vol. 1 (M. W. Searle)
The Institution of Marriage in the United Kingdom (Philanthropus Philanthropus)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, 1932, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint) (Maryland; Court of Appeals)
The Rule-Making Authority in the English Supreme Court (Classic Reprint) (Samuel Rosenbaum)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the (State) Of New York, Vol. 3 of 3 (George Caines)
Leading Cases of the Court of Civil Appeals of the State of Tennessee, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) (Joseph C. Higgins)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Montana, Vol. 59 ()
The Law of Building Associations (G. An; Endlich)
The Constitution of the United States Defined and Carefully Annotated (Classic Reprint) (George W. Paschal)
Leading Cases Simplified (John Davison Lawson)
Cases Decided in the Supreme Court, Vol. 3 (M. W. Searle)
The Law of Trusts and Trustees (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law Affecting General and Particular Average (Classic Reprint) (Lawrence Duckworth)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of the State of New York, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (Nathan Howard)
The Handy Book of Parish Law (Classic Reprint) (W. A. Holdsworth)
Some Considerations on the Law of Forfeiture for High Treason, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Charles Yorke)
Reports of Cases (Principally Under the County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction Act, 1865, and the County Courts Amendment Act, 1867) ()
Outline of the Jurisdiction and Procedure of the Federal Courts (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Ragland Long)
Seigniorial Questions, Vol. 3 (MM. Lelievre)
The Constitutional Provision Respecting Fugitives From Service or Labor, and the Act of Congress (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law of Wills (Melville Madison Bigelow)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Vol. 2 (W. H. Wilkinson)
Handbook of Patent Law of All Countries (Classic Reprint) (W. P. Thompson)
History of the Court of Chancery in Nova Scotia (Classic Reprint) ()
Ballads En Termes De La Ley (William Reynell Anson)
The Legal Position of the Clergy, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (Philip Vernon Smith)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 55 (J. Shaaff Stockett)
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Superior Court and Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Delaware, 1837, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Delaware; Superior Court)
Digested Index Reported Cases of Lower Canada ()
The Law of Landlord Tenant (Classic Reprint) (Sidney Wright)
Practice Reports, Vol. 2 ()
Practical Treatise; Power to Sell Land, Non-Payment of Taxes ()
The Law of Joint Property and Partition in British India (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of New Mexico, Vol. 2 (Charles H. Gildersleeve)
Texas Laws Made Plain (D. E. Simmons)
Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery, Vol. 40 (Norman L. Freeman)
Principles of the Law of Personal Property (Joshua Williams)
The Law of Real Property Mortgages in New Jersey (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the District Court of the United States (William H. Crabbe)
Labor in Its Relations to Law (Classic Reprint) (F. J. Stimson)
Laws of California Relating to Women and Children (Classic Reprint) (Mrs. Willoughby Rodman)
Vicarious Liability ()
The Criminal Law Consolidation Statutes (Classic Reprint) (James Edward Davis)
Legal Bibliography, or a Thesaurus of American, English, Irish, and Scotch Law Books (Classic Reprint) (J. G. Marvin)
The Civil Liability ()
Practice of the Criminal Law of Scotland (Classic Reprint) (Sir Archibald Alison)
Select Cases and Other Authorities on the Law of Property, Vol. 6 (Classic Reprint) (John Chipman Gray)
The Law of Costs in Civil Actions (Classic Reprint) (William Tidd)
The Law of Passenger and Freight Elevators (Classic Reprint) (James Avery Webb)
Handbook of the Law of Wills (Classic Reprint) (George Enos Gardner)
The Law Relating to Trusts and Trustees (Classic Reprint) ()
Report of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws to the Governor of Pennsylvania, 1907 (Pennsylvania; Commissioners on Uni Laws)
Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey, 1886, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (New Jersey; Court of Chancery)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 6 ()
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, 1896, Vol. 14 (Classic Reprint) (Washington Washington)
Synopsis of Lectures on the Constitution of the United States, Before the School of Law of Cornell University (Classic Reprint) (Daniel Henry Chamberlain)
Foreign Treaties of the United States (William Beach Lawrence)
Reports of Cases Determined in the District Courts of the State of California, 1857, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) ()
Speech of Mr. Sprague, of Maine (Peleg Sprague)
The Law of Costs in New York (Classic Reprint) (George Elmore Milliman)
The Bahamas Law Reports (Kenneth Solomon)
Cases and Opinions on Constitutional Law and Various Points of English Jurisprudence, Collected and Digested From Official Documents and Other Sources (William Forsyth)
The Liquor Tax Law of 1896 ()
Illustrative Cases on Insurance (Classic Reprint) ()
Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of Washington, Vol. 47 ()
Catalogue of the Law Library of the Supreme Court of Ohio (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Decisions in Criminal Cases Made at Term, at Chambers, and in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer of the State of New York, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) ()
Roman Law in the Modern World, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Charles Phineas Sherman)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (Древность и Средние века). Учебное пособие (В. А. Томсинов)
The Law of Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Including Forms and Precedents (Classic Reprint) (Lewis Hochheimer)
Private International Law (Westlake Digested) (Classic Reprint) ()
The Appeal Court Reports, 1907, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Ceylon; High Court of Appeal)
The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, Usually Called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina (Classic R ()
Two Lectures Upon the Relations of Civil Law to Church Polity, Discipline, and Property (Classic Reprint) (William Strong)
Reports Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Pennsylvania, Vol. 9 (Frederick Watts)
The Law Relating to Automobile Insurance (Classic Reprint) (John Simpson)
The Laws of the Federated Malay States, Vol. 1 of 3 ()
Centennial Celebration of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1819-1919, by the North Carolina Bar Association (Classic Reprint) (North Carolina Bar Association)
State Control of Trade and Commerce (Classic Reprint) ()
Foreign and Home Law (Phanor James Eder)
Illustrative Cases in Partnership (James Paige)
The Transfer of Stock in Private Corporations (Classic Reprint) ()
Cases on Equity Pleading and Practice, State and Federal (Classic Reprint) (George Frederick Rush)
The Doctrine of Consideration (Pherozeshah N. Daruvala)
Objections to the Proposed Alteration of the Law Relating to Principal and Factor (Classic Reprint) ()
Law Affecting Building Operations and Architects and Builders Contracts (Classic Reprint) (Isaac Connell)
The Law of Promoters (Classic Reprint) (Manfred William Ehrich)
The Law of War and Contract, Including the Present War Decisions at Home and Abroad (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 11 ()
General Corporation Law of the State of Rhode Island ()
Compendium of the Laws of England, Scotland and Ancient Rome, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (James Logan)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 9 ()
The Liberty of the Press, Speech, and Public Worship (James Paterson)
Pleading and Forms Adapted to the New Revised Code of Indiana, Vol. 1 (John D. Works)
The Common Pleas Reporter, Vol. 2 ()
The Law Relating to Mines, Minerals,& Quarries in Great Britain and Ireland (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law of Contraband of War (Classic Reprint) ()
Falstaff and Equity (Charles E. Phelps)
The Ontario Reports, Vol. 2 (Christopher Robinson)
The Work of the Advocate (Byron K. Elliott)
Revision of the Patent Laws (Patent Law Association of Chicago)
Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law Specially Affecting Printers, Publishers, and Newspaper Proprietors (Classic Reprint) ()
Study and Report for American Federation of Labor Upon Judicial Control Over Legislatures as to Constitutional Questions, 1919 (Classic Reprint) (Jackson H. Ralston)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Arizona, Vol. 8 (E. W. Lewis)
Report on the Trial by Jury in Questions of Personal Freedom, 1837 (Classic Reprint) (Massachusetts; General Court; Judiciary)
The Law of the Federal and State Constitutions of the United States, With an Historical Study of Their Principles (Classic Reprint) (Frederic Jesup Stimson)
The Law Reports, Vol. 10 ()
Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New York, 1861, Vol. 12 (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, Vol. 174 (Edwin A. Bedell)
The Law of Magistrates and Constables, in the State of South-Carolina (B. C. Pressley)
Cases on Measure of Damages (Classic Reprint) (Isaac Franklin Russell)
The Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Real Property (Classic Reprint) (Francis Hilliard)
The Law Relating to Mercantile Agencies (Joseph W. Errant)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 12 ()
The Law of Sales of Personal Property (Classic Reprint) (Francis Hilliard)
Reports of Practice Cases, Vol. 16 ()
Redress by Arbitration ()
Claims (George F. Deiser)
Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New York, Vol. 6 ()
The Case of the Seneca Nation Stated by Counsel at Buffalo, March 15th, 1921 (Classic Reprint) (George Palmer Decker)
Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Natal ()
The Law and Practice in Proceedings Supplementary to Execution (Daniel S. Riddle)
The Confiscation Act of 1861, for the Seizure and Condemnation of Property Used for Insurrectionary Purposes, as Prize of War ()
Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Texas Bar Association, 1898 (Classic Reprint) ()
Cases on Common Law Pleading, Vol. 3 (Clarke B. Whittier)
The Law of Adoption in the United States, and Especially in Massachusetts (Classic Reprint) (William Henry Whitmore)
State of Washington (Sam H. Nichols)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature, Vol. 4 (william johnson)
Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New York, Vol. 3 ()
Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New York, Vol. 5 ()
The Theory of Contract in Its Social Light (Classic Reprint) (W. A. Watt)
Contracts in Engineering (James Irwin Tucker)
Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence as Administered in England and America, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Story)
Treatise on the Law of Mortgage (Classic Reprint) ()
To Commodore Sir Charles Hotham (William Hickman)
Reports of Appellate Court of the State of Indiana, Vol. 16 (Charles F. Remy)
Criticism Criticised (Joel Parker)
The Law Usages and Customs (J. H. Balfour Browne)
The Annotated Corporation Laws of All the States, Vol. 5 ()
Res Judicata; A Treatise on the Law of Former Adjudication, Vol. 1 of 2 (John M. Van Fleet)
Trust Estates as Business Companies (Classic Reprint) (John H. Sears)
International Law and Diplomacy of the Spanish-American War (Classic Reprint) (Elbert Jay Benton)
The Appeal Court Reports, 1909, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (Ceylon; High Court of Appeal)
Civil Procedure Reports Containing Cases Under the Code of Civil Procedure and the General Civil Practice of the State of New York, 1887, Vol. 12 ()
Reports of Cases, Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, Vol. 187 (Edwin A. Bedell)
The French Civil Code (E. Blackwood Wright)
Commentaries on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Foreign and Inland, as Administered in England and America (Joseph Story)
The Law of Interstate Commerce and Its Federal Regulation (Classic Reprint) (Frederick Newton Judson)
California Laws Made Plain (John Francis Davis)
Cases on Criminal Procedure (Abridged (William E. Mikell)
Principles of Hindu and Mohammadan Law, Republished From the Principles and Precedents of the Same (Classic Reprint) (Sir William Hay Macnaghten)
The Law Relating to Traffic on Railways and Canals, Vol. 1 of 3 (Classic Reprint) (Edward Boyle)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, Vol. 32 (Eugene G. Kreider)
Digest of House of Lords Cases (John Boyd Kinnear)
The Law Relating to Particulars and Conditions of Sale on a Sale of Land (Classic Reprint) (William Frederick Webster)
L. R. A. Triennial Index Digest 1915-1917 ()
Cases on Damages Selected From Decisions of English and American Courts (Classic Reprint) (Floyd R. Mechem)
The Game Laws ()
The Law of Domestic Relations of the State of New York (Frank B. Gilbert)
Digest of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1866 to 1876 (William W. Trimble)
The Jurisdiction and Procedure Admiralty the United States Civil Causes (Morton P. Henry)
Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery, the Prerogative Court, Vol. 2 ()
Domestic Relations (William N. Gemmill)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, Vol. 15 of 20 (Francis Vesey)
The History of the Law of Prescription in England ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, Vol. 10 of 20 (Francis Vesey)
Tentative Drafts of an Act to Make Uniform the Law of Partnership (Classic Reprint) (National Conference of Commissioner Law)
The Practice on Signing Judgment in the High Court of Justice ()
Outlines of Equity (Sydney Edward Williams)
The Rise and Fall of the High Commission (Classic Reprint) ()
Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary ()
The Law of Joint-Stock Companies and Other Associations (Edward W. Cox)
Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Courts of the State of Illinois, Vol. 73 (Martin L. Newell)
The New-York Justice (John A. Dunlap)
Business Competition and the Law (Gilbert Holland Montague)
History and Institutes of Roman Law ()
Federal Equity Procedure, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (C. L. Bates)
Historical Introduction to the Private Law of Rome (Classic Reprint) (James Muirhead)
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (William Rawle)
The Law of Arbitration and Award (Classic Reprint) (John Torrey Morse)
Systems of Land Tenure in Various Countries (J. W. Probyn)
The Principles of the Law of Evidence (William Mawdesley Best)
Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New York, Vol. 11 ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (William Halsted)
The Laws of Neutrality as Existing on August 1, 1914 ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, Vol. 11 (Charles P. Daly)
Restraints of Trade in Patented Articles (Classic Reprint) (Frank Y. Gladney)
The Law of Private Corporations in Pennsylvania (Classic Reprint) ()
The General Law of Suretyship Including Commercial and Non-Commercial Guarantees and Compensated Corporate Suretyship (Classic Reprint) (Edward W. Spencer)
The Law of Private Property in War, With a Chapter on Conquest (Norman Bentwich)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature, 1873, Vol. 36 (Classic Reprint) (Indiana Supreme Court)
Copyright Cases (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases in Law, Vol. 8 ()
Decisions of the Supreme Court, Vice-Admiralty Court, and Bankruptcy Court of Mauritius (Classic Reprint) (Mauritius; Supreme Court)
The Early Courts of Pennsylvania (Classic Reprint) (William H. Loyd)
Cases Determined in the St. Louis Courts of Appeals, Vol. 14 ()
History of the Oberlin-Wellington Rescue (Classic Reprint) (Making of America Project)
Reports of State Trials, Vol. 2 (John Macdonell)
Datum Posts of Jurisprudence (Classic Reprint) (William T. Hughes)
Report of Cases Argue and Determined in the Courts of Appeals of Ohio, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (Emilius O. Randall)
Sketch of the Laws Relating to Slavery (George M. Stroud)
Laws on Trusts and Monopolies (Nathan Boone Williams)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Vol. 6 (Classic Reprint) ()
Infamia Its Place in Roman Public and Private Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope ()
Slavery, or Involuntary Servitude ()
The Law of Libel (W. Valentine Ball)
The Law of Nations ()
The Library of the University of California Los Angles ()
Illustrative Cases on Municipal Corporations (Classic Reprint) ()
The Judicial Power of the Commonwealth (Sir John Quick)
The Law of Marriage and Family Relations (William Nevill Montgomerie Geary)
The Patent Law and Its Administration as Aids to Monopoly (Murray Corrington)
The Inheritance Tax Law of the State of Illinois (Walter K. Lincoln)
Laws of the State of Iowa Relating to Insurance (C. S. Byrkit)
The Bench and Bar of Georgia During the Eighteenth Century (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Rucker Lamar)
Building Cases (John Morrow)
Report of the Case of Gosling V. Veley (W. Wakeford Attree)
The Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords and of the Full Parliament (Classic Reprint) (John William Gordon)
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 14 (Classic Reprint) ()
Digest of Decisions of the United States Courts, Board of General Appraisers and the Treasury Department Under the Customs Revenue Laws, Together With the Tariff Acts From 1883 to 1913, and C ()
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, Vol. 30 (E. Peck)
The Law of Discovery, 1912 ()
The Institutes of Justinian (William Grapel)
Partnership and Private Corporations (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of Tasmania, Vol. 2 ()
Cases Determined in the United States Circuit Courts, Vol. 4 (John F. Dillon)
Vivada Chintamani (Prossonno Coomar Tagore)
United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ()
Treatise on the Law of Copyright (George Ticknor Curtis)
The Roman Law of Damage to Property (Erwin Grueber)
The Indian Decisions (New Series), Vol. 11 (Classic Reprint) ()
Instructor in Practical Court Reporting (Classic Reprint) ()
Selections From the Public and Private Law of the Romans (James J. Robinson)
The Mirrour of Justices ()
Zoline on Appellate Jurisdiction and Procedure (Elijah N. Zoline)
The Hindu Law, Vol. 2 ()
Trichotomy in Roman Law (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law of Railways, Including the Consolidation and Other General Acts of Regulating Railways in England and Ireland, With Copious Notes of Decided Cases on Their Construction, Including the (Leonard Shelford)
The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England, Vol. 4 of 10 (Classic Reprint) (Francis Bacon)
Reports of the High Court of Judicature for the North-Western Provinces (Moonshee Hanooman Pershad)
History of the Court of Chancery ()
The Controversy Over Neutral Rights Between the United States and France, 1797-1800 (James Brown Scott)
Remarks on the Arbitral Sentence Pronounced by the President of the Argentine Republic on July 9, 1909, on the Boundary Question Between Bolivia and Peru (Classic Reprint) (Pasquale Fiore)
The Judicature Acts and Rules of the Supreme Court, 1883 (Frederic Philip Tomlinson)
Common Bench Reports, Vol. 7 (James Manning)
The Law of Landlord and Tenant (John William Smith)
Illegitimacy Laws of the United States ()
The Trial Lawyers Assistant in Civil Cases (Classic Reprint) ()
The Commentaries of Gaius on the Roman Law (Gaius Gaius)
The Doctor and Student (Classic Reprint) (Saint German)
Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, Vol. 8 (Cape of Good Hope)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New York, 1883, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) ()
Cases in the Supreme Court, Vol. 3 (Eben; J. Buchanan)
The Ontario Reports, Vol. 27 (James F. Smith)
Code Practice in New York (Classic Reprint) ()
The Onus Probandi, Preparation for Trial (William H. Bailey)
Reports of Cases, Vol. 157 (Edmund H. Smith)
Practical Treatise on the Power to Sell Land for the Non-Payment of Taxes, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery, Vol. 8 (John H. Stewart)
Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, Vol. 6 (Eben J. Buchanan)
The Civil Code of the Republic of Panama and Amendatory Laws Continued in Force in the Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama, by Executive Order of May 9, 1904 (Classic Reprint) (Parti Nationaliste Malgache)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Indiana (John W. Kern)
Searching the Records (John Moran)
Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Texas Bar Association, 1906 (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases, Vol. 25 (E. Fitch Smith)
The Law and Practice Appertaining to Originating Summons (George Nichols Marcy)
The Law of Limitation and Prescription (in British India) ()
The Law and Practice as to References (Murray Hoffman)
Law Without Lawyers ()
The Law and Practice of the Sheriff Courts of Scotland (Classic Reprint) ()
Our Judicial Oligarchy (Classic Reprint) (Gilbert E. Roe)
Oaths in Common Law (Classic Reprint) ()
Butterworths Ten Years Digest of Reported Cases, 1898 to 1907, Vol. 2 (Sidney W. Clarke)
The American Slave Code, in Theory and Practice, Its Distinctive Features Shown by Its Statutes, Judicial Decisions Illustrative Facts (Classic Reprint) (William Goodell)
Speeches at the Bar and in Parliament, Vol. 4 of 4 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Digest of Justinian, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Charles Henry Monro)
Seven Lectures on the Law and History of Copyright in Books (Classic Reprint) ()
The Principles of the Law of Costs and Digest of Cases Applicable Thereto, With Tariffs of Fees, Precedents of Bills of Costs, and Forms (James Albert Craig Cameron)
Digest of the Mercantile Laws of Canada and Newfoundland (W. H. Anger)
Proceedings of the Adjourned Meeting of the National Congress on Uniform Divorce Laws ()
Rules of Law for the Carriage and Delivery of Persons and Property by Railway (Charles C. Bonney)
The Commentaries on the Laws of England of Sir William Blackstone, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (William Blackstone)
Land in Fetters or the History and Policy of the Laws Restraining the Alienation and Settlement of Load in England ()
Principles of the Law of Stoppage in Transitu (John Houston)
The Inheritance Tax Laws of Wisconsin (Wisconsin Tax Commission)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 3 (Frederick Watts)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, 1877, Vol. 26 (Classic Reprint) (Illinois; Supreme Court)
Summary of Canadian Commercial Law (William Henry Anger)
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 8 (Frederick Watts)
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) (Charles B. Penrose)
The Law of Hotel Life ()
The Law and Practice (Vale Nicolas)
The Law and Practice Relating to Letters Patent for Inventions (Classic Reprint) ()
Treatise of the Law of Bills of Exchange (John Barnard Byles)
History of the English Law, Vol. 3 of 4 (John Reeves)
Right to Light and Air ()
Interpleader (Michael Cababe)
The Military Law Examiner (Sisson C. Pratt)
Legal Memoranda ()
The Law of Merchandise Marks (D. M. Kerly)
Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Alabama, Vol. 8 (Lawrence H. Lee)
Copyright ()
The Acknowledgment of Deeds (John E. Hunt)
Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law, Vol. 2 of 4 (Joseph Chitty)
Questions and Answers on Insurance (E. Richard Shipp)
Digest of the Alabama Reports, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Alsop Claim, the Counter Case of the United States of America ()
The Law of the Air ()
Orders in Council for the Regulation of Consular Jurisdiction in the Dominions of the Sublime Ottoman Porte ()
Index-Digest of the New York Court of Appeals Reports, 1884 (Irving Browne)
Practice Reports in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, 1858, Vol. 8 (Classic Reprint) (Nathan Howard Rowland M. Stover Ne York)
The Institutes of Justinian (J. B. Moyle)
The Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire ()
Theories and Criticisms of Sir Henry Maine (Classic Reprint) (Morgan Owen Evans)
Instructions for the Government of Armies (Francis Lieber)
Practical Jurisprudence (E. C. Clark)
Reports of Admiralty and Revenue Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the Western Lake and River Districts, 1876, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Decided by the Irish Land Commission (Classic Reprint) (Ireland; Land Commission)
Digest Fire Insurance Decisions ()
Jurisprudence (Classic Reprint) (Charles Spencer March Phillipps)
History Suit in Equity (Charles Barton)
Reports and Dissertations, Vol. 1 of 2 (Nathaniel Chipman)
The Power of Congress (Charles P. James)
The Performance of Contracts (George P. Costigan)
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 25 (William T. Brantly)
The New System of Practice and Pleading Under the Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873& 1875 (Classic Reprint) (William Thomas Charley)
Reports of Cases, Vol. 5 (George Scott)
Select Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery (Steuart Macnaghten)
Reports of Cases, Vol. 16 (Edward Hyde East)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, Vol. 16 (Francis Vesey)
Proceedings in the Quo Warranto Case ()
Reports of Cases Determined in the Appellate Courts of Illinois, Vol. 87 (Martin L. Newell)
International Law Topics and Discussions (Classic Reprint) ()
The Government of Religious Communities ()
Opinions of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Michigan ()
The Law of Wills Embracing Devises, Legacies, and Testamentary Trusts, Their Construction, Discharge, and Mode of Enforcement, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Isaac F. Redfield)
The Law of Aliens and Naturalization ()
Law Relating to Literary Copyright and the Authorship and Publication of Books (Classic Reprint) (Daniel Chamier)
The Game Laws of England for Gamekeepers (Classic Reprint) ()
Star Chamber Cases ()
International Law, Some Problems of the War ()
Bankruptcy Legislation and Defaulters in the Legal Profession ()
Criminal Appeals ()
Britton (Francis Morgan Nichols)
Decisions in the High Court of Admiralty, Vol. 1 (George Minot)
Report of the Trial of Friends, in the City of Philadelphia, June, 1828, Before the Honourable Edward King, Esq., President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, for the First Judicial District (M. T. C. Gould)
The Frederick Gerring, Jr ()
Report to the Honorable John Hay ()
Treatise on the Doctrine, Ultra Vires (Seward Brice)
In the Senate of the United States, Vol. 12 ()
The Conspiracy to Defeat the Liberation of Gov, Dorr (Francis C. Treadwell)
Canadian Criminal Procedure ()
The Moral, Social, and Professional Duties of Attorneys and Solicitors (Samuel Warren)
The Practice; The Parliament of Canada (John Alexander Gemmill)
Principles of the Law of Contract (Classic Reprint) (William Reynell Anson)
Proceedings and Report of Special War Department Board on Courts-Martial and Their Procedure ()
Practical Treatise on Divorce and Matrimonial Jurisdiction (John Fraser Macqueen)
The Law of Impounding in Victoria ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined, Vol. 5 ()
Reports of Cases Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 1 ()
The Law Relating to Traffic on Railways and Canals, Vol. 3 of 3 (Classic Reprint) (Edward Boyle)
Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Stanley (John Campbell)
The Law of Building Societies, Comprising Incorporated Building Societies (Classic Reprint) ()
Leading Statutes Summarised (Ernest Chester Thomas)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Appellate Courts of Illinois, Vol. 121 (W. Clyde Jones)
The Federal Estate Tax Law and Regulations United States Inheritance Tax (Classic Reprint) ()
Oaths of Allegiance in Colonial New England (Classic Reprint) (Charles Evans)
The Bering Sea Arbitration ()
Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, Vol. 47 ()
Standard Decisions on Questions in Law and Equity Relating to Banks Banking, Vol. 1 (James Monroe)
The Book of Church Law (Classic Reprint) (John Henry Blunt)
Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Admiralty of England (Ernst Browning)
Selected Cases on Water Rights and Irrigation Law in California and Western States (Classic Reprint) (Gavin W. Craig)
Land Law and Registration of Title (Eustace John Harvey)
Spirit of the South; Or, Persecution in the Name of Law, as Administered in Virginia ()
The Municipal Court Act ()
William H. Seward as a Lawyer (L. B. Proctor)
The Jurisdiction Practice of the County Courts in Equity (James Edward Davis)
Fiat Money (Francis A. Brooks)
Digest of the Scottish Law of Conveyancing (John Craigie)
Rules of Evidence (George W. Bradner)
Principles of Commercial Law ()
The Hand-Book of the Law of Legacies (Classic Reprint) ()
The Personal Law of the Mahommedans, According to All the Schools (Syed Ameer Ali Moulvi)
The High Court Procedure Act, 1903-1915 ()
Foibles of the Bar (Classic Reprint) ()
The United States Customs Guide, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Destruction of Merchant Ships (Frederick Smith)
Treatise on the Law of Fixtures, and Other Property ()
The New Japanese Civil Code (Nobushige Hozumi)
The Practice in Equity (W. Gregory Walker)
The Transfer Tax Law of the State of New York (George W. McElroy)
Translation of the Civil Code ()
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke, Vol. 11 (Classic Reprint) ()
Principles of the Law of Real Property (Joshua Williams)
Legal Philadelphia Comments and Memories (Classic Reprint) ()
Trial by Jury a Brief Review of Its Origin, Development and Merits (Classic Reprint) ()
Precedents of American Neutrality, in Reply to the Speech of Sir Roundell Palmer, Attorney-General of England, in the British House of Commons, May 13, 1864 (Classic Reprint) (George Bemis)
Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia (Franklin H. Mackey)
Decision of the Supreme Court of Porto Rico and Dissenting Opinion in the Case of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church Vs (Puerto Rico; Supreme Court)
Commissioner Kerr (G. Pitt-Lewis)
Hindoo Law (John Cochrane)
International Conventions and Third States a Monograph (Classic Reprint) ()
The Division Courts Act, Rules and Forms ()
Considerations Suggested by the Report Made to His Majesty, 1826 (Classic Reprint) ()
The American Annual Register, Vol. 2 ()
History of Procedure in England (Melville Madison Bigelow)
Civil Procedure Reports, Vol. 3 ()
The Law of Collateral and Direct Inheritance, Legacy and Succession Taxes (Benj; F. Dos Passos)
The British Columbia Reports, Vol. 10 (Peter Secord Lampman)
Letter to Sir Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, Solicitor-General of England ()
The Works of Edmund Burke, Vol. 8 of 9 (Classic Reprint) (Edmund Burke)
Occupancy Right ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty, Vol. 3 (John Haggard)
Powers, Duties and Work of Game Wardens ()
Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Minnesota, Vol. 149 ()
The Maritime Codes of Spain and Portugal (Classic Reprint) (Francis William Raikes)
The Indian Evidence Act, No; I of 1872, as Amended by Act XVIII of 1872 ()
The Principles of the Law Relating to Marine Insurance and General Average in England and America, Alphabetically Arranged (F. Octavius Crump)
Death by Wrongful Act (Classic Reprint) (Francis B. Tiffany)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) ()
Reform Without Innovation ()
Horse Warranty (Francis Henry Lascelles)
The Law Relating to Engineering (L. W. J. Costello)
The Code of Procedure, or the New and the Old Modes of Proceeding Compared Showing the Necessity of Restoring the Forms of Actions and Pleadings in Cases at Common Law (Classic Reprint) (Wm; H. Greene)
Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery, the Prerogative Court, and on Appeal, in the Court of Errors and Appeals, of the State of New Jersey, Vol. 7 (Classic Reprint) (John H. Stewart)
The Law and Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature (Wynne Edwin Baxter)
The Law and Practice in Special Proceedings, 1858 (Charles Crary)
Leading Cases in Land Purchase Law (Classic Reprint) (John Henry Maccarthy)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Indiana, Vol. 6 (Isaac Blackford)
Land Title Registration by Certificate ()
The Duties of Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables (John G. Crocker)
Cases on Taxation (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Henry Beale)
Practical Treatise on the Power to Sell Land, Vol. 2 ()
Problems and Quiz on Equity Jurisprudence (Classic Reprint) (Earl P. Hopkins)
The Civil Code of the State of California ()
Opinion of the Attorney General Concerning the Judicial Authority of the Commissioner or Minister of Consuls of the United States in China and Turkey (Classic Reprint) ()
Commentary on Cession of Actions (Classic Reprint) (Johannes A. Sande)
The British Columbia Reports ()
Lackawanna Jurist, Vol. 8 (Classic Reprint) (Michael E. McDonald)
Selected Cases on Real Property (Christopher G. Tiedeman)
The Present and Future of Trade Unions (Classic Reprint) ()
The Acts and Ordinances of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, Vol. 2 of 2 (John Augustus Harwood)
Treatise on the Doctrine of Presumption and Presumptive Evidence (John H. Mathews)
The Rights of Heirship, or the Doctrine of Descents and Consanguinity ()
Cases, Chiefly Relating to the Criminal and Presentment Law ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, Vol. 2 (Frederick James Hall)
Bequests for Masses (William Dillon)
Bank Deposits (John Edson Brady)
The Suspending Power and the Writ of Habeas Corpus (Classic Reprint) (James F. Johnston)
Correspondence Concerning Claims Against Great Britain, Vol. 5 ()
Reports, Cases in Admiralty, Vol. 1 ()
The Influence of the Mosaic Code Upon Subsequent Legislation (Classic Reprint) (J. Benj; Marsden)
Removal of Causes From the State to Federal Courts, an Analysis of the Law as Changed by Act of Congress of March 3, 1887 (Emory Speer)
The Trials for Treason at Indianapolis (Benn Pitman)
Reports of Cases Decided in the Appellate Court of the State of Indiana, Vol. 66 (Will H. Adams)
The Duties and Liabilities of Trustees ()
Corporations in Pennsylvania, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Walter Murphy)
Cases on Sales of Personal Property (Classic Reprint) (Frank An; Erwin)
Probate, Administration, and Guardianship ()
Report of the Poor Law Commissioners on Local Taxation (Classic Reprint) (Poor Law Commissioners)
Reports of Cases of Practice Decided by the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, Vol. 3 (Nathan Howard)
The Law and Practice Relating to Referees, References and Arbitrations (Linn L. Boyce)
Civil Procedure Reports, 1887, Vol. 11 (Classic Reprint) ()
Banking Cases, Annotated, Vol. 2 ()
Canadian Railway Cases, Vol. 7 ()
The Criminal Appeal Act, 1907 ()
United States Court of Claims ()
Sir Walter Scott as a Judge (John Chisholm)
Chancery Pleading and Practice in Alabama, With Forms for Pleadings ()
The Taking of Evidence on Commission (W. E. Hume-Williams)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, Vol. 19 of 20 (Francis Vesey)
The Case of the Pious Fund of the Californias ()
The Preservation of Open Spaces, and of Footpaths and Other Rights of Way ()
Digest the Laws of England, Vol. 5 of 7 (William Cruise)
The Laws of the Earliest English Kings (F. L. Attenborough)
International Law Situations ()
Transvaal Gold Law (Sydney Hilton Barber)
The Laws of the Australasian Colonies as to the Administration and Distribution of the Estate of Deceased Persons (John Dennistoun Wood)
Report of French-Venezuelan Mixed Claims Commission of 1902 (Classic Reprint) (Jackson H. Ralston)
Speeches of Thomas Lord Erskine, Vol. 2 of 2 (Edward Walford)
Compulsory Sales in British India (Classic Reprint) (Samatul Chandra Dutt)
Problems of International Practice and Diplomacy ()
The Road and the Roadside (Classic Reprint) (Burton Willis Potter)
The Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri ()
Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Law (Frederic Seebohm)
Beckett on Trusts and Trustees (J. B. Beckett)
The Tennessee Manual of Chancery Pleading and Practice (Classic Reprint) (W. J. Hicks)
The Writings of James Madison, Vol. 7 (James Madison)
Full Authentic Report of the Tilak Trial (N. C. Kelkar)
Library of Historic Theology (Wm; C. Piercy)
The Equity Decisions (Benjamin Russell)
Historical Sketch of the Judicial Tribunals of New York (Charles P. Daly)
Common Forms and Rules for Drawing and Answering an Original Bill in Chancery (John J. McKinnon)
The Ancient Laws of Wales ()
The Trial by Jury, Vol. 2 ()
Leet Jurisdiction in England (F. J. C. Hearnshaw)
In the Supreme Court of Illinois, Northern Grand Division, Vol. 1 (W. P. Black)
Four Land Cases (William Green)
Concise Treatise on the Principles of Equity Pleading (Classic Reprint) (Franklin Fiske Heard)
Principles of Conveyancing, Vol. 1 of 2 (Charles Watkins)
Smith on Contracts ()
The Testamentary Executor in England and Elsewhere (Classic Reprint) ()
In the Supreme Court of the State of California (S. W. Sanderson)
Company Law (Francis Beaufort Palmer)
Rights of the Minority Stockholder (Classic Reprint) ()
Grotius on the Rights of War and Peace (William Whewell)
The History of the Legislation Concerning Real and Personal Property in England (J. E. R. De Villiers)
Speech of Senator Robert M. La Follette (Classic Reprint) ()
Cases on Guaranty and Suretyship (Classic Reprint) ()
Practical Legislation (Lord Thring)
The Civil Code of Lower Canada (Wm; H. Butler)
International Documents (E. A. Whittuck)
The Law of Texas Now in Force (William Alexander)
The County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction Act (James Edward Davis)
The Law of Salvage (Edwyn Jones)
Probate Law, Practice, and Forms (Daniel E. Alexander)
Full and Complete Analytical Index (Clarence F. Birdseye)
Laws Passed in the Territory of the United States North-West of the River Ohio ()
The Dairy and Food Laws of the State of Michigan ()
The Law of Insurance, as Applied to Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee, and Other Non-Maritime Risks (Classic Reprint) (John Wilder May)
The Commercial Code of Japan and the Law Concerning Its Operation (Classic Reprint) (Japan Japan)
International Law Topics ()
The Rules of Evidence (John Appleton)
Federal Equity Procedure, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (C. L. Bates)
The Case of the Private Armed Brig. of War, Gen. Armstrong (Sam C. Reid)
Civil Procedure Reports, Vol. 9 ()
Outlines of Lectures on Jurisprudence (Classic Reprint) ()
Lawyer and Client (William Allen Butler)
The Early Jurisprudence of New Hampshire (John M. Shirley)
Sea Law and Sea Power ()
The Revised Statutes of South Carolina, Vol. 2 ()
Title Deeds (Francis R. Stead)
Compendium of the Law of Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and Dower, in Force in Alabama (Classic Reprint) (John A. Cuthbert)
Digest of Insurance Cases, Vol. 24 (Guilford A. Deitch)
Free Land (Classic Reprint) ()
The Loss and Damage Review, Vol. 5 ()
Law and Usage of War (Sir Thomas Barclay)
Declaration of War (Douglas Owen)
Liquor Prohibition (Classic Reprint) ()
Trying a Case (Classic Reprint) (William N. Gemmill)
Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on Various Points of English Jurisprudence (George Chalmers)
Report of the Case of Edward Prigg Against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ()
Practice Attachment of Property (George W. Bradner)
Trial Tactics (Classic Reprint) ()
Car Trust Securities (Francis Rawle)
Restraints on the Alienation of Property (Classic Reprint) (John Chipman Gray)
Hand Book of Practice in the Probate Courts of the State of Maine (Enos T. Luce)
In the Supreme Court of the State of Califoria (Creed Haymond)
Bank Officers (Jesse Leonard Rosenberger)
Code Practice and Precedents, Vol. 1 ()
Report of the Twenty-Second Conference Held at Christiania ()
The Statutes of Maine Relating to Business Corporations (Isaac W. Dyer)
Reports of Cases Arising Upon Letters Patent for Inventions, Vol. 2 (Samuel S. Fisher)
Report of the Cases of Regina V. Millis Et Regina V. Carroll (Edward Spencer Dix)
Report of the Case of the Steamship Meteor, Vol. 1 (F. V. Balch)
Constitution of the State of California and Summary of Amendments ()
The Justices Act of 1886 (50 Victori?, No; 17) (John L. Woolcock)
The Canadian Railway Act, 1903 ()
The Insolvent Act of 1864 (J. J. C. Abbott)
Parsi Law (Framjee A. Rana)
Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute, 1885, Vol. 11 (Classic Reprint) ()
Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence ()
Speeches of Lord Campbell (John Campbell)
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 3 ()
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 5 (Frederick Watts)
The Question Between the United States and Peru ()
United States of America, Petitioner, V. Standard Oil Company of New Jersey Et Defendants (D. T. Watson)
The Insolvent Laws of Massachusetts (Joseph Cutler)
The Law Relating to India, and the East-India Company ()
The Statutes and Orders of the Court of Chancery and the Statute Law of Real Property of the State of New York (Joseph Parkes)
The Rights, Remedies and Liabilities of Landlord and Tenant, 1876 (David McAdam)
The Law of Easements, an Elementary Treatise (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law of Electric Wires in Streets and Highways (Classic Reprint) (Edward Quinton Keasbey)
International Law and the World War, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (James Wilford Garner)
Translation of the Mortgage Law for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Phillippines (Classic Reprint) (Club Universitario de Buenos Aires)
The Theory of the Law of Evidence as Established in the United States, and of the Conduct of the Examination of Witnesses (Classic Reprint) (William Reynolds)
The Mechanics Lien Law of the State of New York (Passed May 27th, 1885;) (William L. Snyder)
Race Distinctions in American Law (Classic Reprint) (Gilbert Thomas Stephenson)
Forest, Game and Fish Laws (Classic Reprint) (West Virginia; Laws)
The Treaty of Peace With Germany (Cyril Moses Picciotto)
The Law of Receivers of Corporations Including National Banks (James Fraser Gluck)
Powers of Consolidated Railway Companies (Charles W. Hassler)
The Privilege of Religious Confessions in English Courts of Justice Considered, in a Letter to a Friend (Classic Reprint) (Edward Badeley)
The Law and Practice in Proceedings Supplementary to Execution, 1883 (Daniel S. Riddle)
The Anarchist Constitution (Classic Reprint) (D. I. Sturber)
Our Land Laws, as They Are ()
Observations on the Present Convention With Spain (Classic Reprint) (Benjamin Robins)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery and on Appeal, in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey, 1886, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (New Jersey; Court of Chancery)
Common Bench Reports, Vol. 1 (James Manning)
The Law of Public Health and Safety (Leroy Parker)
The Law of Trade and Labor Combinations (Frederick Hale Cooke)
The Law of Suretyship and Guaranty, Vol. 1 (George W. Brandt)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the English Courts of Common Law, Vol. 67 (George Sharswood)
Real Property (D. Gatteschi)
Boycotts and the Labor Struggle ()
The Modern Law of Personal Property (Classic Reprint) (Louis Arthur Goodeve)
The Law of Wills in Michigan With Forms (Classic Reprint) (Franklin A. Beecher)
Select Cases and Other Authorities on the Law of Property, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (John Chipman Gray)
History of Land Tenure in Ireland (Classic Reprint) (William Ernest Montgomery)
Reports of Cases at Law and in Chancery, Vol. 255 (Samuel Pashley Irwin)
State of New York, in Assembly, Breach of Privilege (Platt Potter)
The Law Reports Indian Appeals, 1906, Vol. 33 (Frederick Pollock)
The Law Reports ()
Courts and Procedure in England and in New Jersey (Classic Reprint) (Charles Hopkins Hartshorne)
Illustrative Cases on Contracts (Classic Reprint) ()
Thirty Years on the Bench (Classic Reprint) (J. W. F. White)
The Rights of Citizenship ()
Illustrative Cases in Contracts (Classic Reprint) (William Sullivan Pattee)
Crown Cases; Reserved for Consideration, and Decided by the Judges of England ()
Report of the Trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase (Classic Reprint) (Samuel Chase)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Appellate Courts of Illinois, Vol. 114 (Martin L. Newell)
Illinois Cases on Equity Jurisprudence, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (Morton S. Cressy)
Registration of Trademarks Under the New Trademark Act (Classic Reprint) ()
Patents ()
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined, Vol. 1 (Frederick Watts)
Individual and Corporation Mortgages (William Lilly)
The Law of Trade-Marks and Designs in Canada (Classic Reprint) ()
The Negotiable Instruments Law of Pennsylvania (Classic Reprint) (John J. Crawford)
The Ohio Nisi Prius Reports, Vol. 2 ()
Letter to Earl Fitzwilliam, Upon the Power of Compelling the Assessment of a Church Rate (James Manning)
Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Vol. 1 of 4 ()
Leading Cases on Public Corporations (Classic Reprint) ()
Lectures on the Study and Practice of the Law (Emory Washburn)
The Law of Fire Insurance in Canada (Edward Robert Cameron)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Various Courts of Appeal of the State of Louisiana, 1881 (Classic Reprint) (Louisiana; Courts of Appeal)
The Law of Partnership, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Clement Bates)
The American Supreme Court as an International Tribunal (Classic Reprint) ()
Treatise on Patent Estate, Comprehending Nature, Conditions and Limitations (Classic Reprint) ()
Institutes of Holland, Or, Manual of Law, Practice, and Mercantile Law (Joannes Van Der Linden)
Principles of Torts and Contracts, Vol. 1 of 3 (William Edmund Bunting Ball)
Death by Wrongful Act (Francis B. Tiffany)
The History of the Supreme Court of the State of Texas (J. H. Davenport)
Reports of Cases Heard and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal (George Taylor)
Street Railway Law, Vol. 2 (Jesse Leonard Rosenberger)
Leading Cases Commercial Law England and Scotland (George Ross)
Street Railway Law, Vol. 3 (J. L. Rosenberger)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Court of Chancery, Vol. 2 (John P. Stockton)
Speech of Salmon P. Chase, in the Case of the Colored Woman, Matilda, Who Was Brought Before the Court of Common Pleas of Hamilton County, Ohio, by Writ of Habeas Corpus (Salmon P. Chase)
The Law of Negotiable Instruments (James Matlock Ogden)
Resolutions of the Institute of International Law Dealing With the Law of Nations (Institute of International Law)
War and the Private Citizen ()
Reports of Cases Decided in the Superior Court and the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Delaware, 1866, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint) (John W. Houston)
The Laws of Trade and Commerce, Designed as a Book of Reference in Mercantile Transactions (Classic Reprint) (John Williams)
Reports of Cases Decided in the Superior Court, and the Court of Errors and Appeals, of the State of Delaware, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (John W. Houston)
Practical Treatise on the Law of Replevin in the United States (Phineas Pemberton Morris)
The Institutes of the Law of Nations, Vol. 2 of 2 (James Lorimer)
The Standard Library Cyclopaedia of Political, Constitutional, Statistical and Forensic Knowledge, Vol. 4 of 4 (Classic Reprint) ()
Some Account of the Life, Writings, and Speeches of William Pinkney (Classic Reprint) ()
Collection of Cases on the Measure of Damages (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Henry Beale)
Reports Decisions in Criminal Cases, Vol. 5 ()
Civil Procedure in Louisiana, Vol. 1 (Charles Thomas Wortham)
The Standard Library Cyclopedia of Political, Constitutional, Statistical and Forensic Knowledge, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) ()
Outlines of Historical Jurisprudence, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Sir Paul Vinogradoff)
Patents (Eugene Dutilh Sewall)
Selection of Cases on Carriers and Other Bailment and Quasi-Bailment Services (Classic Reprint) (Joseph Henry Beale)
Bramwelliana or Wit and Wisdom of Lord Bramwell (Classic Reprint) (Edward Manson)
Court of Appeal Cases of Ceylon, Vol. 1 ()
Full Report of the Trial of William Smith for Piracy (D. F. Murphy)
Charles E. Hughes, the Statesman (William Lynn Ransom)
Commercial Precedents Selected From the Column of Replies and Decisions of the New York Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, 1914 (Charles Putzel)
Cases on Contracts and Combinations in Restraint of Trade, Selected From the Decisions of English and American Courts, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Road and Bridge Law of Illinois in Counties Under Township Organization (Classic Reprint) (Walter Stager)
The Law Relating to Weights, Measures, and Weighing Machines (Classic Reprint) (George Crispe Whiteley)
Report on the Deliverance of Citizens Liable to Be Sold as Slaves, 1839 (Classic Reprint) (Massachusetts; General Court; Jo Slaves)
The Law of Interpleader as Administered by the English, Irish, American, Canadian and Australian Courts ()
Law of Landlord and Tenant as Administered in Bengal Act VIII of 1869 (Classic Reprint) ()
The Doctrines of the Law of Contracts (Joel Prentiss Bishop)
The Enforcement of International Law Through Municipal Law in the United States, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (Philip Quincy Wright)
The Law of Suretyship ()
The Law of Taxation in Michigan Including General Taxation, Drain Taxes, Special Assessments, Pleading Practice, Forms (Classic Reprint) (Willis Baldwin)
Law for Criminal Catchers (Classic Reprint) (William W. Graves)
Treaties (Samuel B. Crandall)
Leading and Select Cases on Trusts (Classic Reprint) (Peter Zinn)
Trial of Alexander Addison, Esq ()
Reports of Cases, Vol. 4 ()
Confederate States Vs (John H. Gilmer)
How to Run a Corporation ()
The Historical Development of Code Pleading in America and England (Classic Reprint) (Charles M. Hepburn)
Civil Procedure Reports, Vol. 31 (Percival S. Menken)
Sources of Our Liberties ()
The Trials of William S. Smith, and Samuel G. Ogden ()
The American Railway Reports, Vol. 3 (John A. Mallory)
The Office of Justice of the Peace in England in Its Origin and Development (Classic Reprint) (Charles Austin Beard)
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, Vol. 23 (E. Pack)
The Law of Actionable Misrepresentation, Stated in the Form of a Code Followed by a Commentary and Appendices (Classic Reprint) (George Spencer Bower)
The Nova Scotia Reports, 1897, Vol. 28 (Classic Reprint) (Nova Scotia; Supreme Court)
The Canadian Annual Digest, 1915 ()
Supplement to the Criminal Code (James Crankshaw)
Reports of Law Cases Affecting Friendly Societies, Containing Most Important Decisions (John Diprose)
Conduct of Lawsuits (John C. Reed)
The Theory of the Judicial Practice of South Africa, Vol. 1 (G. B. Van Zyl)
Reports Cases Determined Circuit Court of the United States, Vol. 1 (Jabez S. Holmes)
The Code of Law for the District of Columbia (Wm; S. Torbert)
Digest of Davis Military Law of the United States and the Manual for Courts-Martial, Including the Articles of War, Rev. To August 29, 1916 (Classic Reprint) ()
Jurisdiction Over Foreign Ships in Territorial Waters, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (Charles Noble Gregory)
Rulings of the Court of Sudder Udalut (S. Vejiaragavooloo Chetty)
Cases on Criminal Procedure, Vol. 3 ()
Reports of Cases in Equity, Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, Vol. 6 ()
The Practice of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice (John F. Haynes)
Law Tracts, in Two Volumes, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (William Blackstone Esq.)
Handbook of the Law of Banks and Banking (Classic Reprint) (Francis B. Tiffany)
Colorado Stock Laws ()
Peerage Law in England (Francis Beaufort Palmer)
Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in California (Stephen J. Field)
Cases on Public Service Companies (Bruce Wyman)
The International Law and Diplomacy of the Russo-Japanese War (Classic Reprint) ()
Life of David Belden (Classic Reprint) ()
The Pocket Indian Evidence Act ()
The Law of Personal Injuries in Mines (Edward J. White)
Bracton and His Relation to the Roman Law (Carl Guterbock)
Law Contraband of War (Frederic Thomas Pratt)
Roman Private Law, Vol. 1 ()
Reform of the Grand Jury System ()
The Practice Special Actions Courts of Record (J. Newton Fiero)
The Law of Scotland in Relation to Wills and Succession, Vol. 1 of 2 (John McLaren)
The New Jersey Practice Act (1912) And Rules (Charles H. Hartshorne)
The Law of Street Surface Railroads ()
Illustrative Cases on Bailments and Carriers (Classic Reprint) ()
Some Account of the Work of Stephen J. Field, as a Legislator, State Judge, and Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (J. Norton Pomeroy)
The Principal Judgments (Chancellor Tristram)
The Digest of Canadian Criminal Case Law (George E. McCrossan)
Shavings, Vol. 1 (J. Godfrey)
Principles of the Law of Real Property, Vol. 1 of 15 (Joshua Williams)
The Standard Library Cyclop?dia of Political, Constitutional, Statistical and Forensic Knowledge, Vol. 1 of 4 ()
Report of the Trial of James H. Peck ()
The Law of Eminent Domain (Carman F. Randolph)
The Elements of the Law of Sale of Personal Property (Classic Reprint) (William Livesey Burdick)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Victoria, Vol. 6 ()
Rapports Judiciaires Revises De La Province De Quebec, Vol. 6 (Michel Mathieu)
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Vol. 7 (Frederick Watts)
On Surnames and the Rules of Law Affecting Their Change ()
Reports of Cases in Chancery, Vol. 28 (Charles Beavan)
Treatise on the Offices of Justice of Peace; Constable; Commissioner of Supply; And Commissioner Under Comprehending Acts, in Scotland, Vol. 1 (Gilbert Hutcheson)
Dictionary of Banking (William Thomson)
Reflections, or Hints Founded Upon Experience and Facts ()
Report From the Secretary of State, 1877 ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник (А. Б. Венгеров)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник для бакалавров (И. А. Исаев,А. П. Печников,Н. С. Кувырченков,М. А. Приходько)
The Principles of the Law of Real Property, According to the Text of Blackstone (James Stewart)
The Quebec Law Reports, Vol. 15 (Bar of the Province of Quebec)
To the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland (John Prentiss Poe)
The Contract of Affreightment ()
Correspondence With the Judges of the Supreme Court (Cape of Good Hope)
Rules Supreme Court ()
The Law of Bills of Sale (George Edward Lyon)
The Orders, Statutes and Regulations Affecting the Practice the Court of Chancery ()
Thoughts on Martial Law ()
Capture in War on Land and Sea (Classic Reprint) ()
The Statute Law (J. W. Gordon)
Game and Fish Laws and Forest Protective Acts of West Virginia (Classic Reprint) (West Virginia; Laws)
Containing a Digest of All the Laws in the Thirty-Eighty States of the Union, Together With a Historical Resume (John G. Lee)
The Law Relating to Corrupt and Illegal Practices (Miles Walker Mattinson)
Orders of the Court of Chancery for Upper Canada ()
The Law Relating to the Carriage by Land of Passengers, Animals, and Goods (Classic Reprint) (S. W. Clarke)
The Anatomy of the Navigation Laws (Classic Reprint) (John Lewis Ricardo)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty, Vol. 2 (John Haggard)
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty, Vol. 2 (William Robinson)
The Law Recorder, Vol. 5 ()
The Insolvent Act of 1875 (Samuel Robinson Clarke)
Points of View, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) (Birkenhead Birkenhead)
The Declaration of London (Norman Bentwich)
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Arkansas State Bar Association ()
The Law and Practice Relating to Petitions in Chancery and Luna (Sydney E. Williams)
Readings in the Law of Real Propert (George W. Kirchwey)
The Law of Innkeepers and Hotels (Joseph Henry Beale)
The Reporters (John William Wallace)
Holders of Railroad, Bonds and Notes; Their Rights and Remedies (Louis Heft)
The Neutral Merchant (Francis Piggott)
The Law and Practice of Referees and References (Morris Cooper)
The Canadian Torrens System With Special Reference to the Statutes of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta and of the Dominion of Canada, and With a Collection of Forms, Statutes and Leading Ca (Douglas J. Thom)
The Peoples Ancient and Just Liberties (William Penn)
Course in Comparative Jurisprudence (Classic Reprint) (William Wirt Howe)
The History and Present Position of the Bill of Lading as a Document of Title to Goods (W. P. Bennett)
Practice and Pleading in Personal Actions in the Courts of Massachusetts (Classic Reprint) ()
Treatise on the Offices of High Sheriff, Undersheriff, Bailiff, &C (George Atkinson)
Practical Guide to the Law of Tenant Compensation and Farm Purchase ()
Collective Ownership (C. T. Carr)
The Principles of Surety Underwriting (Luther E. Mackall)
Civil Procedure Reports, 1888, Vol. 14 (D. McCarty)
The Case of the Late Election for the County of Middlesex ()
Sales Laws of Bengal (Mohendra Nath Roy)
Hispanicae Advocationis Libri Dvo, Vol. 2 ()
Jottings of an Old Solicitor (Classic Reprint) (John Hollams)
The Law of Bankruptcy (Charles W. Gerstenberg)
Reports of Cases Under the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, Vol. 3 (Charles Francis Morrell)
Trial of Ensign Robert Dillon ()
The Speeches of Sir Samuel Romilly, Vol. 2 of 2 (Samuel Romilly)
The Law of Real Property ()
Justice Perverted (St. Leonards)
The Complete and Consolidated Digest of Indian Civil Cases 1901 to 1908, Vol. 2 (Dhani Ram Khannah)
The Law and Practice of the High Prerogative Writ of Mandamus ()
Concise Treatise (C. Stewart Drewry)
The Law of Negotiable Paper, Vol. 2 ()
Reply to Mr. Duponceau ()
Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New York, 1860, Vol. 9 (Classic Reprint) ()
Banking Cases, Annotated, Vol. 5 ()
Trial of the Case of the Commonwealth Versus David Lee Child, for Publishing in the Massachusetts Journal (John W. Whitman)
Reports of Cases in the Probate Court (Milton H. Myrick)
Shorthand Reporters ()
The Disfranchisement of Paupers (Charles Theo; Russell)
The Law of Assessment ()
The Anti-Trust Act and the Supreme Court (Classic Reprint) (William Howard Taft)
Federal Court Rules Annotated ()
Practical Treatise on the Laws Relating to the Church and the Clergy (Classic Reprint) ()
Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of Chancery of New York, Vol. 6 (william johnson)
The Muhammadan Law (Shama Churun Sircar)
Reports of Cases, Decided in the Court of Probate and in the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, Vol. 1 (M. C. Merttins Swabey)
Remarks Concerning the Encroachments on the River Thames Near Durham-Yard, Vol. 2 (Granville Sharp)
The Old Stadt Huys of New Amsterdam (James W. Gerard)
County Courts Act ()
Books Published by William Tait, Edinburgh (William Tait)
Principles of the Law of Personal Property, Chattels and Choses (Frank Hall Childs)
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana ()
The Right of the General Government to Lease Mineral Lands Within a State (W. T. Howell)
The Compact With the Charter and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth (William Brigham)
Principles of Mercantile Law ()
Opinion of the Supreme Court of California in the Colton Case (Supreme Court of California)
The Commerce Clause of the Federal Constitution (Classic Reprint) (E. Parmalee Prentice)
Patent Cases Decided by the Comptroller-General and Law Officers of the Crown in 1887 ()
Betrothment and Marriage, Vol. 1 (Canon de Smet)
Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland, Vol. 4 (John Johnson)
On Belgian Law (Ernest Todd)
The Laws Relating to Pews in District Churches, Chapels, and Chapels, Proprietary Chapels (Sidney Billing)
Report of the Trial of Mr. John Murray (John Murray)
In the Supreme Court of the State of California (N. J. Stone)
The Law of Real Estate (Walter Gould Lincoln)
Cases on Pleading (Classic Reprint) (James Tower Keen)
Treatise on Chattel Mortgages (Classic Reprint) ()
The Treaties of 1785, 1799 and 1828 Between the United States and Prussia (James Brown Scott)
Reports of Summary Cases Determined in the Presidency Sudder Court (J. Carrau)
Texas Civil Form Book (J. W. Moffett)
Observations on the American Treaty, &C. &C (Classic Reprint) ()
The Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario (Classic Reprint) ()
The Law of Inheritance (Golapchandra Sankar Sastri)
On Passing Off or Illegal Substitution of the Goods of One Trader for the Goods of Another Trader (Classic Reprint) (John Cutler)
The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Vol. 6 (Classic Reprint) (Jeremy Bentham)
The Writ of Habeas Corpus and Mr. Binney (Classic Reprint) (John T. Montgomery)
The New York Practice, 1865, Vol. 2 (Joel Tiffany)
Practice and Pleading Under the Code, Vol. 10 of 2 ()
Flotsam and Jetsam (Classic Reprint) ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Хрестоматия. В 2 томах. Том 1 ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран Древнего мира и Средних веков. Учебник и практикум (А. В. Попова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран Нового и Новейшего времени. Учебник и практикум (А. В. Попова)
Теория государства и права (В. И. Власов,Г. Б. Власова,С. В. Денисенко)
Официальное опубликование нормативных правовых актов. Учебное пособие (Н. Я. Соколов,К. С. Кармадонов)
Rebooting Democracy (Manuel Arriaga)
Источники права. Учебное пособие (М. Н. Марченко)
Теория государства и права в вопросах и ответах:Учебно-методическое пособие. -5-е изд. исп ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник для бакалавров (В. Н. Хропанюк)
Теория государства и права в схемах. Учебное пособие (А. Г. Чернявский)
Теория государства и права (для бакалавров). Учебник (Малько А.В. и др.)
Римское право. Учебник ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран (Древность и Средние века). 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. Томсинов В.А (В. А. Томсинов)
Право Европейского Союза и практика Суда Европейского Союза. Учебное пособие (К. В. Энтин)
История государства и права России.Уч.пос. для бакалавров.-М.:Проспект,2016 (И. А. Исаев)
Общая теория права . Учебник (А. В. Поляков,Е. В. Тимошина)
История государства и права России. Практикум (Н. А. Шабельникова,А. В. Усов,Л. В. Шепотько)
История отечественного государства и права. 1929-1945 гг. Учебное пособие (В. М. Курицын)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Древний мир. Учебно-методическое пособие (Т. Ф. Антоненко)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (М. Н. Марченко,Е. М. Дерябина)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (А. Н. Головистикова,Ю. А. Дмитриев,А. С. Пиголкин)
Теория государства и права. Шпаргалки (А. С. Гаврилова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник. В 2 томах. Том 2. Средневековье. Новое и новейшее время (М. А. Исаев)
Актуальные проблемы теории государства и права. Практикум (О. М. Беляева)
Правовой статус Царства Польского в составе Российской империи. Учебное пособие (Н. Н. Андреянова,А. В. Ващенко,А. В. Звонарев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (М. М. Рассолов)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (М. Б. Смоленский)
История отечественного государства и права. Самое важное.-М.:РГ-Пресс,2016 (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебное пособие. В 2 томах. Том 2 ()
Правотворческая политика в современной России ()
История отечественного государства и права в схемах и таблицах (Н. В. Киселева)
Проблемы общей теории государства и права. Учебник. В 2 томах. Том 1. Государство (М. Н. Марченко)
Краткий курс по теории государства и права. Учебное пособие ()
Теория государства и права. Учебно-методическое пособие (В. В. Субочев,Ю. К. Краснов)
История отечественного государства и права в 2 ч. часть 2 5-е изд., пер. и доп. учебник для бакалавров (О. И. Чистяков)
Теория государства и права 5-е изд., испр. и доп. учебник для академического бакалавриата (В. В. Лазарев,С. В. Липень)
История русского права периода империи (ХVIII и XIX вв.). Учебник (В. Н. Латкин)
Государственно-правовая мысль и юридическое образование в дореволюционной России. Учебное пособие (А. В. Борисов,А. В. Корнев)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебное пособие. Том 1 ()
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (В. В. Румынина,А. В. Клименко)
Теория государства и права. Учебник и практикум (В. Д. Перевалов)
Теория государства и права. Учебник и практикум (С. В. Николюкин,А. П. Альбов)
Римское частное право в систематическом изложении (А. В. Зайков)
Референдум в зарубежных странах. Учебное пособие (В. В. Маклаков)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник и практикум (А. В. Попова)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебное пособие (С. А. Иванов)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (С. В. Бошно)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник (И. А. Отв.ред. Исаев,Т. П. Филиппова)
Теория права и государства. Учебник ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебное пособие (М. Б. Смоленский)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (Рыбаков О.Ю. под ред.)
История отечественного государства и права в 2 ч. Часть 2 5-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (О. И. Чистяков)
История государства и права России в 3 ч. Часть 1. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Рубаник В.Е. - Отв. ред.)
История государства и права России в 3 ч. Часть 2. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Рубаник В.Е. - Отв. ред.)
История государства и права России в 3 ч. Часть 3. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Рубаник В.Е. - Отв. ред.)
Теория государства и права в 2 Т. Том 1. Общая часть. Учебник и практикум для прикладного бакалавриата (С. В. Николюкин,А. П. Альбов)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник (В. Н. Бабенко)
The Modi Myth (S Nihal Singh)
Modern Democracies - In Two Volumes, Vol. I (Viscount James Bryce)
Jean Jaures (Geoffrey Kurtz)
Message for All American Conservatives (Bradley Panvino)
An Amazing Adventure (Joseph I. Lieberman)
Apple for President! (William Keiper)
Теория государства и права в 2 Т. Том 2. Особенная часть. Учебник и практикум для прикладного бакалавриата (С. В. Николюкин,А. П. Альбов)
Государство и право. Учебное пособие (С. С. Алексеев)
Гоударство и право. Начальный курс (С. С. Алексеев)
Государственная служба. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата (Г. А. Борщевский)
Краткий курс по истории государства и права России. Учебное пособие ()
Теория государства и права в 2 т. Том 1. Общая часть. Учебник и практикум для СПО (С. В. Николюкин,А. П. Альбов)
Теория государства и права в 2 т. Том 2. Особенная часть. Учебник и практикум для СПО (С. В. Николюкин,А. П. Альбов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в 2 т. Том 1 5-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата (А. А. Вологдин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в 2 т. Том 2 5-е изд., испр. и доп. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата (А. А. Вологдин)
История государства и права России. Учебник. В 3 частях. Часть 1 ()
Римское право. Учебник для СПО (И. Б. Новицкий)
Конституция СССР 1924 года (О. И. Чистяков)
Правовая система Европейского Союза (М. Н. Марченко,Е. М. Дерябина)
Краткий курс по истории государства и права зарубежных стран ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран древнего мира и средних веков. Учебник и практикум для прикладного бакалавриата (А. В. Попова)
Гражданское право Германии. Хрестоматия избранных произведений Франца Бернхефта и Йозефа Колера ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник (А. В. Малько,В. В. Нырков,К. В. Шундиков)
Римское частное право. Учебник (Д. В. Дождев)
История отечественного государства и права 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Л. Е. Лаптева)
История отечественного государства и права: Шпаргалка - М.: РИОР, 96с. (Шпаргалка [отрывная]) (о)к/ф ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран (для бакалавров). Учебник (Изд.:1) авт:Пашенцев Д.А.; 2 016 (Фирсов М.В.,Студенова Е.Г.)
Теория государства и права. Углубленный курс. Учебник (Л. П. Рассказов)
Теория гос. и права: Уч.пос. / А.В.Малько-3изд.-М.:ИЦ РИОР,НИЦ ИНФРА-М,2016-213с.(ВО:Бакалавр.)(п) (А. В. Малько,А. Ю. Саломатин)
Теория государства и права. Практикум. Учебное пособие (В. Я. Любашиц,А. Ю. Мордовцев,А. Ю. Мамычев)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник. В 2 томах. Том 2. Современная эпоха ()
История государства и права России. Учебник. В 2 томах. Том 1 (В. В. Захаров)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (А. Г. Хабибулин,К. Р. Мурсалимов)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (Л. П. Рассказов)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник. Часть 1 (Т. Е. Новицкая,П. Л. Полянский,Г. М. Давидян,О. И. Куприянова)
Теория государства и права практикум. Учебное пособие (Е. В. Сафронова,А. Ю. Кузубова,Л. Л. Соловьева)
Актуальные проблемы теории государства и права. Учебное пособие ()
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (В. Я. Любашиц,А. Ю. Мордовцев,А. Ю. Мамычев)
Проблемы теории государства и права. Учебник ()
Основы правовой политики. Учебное пособие (А. В. Малько,А. Ю. Саломатин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Избранные памятники права. Учебное пособие ()
Нормы процессуального права. Теория и практика их реализации (Р. В. Шагиева)
Общая теория государства и права. В 3 томах (комплект из 3 книг) ()
История отечественного государства и права: Уч.пос. / Д.А.Пашенцев-М.:НИЦ ИНФРА-М,2016.-428с.(ВО)(П) (А. Г. Чернявский,Д. А. Пашенцев)
Теория государства и права.Уч.-2-е изд.-М.:Проспект,2016 (Т. Н. Радько)
Государство и общественные объед.России в XX-нач.XXI: Уч.пос./Л.Д.Шаповалова-М:НИЦ ИНФРА-М,2016-160с (Л. Д. Шаповалова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран: Шпаргалка. - М.: ИЦ РИОР - 44с.(Шпаргалка [разрезная]) ()
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник (Альбов А.П. - Отв. ред.,Николюкин С.В. - Отв. ред)
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 1. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (М. М. Рассолов,П. В. Никитин)
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 частях. Часть 2. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (М. М. Рассолов,П. В. Никитин)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (А. В. Малько,В. В. Нырков,К. В. Шундиков)
Теория государства и права. Учебник и практикум для прикладного бакалавриата (В. Д. Перевалов)
История политических и правовых учений Др.мира, Средневек., Возрожд. и Нов.вр.: Уч.пос./О.А.Сухоруко (О. А. Сухорукова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник для бакалавров (Д. А. Пашенцев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник и практикум для СПО (В. Н. Протасов)
История отечественного государства и права в 2 ч. Часть 1. Х—ХIХ века. Учебник для СПО (Альбов А.П. - Отв. ред.,Николюкин С.В. - Отв. ред.)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для СПО (Р. Т. Мухаев)
История отечественного государства и права в 2 ч. Часть 2. ХХ — начало ХХI века. Учебник для СПО (Альбов А.П. - Отв. ред.,Николюкин С.В. - Отв. ред.)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник для академического бакалавриата. В 2 частях. Часть 1. Х-XIX века (Альбов А.П. - Отв. ред.,Николюкин С.В. - Отв. ред.)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник для академического бакалавриата. В 2 частях. Часть 2. XX - начало XXI века (Альбов А.П. - Отв. ред.,Николюкин С.В. - Отв. ред.)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для прикладного бакалавриата. В 2 частях. Часть 1 (Р. А. Ромашов,В. А. Рыбаков,Я. В. Бакарджиев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для СПО. В 2 частях. Часть 1 (Р. А. Ромашов,В. А. Рыбаков,Я. В. Бакарджиев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для прикладного бакалавриата. В 2 частях. Часть 2 (Р. А. Ромашов,В. А. Рыбаков,Я. В. Бакарджиев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник для СПО. В 2 частях. Часть 2 (-)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в Новейшее время. Учебное пособие (А. А. Вологдин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в новое время. Учебное пособие (А. А. Вологдин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран древнего мира. Учебное пособие (А. А. Вологдин)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в средние века. Учебное пособие (А. А. Вологдин)
Правовое обеспечение государственного управления и исполнительная власть. Учебник ()
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. Том 1 ()
Государственная служба. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата (Охотский Е.В. - Отв. ред.)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебное пособие (С. Н. Смирнов,А. А. Свистунов)
История отечественного государства и права. Конспект лекций. Учебное пособие (Е. Н. Романенкова)
Проблемы общей теории государства и права. В 2 томах. Том 1. Государство. Учебник (М. Н. Марченко)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник. Часть 2 (О. И. Чистяков)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебное пособие ()
История отечественного государства и права. Форма государственного единства в отечественной истории XX века. Хрестоматия. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран в вопросах и ответах. Учебное пособие (А. Севастьянов)
Хрестоматия по теории государства и права (Т. Радько)
История отечественного государства и права в вопросах и ответах. Учебное пособие (И. Исаев)
Теория государства и права. Схемы с комментариями. Учебное пособие (М. Марченко)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (О. В. Мартышин,У. Э. Батлер,З. Ш. Гафуров)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебное пособие (И. Ю. Оськина)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник. В 2 частях. Часть 1 ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран в схемах. Учебное пособие (К. Шинкаренко)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (Т. Радько)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (В. А. Рыбаков,В. В. Кожевников,В. Б. Коженевский)
История государства и права России. Учебное пособие (И. Исаев)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник и практикум ()
Теория государства и права. Учебник (А. И. Гомола)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в 2 частях. Часть 1. Государство и право в древности и средние века. Учебник (М. Н. Прудников)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. В 2 частях. Часть 2. Государство и право в современную эпоху. Учебник (М. Н. Прудников)
История государства и права России. Практикум (Н. А. Шабельникова)
История политических и правовых решений. Учебник (Альбов А.П. под ред.,Николюкин С. В. под ред.)
История русского права периода империи (XVIII и XIX века). В 2 томах. Том 1. Учебник (В. Н. Латкин)
История русского права периода империи (XVIII и XIX века). В 2 томах. Том 2. Учебник (В. Н. Латкин)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (А. В. Малько,Д. А. Липинский)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник и практикум. В 2 томах. Том 2. История государства и права Нового и Новейшего времени (А. А. Вологдин)
Нормография: теория и технология нормотворчества. Учебник для бакалавриата и магистратуры (Арзамасов Ю.Г. - Отв. ред.)
Теоретические основы судебной власти. Учебник (Л. А. Воскобитова)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (В. С. Бялт)
Римское право. Учебник (С. В. Рыбак)
История отечественного государства и права в схемах. Учебное пособие (Д. А. Пашенцев)
История государства и права России. Учебное пособие (Ю. А. Шестаков)
Лекции по общей теории права и теории государства (В. Н. Протасов,Н. В. Протасова)
История отечественного государства и права в схемах и таблицах. Учебное пособие (И. А. Исаев,Н. С. Кувырченков)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (В. К. Цечоев,А. Р. Швандерова)
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 томах. Том 1. IX - начало XX века. Учебник и практикум (В. В. Медведев,Л. Е. Лаптева,М. Ю. Пахалов)
История отечественного государства и права. В 2 томах. Том 2. ХX - начало XXI века. Учебник и практикум (В. В. Медведев,Л. Е. Лаптева,М. Ю. Пахалов)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (В. Н. Протасов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник. В 2 частях (М. Н. Прудников)
Правовое обеспечение государственного управления и исполнительная власть. Учебник для магистров ()
Проблемы теории государства и права. Учебное пособие (Е. Н. Селютина,В. А. Холодов)
Теория государства и права (Рыбаков О.Ю. под ред. и др.)
Теория государства и права. Смена парадигмы (В. П. Гавриков)
Римское право. Учебное пособие (М. В. Яровая)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в схемах. Учебное пособие (Д. А. Пашенцев)
Основы социального государства. Учебник (Ф. И. Шарков)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (для бакалавров) (Смоленский М.Б. под ред. и др.)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебное пособие (В. К. Цечоев)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник (И. А. Исаев,А. П. Печников,Н. С. Кувырченков,М. А. Приходько)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (Н. М. Чистяков)
История государства и права зарубежных стран древнего мира и средних веков. Учебник и практикум (Изотова Е.И. - Отв. ред.)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник и практикум (И. М. Лифиц)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в новое время. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата (А. А. Вологдин)
История отечественного государства и права в 2 ч. Часть 2. XX — начало XXI века. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Альбов А.П. - Отв. ред.,Николюкин С.В. - Отв. ред.)
Теория государства и права. Учебник и практикум. В 2 томах. Том 2. Особенная часть ()
История государства и права России. Уголовное право Московского государства (А. А. Рожнов)
Теория государства и права. Курс лекций (Олег Степанов,Алла Опалева,Александр Мелехин,Нечипас Ю. В.,Ирина Побережная,Колыхалов Д. В.)
Антикоррупционное законодательство и стандарты антикоррупционного поведения. Сборник нормативных акт (О. Н. Коршунова,Д. М. Плугарь,Н. В. Кулик)
Теория государства и права (С. В. Бошно)
Проблемы теории и истории российской государственности (Тимофеева А.А.,Мамычев А.Ю.,Филиппова М.А.)
Проблемы теории права и правореализации. Учебник ()
История государства и права зарубежных стран древнего мира. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата (А. А. Вологдин)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (Т. А. Клепицкая)
Теория государства и права. Основы методологического и методического обеспечения (С. В. Навальный)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (В. В. Кожевников,В. Б. Коженевский)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (А. В. Малько,Н. И. Мазутов)
Теория государства и права. Вопросы и ответы (О. Ю. Рыбаков)
История государства и права зарубежных стран (для бакалавров) (М. Н. Прудников)
Тестовые задания по теории государства и права. Учебное пособие авт:Арутюнян Р.Э.; 2 016 (Р. Э. Арутюнян)
Римское право. Учебник (П. Н. Астапенко)
Теория государства и права. Учебник. В 2 частях. Часть 1 (Р. А. Ромашов,В. А. Рыбаков,Я. В. Бакарджиев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник. В 2 частях. Часть 2 (Р. А. Ромашов,В. А. Рыбаков,Я. В. Бакарджиев)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (И. Л. Честнов)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебное пособие. В 2 томах. Том 1 ()
Теория государства и права. Краткий курс. Учебное пособие ()
История государственного управления в России в X - первой половине XIX века. Курс лекций (В. А. Воропанов)
История отечественного государства и права. Учебное пособие. Часть 2 (Т. Е. Новицкая,П. Л. Полянский,Г. М. Давидян,О. И. Куприянова)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Практикум. Учебно-практическое пособие (Т. Л. Матиенко)
Толковый словарь древнерусских юридических терминов. От договоров с Византией до Соборного Уложения царя Алексея Михайловича (IX-XVII вв.). Учебное пособие (М. А. Исаев)
Законность и правовая культура (теоретико-правовые и сравнительно правовые аспекты). Учебное пособие (Е. А. Певцова,Н. Я. Соколов)
Теория государства и права в схемах и таблицах (В. В. Оксамытный)
Теория государства и права в определениях, схемах и таблицах (В. В. Оксамытный,В. П. Пономарева)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (В. М. Капицын,А. А. Акмалова)
Римское частное право. Учебное пособие (Р. А. Сафаров,В. И. Кайнов)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Учебник (Т. Филиппова,Игорь Исаев,Кабир Батыр,Геннадий Кнопов,И. Мележик)
Общая теория государства и права. Учебник для бакалавриата и магистратуры (Комаров Сергей Александрович)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в 2 ч. Часть 1. Государство и право в древности и средние века. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата (Прудников Михаил Николаевич)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в 2 ч. Часть 2. Государство и право в современную эпоху. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата (Прудников Михаил Николаевич)
Правовая система Российской Федерации (Ручкина Г.Ф. под общ. ред.,Альбов А.П. под общ. ред. и др.)
Основы социального государства. Учебное пособие для СПО (А. Маргулян Я.А.)
Оценка регулирующего воздействия и регуляторная политика ()
Правовая система Российской Федерации (Казакова В.А. под ред. и др.)
История государства и права России XVIII века для бакалавров (А. Рожнов А.А.)
История государства и права зарубежных стран в схемах. Учебное пособие (К. И. Шинкаренко)
Правовое регулирование высшего образования в Российской империи XIX века. Университетские уставы (Л. А. Зайцева)
Теория государства и права. Учебник (В. В. Лазарев,Т. Н. Радько,Л. А. Морозова)
Хрестоматия по истории государства и права зарубежных стран и римскому праву (И. А. Исаев,Т. П. Филиппова,И. Н. Мележик)
Теория государства и права. Учебник и практикум для академического бакалавриата (Антонов Михаил Валерьевич)
История государства и права зарубежных стран. Новое и Новейшее время. Хрестоматия (В. А. Томсинов)
Общая теория государства и права: Академический курс: Учебник: В 3 томах Том 1: Государство (Перевалов В. Д.,Шамба Т. М.)
Теория государства и права (для СПО) (И. Гомола А.И.)
Проблемы теории государства и права (Михаил Марченко)
Теория государства и права (В. А. Рыбаков,В. В. Кожевников,В. Б. Коженевский)
Всеобщая история государства и права. Том 2. Учебник (В. А. Томсинов)
Теория государства и права в схемах. Учебное пособие для бакалавриата и специалитета (В. С. Бялт)
Теория государства и права в схемах. Учебное пособие для СПО (В. С. Бялт)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (Р. В. Енгибарян,Ю. К. Краснов)
Римское право. Учебник и практикум (А. А. Вологдин)
Всеобщая история государства и права. Том 1. Учебник (В. А. Томсинов)
Римское частное право (серия "Бакалавриат и Специалитет") (Новицкий И.Б. под ред.,Перетерский И.С. под ред. и др.)
История государства и права России в 3 ч. Часть 2. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Рубаник Владимир Евдокимович(редактор))
История государства и права России с древности до 1861 года. Учебное пособие (В. В. Ковалев,Л. П. Рассказов,В. К.Цечоев,А. Г. Галкин)
Теория государства и права в 2 т. Том 1. Общая часть. Учебник и практикум для СПО (Николюкин Станислав Вячеславович(редактор),Альбов Алексей Павлович(редактор))
Теория государства и права. Функции государства. Учебное пособие для бакалавриата, специалитета и магистратуры (Ф. В. Фетюков)
История государства и права России в 3 ч. Часть 1. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Рубаник Владимир Евдокимович(редактор))
История отечественного государства и права в 2 ч. Часть 1. Х—XIX века. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Николюкин Станислав Вячеславович(редактор),Альбов Алексей Павлович(редактор))
История отечественного государства и права. Учебник для СПО (Николюкин Станислав Вячеславович(редактор),Альбов Алексей Павлович(редактор),Горохова Светлана Сер)
Краткий курс по истории государства и права России ()
История государства и права России в 3 ч. Часть 3. Учебник для академического бакалавриата (Рубаник Владимир Евдокимович(редактор))
Ответственность органов публичной власти: правовое регулирование и правоприменительная практика. Учебник для магистров (Е. С. Шугрина,С. В. Нарутто,Е. М. Заболотских)
Теория государства и права. Учебное пособие (М. Б. Смоленский)
Актуальные проблемы теории государства и права. (Магистратура). Учебник (Перевалов В.Д. под ред)