“A fluidly written text . . . offers sound grounding for the team novice and further challenge to the more experienced. A significant contribution to the promotion of accomplished teams!”
—Jacqueline A. Merz, The George Washington University
“This wonderful and easy-to-read book includes current research pertaining to group and team development along with practical suggestions for enhancing team effectiveness, which is essential if organizations are to effectively compete in the 21st century.”
—Alan R. Lisk, University of Dubuque
Thoroughly updated and revised, the Second Edition of Group Dynamics for Teams provides a clear and concise overview of the basic psychological concepts of group dynamics and their application by teams in the workplace. Grounded in psychology research but with a very practical focus on organizational behavior issues, this book helps readers understand and participate in teams more effectively in day-to-day work.
New to the Second Edition:
- Presents an entirely new chapter: A new chapter (Chapter 18) on evaluating and rewarding teams concludes the book.
- Includes a new “Team Leader’s Challenge” section: Each chapter presents a brief case study with several discussion questions to better involve students with the course content.
- Provides the most up-to-date research: Updated throughout, this edition incorporates more material on the cognitive perspective of teamwork, expands the discussions of team training and of team stages, and includes a new section on team culture and climate.
- Offers more examples and activities: The number and variety of examples and hands-on activities have been increased to reinforce concepts and illuminate how teams operate in real-life settings.