Membership has its privileges, but it also has a huge share of disadvantages. Without the proper know-how and guidance, you could find yourself buried beneath an avalanche of credit card debt. Millions of Americans are just like you and are currently attempting to pay off $450 billion to credit card companies. It"s in a credit card company"s best interest to keep you in debt-after all that"s how they make their real money. Even by following their rules, you can quickly be put at a disadvantage. It seems as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel- that is, until now.
Whether you are overwhelmed by credit card debt or trying to prevent it altogether, Credit Card Debt has the answers. The author"s basic three-step program provides the information you need to reduce interest rates, eliminate fees, and negotiate with credit card companies to keep your credit report clean. Uniquely designed to help you organize, analyze and reduce your debt, this book helps you understand how credit card companies make their money, how credit cards work, and how to use them responsibly. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Credit Card Debt: : Reduce Your Financial Burden In Three Easy Steps