Sakuntala, a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts. The Deva-Nagari recension of the text, ed. with literal English translations of all the metrical passages, metres and notes, critical and explanato Kalidasa Kalidasa

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Kalidasa Kalidasa - «Sakuntala, a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts. The Deva-Nagari recension of the text, ed. with literal English translations of all the metrical passages, metres and notes, critical and explanato»

О книге

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Полное название книги Kalidasa Kalidasa Sakuntala, a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts. The Deva-Nagari recension of the text, ed. with literal English translations of all the metrical passages, metres and notes, critical and explanato
Автор Kalidasa Kalidasa
Ключевые слова общие работы по всемирной истории, всемирная история
Категории Образование и наука, История
ISBN 9781177759328
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2011
Название транслитом sakuntala-a-sanskrit-drama-in-seven-acts-the-deva-nagari-recension-of-the-text-ed-with-literal-english-translations-of-all-the-metrical-passages-metres-and-notes-critical-and-explanato-kalidasa-kalidasa
Название с ошибочной раскладкой sakuntala, a sanskrit drama, in seven acts. the deva-nagari recension of the text, ed. with literal english translations of all the metrical passages, metres and notes, critical and explanato kalidasa kalidasa