This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1822. Excerpt: ... 157 PEPTIC PRECEPTS. "Suaviter in modo, sed forliler in re." Not one Constitution in a thousand, is so happily constructed, or is constantly in such perfect adjustment, that the operations of the Abdominal Viscera (on which every other movement of the system depends) proceed with healthful regularity. The following hints will point out to the Reader, how to employ Art to afford that assistance to Nature, which in Indisposition and Age, is so often required, and will teaoh him to counteract in the most prompt and agreeable manner--the effects of those accidental deviations from strict Temperance,--which sometimes overcome the most abstemious philosopher--when the seducing charms of Conviviality tempt him to forego the prudent maxims of his cooler moments. They will help those who have delicate Constitutions, to obtain their fair share of Health and Strength,--and instruct the Weak, so to economize the powers they have, that they may enjoy Life as well as the Strong. To humour that desire for the marvellous, which is so universal in medical (as well as in other) matters,--the makers of Aperient Pills generally select the most Drastic Purgatives, which operating considerably in a dose of a few grains, excite admiration in the Patient, and faith in their powers, in proportion as a small dose produces a great effect,--who seldom considers how irritating such materials must be,--and consequently how injurious to a Stomach in a state of Debility, and perhaps deranged by indulging Appetite beyond the bounds of moderation. Indigestion will sometimes overtake the most experienced Epicure;--when the gustatory nerves are in good humour, Hunger and Savoury Viands will sometimes seduce the Tongue of a "Grand Gourmand" to betray the interest of his Stomach in spite of h... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life, by Food, Clothes, Air, Exercise, Wine, Sleep &c; And Peptic Precepts, Pointing Out Agreeable and ... and Strengthen the Action of the Stomach (William Kitchiner)