Creating 3-D Animation, originally published in 1998 and based on the work of Nick Park and Peter Lord of Aardman Animation, creators of the wildly popular Wallace and Gromit short films, has become required reading for animation courses around the world. In addition to being the most thorough treatment of 3-D puppet animation, also known as stop-action animation, the book was the first complete how-to guide that catered to both novices and experienced animators.
Since the book was published, Aardman released Chicken Run, its first feature film and an enormous box-office success. Also during that time, the studio began to rely more heavily on computer graphics. This revised edition brings Aardman"s technology and achievements up to date. With 32 additional pages that include techniques developed during the making of Chicken Run and a further exploration into the use of computer graphics-a necessity now for animators-this edition remains the best book onthe art of puppet animation and a must-have for all animators and animation junkies. AUTHOR BIO: Peter Lord, with partner David Sproxton, founded Aardman Animation in 1976. He has received several Academy Award nominations for his work on Wallace and Gromit, Chicken Run, and Creature Comforts. Brian Sibley is a writer and broadcaster who has written extensively about Aardman, including Abrams" Chicken Run: Hatching the Movie. Nick Park joined Aardman in 1986. His Oscar-nominated A Grand Day Out (1989) introduced the world to Wallace and Gromit. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Creating 3-D Animation : The Aardman Book of Filmmaking (Brian Sibley)