The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift: Essays On the Portraits of Swift, by Sir Frederick Falkiner, and On Swift and Stella, by the Very Rev. the Dean of . Jackson, and a General Index, Comp. by Jonathan Swift

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Jonathan Swift - «The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift: Essays On the Portraits of Swift, by Sir Frederick Falkiner, and On Swift and Stella, by the Very Rev. the Dean of . Jackson, and a General Index, Comp. by »

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Полное название книги Jonathan Swift The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift: Essays On the Portraits of Swift, by Sir Frederick Falkiner, and On Swift and Stella, by the Very Rev. the Dean of . Jackson, and a General Index, Comp. by
Автор Jonathan Swift
Ключевые слова общие работы по всемирной истории, всемирная история
Категории Образование и наука, История
ISBN 9785876786678
Год 2011
Название транслитом the-prose-works-of-jonathan-swift-essays-on-the-portraits-of-swift-by-sir-frederick-falkiner-and-on-swift-and-stella-by-the-very-rev-the-dean-of-jackson-and-a-general-index-comp-by-jonathan-swift
Название с ошибочной раскладкой the prose works of jonathan swift: essays on the portraits of swift, by sir frederick falkiner, and on swift and stella, by the very rev. the dean of . jackson, and a general index, comp. by jonathan swift