Statistics for Business and Economics (9th Edition) James T. McClave

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James T. McClave - «Statistics for Business and Economics (9th Edition)»

О книге

This introduction to statistics emphasizes inference; data collection and analysis are covered extensively as needed to evaluate the reported results of statstical studies and to make good business decisions. Stresses the development of statistical thinking—the assessment of credibility and value of the inferences made from data—both by those who consume and those who produce the information. Provides numerous case studies, examples, and exercises that all draw on real business situations and recent economic events. Includes Excel computer printouts (with PHStat add-in) as well as SPSS and MINITAB printouts (SAS and STATISTIX dropped). A useful reference for business professionals who need to brush up on their statistics knowledge.

Полное название книги James T. McClave Statistics for Business and Economics (9th Edition)
Автор James T. McClave
Ключевые слова экономика
Категории Деловая литература, Экономика
ISBN 130466417
Год 2004
Название транслитом statistics-for-business-and-economics-9th-edition-james-t-mcclave
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