A complete library of continuously updated financial information from countries around the world delivered each month.
Understand global financial conditions
Develop solid financial strategies and analyses
Monitor exchange rates, interest rates, international liquidity, money and banking, prices, production, government finance, and much more
Interpret the latest economic and trade developments in over 175 countries
Formulate authoritative global economic and strategic projections
Prepare forecasts for individual countries as a part of your country risk analysis
Determine possible future trends
React quickly to changing environments
Monthly Issues
This monthly publication is a standard source of international statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance. It reports, for most countries of the world, current data needed in the analysis of problems of international payments and of inflation and deflation, i.e., data on exchange rates, international liquidity, money and banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions, government accounts, and national accounts. Information is presented in country tables and in tables of area and world aggregates. Approximately 900 pages each issue.
Yearbook Issue
The yearbook, usually published in September, contains available annual data for over 30 years for countries appearing in the monthly issues of IFS. There aresome additional time series in country tables and some additional tables of area and world aggregates. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге International Financial Statistics Yearbook 2003 (International Financial Statistics Yearbook, 2003) (International Monetary Fund)