Стильно оформленное подарочное издание в кожаном переплете с блинтовым и серебряным тиснением на обложке и трехсторонним серебряным обрезом.
The picture book "Saint-Petersburg - Moscow. Picturesque Journey from the Northern Capital to the Ancient Capital" is not just (mother conventional coffee-table book. It is a kaleidoscopically varied presentation of engravings, water colors, an drawings created by the artists in the 18 and 19 centuries, as well as extracts from travel journals, diaries, and tellers of the diplomats, authors, musicians, and famous travelers whose sincere, precise and sometimes quite unexpected comments and observations enliven the pictorial "evidence" presented in the book pages. We shall gel glimpses of the Russian road scenes through the eyes of the famous Russian authors Aleksandr Radishchev and Aleksandr Pushkin, as well as such distinguished foreign visitors to Russia as Theophile Gautier. Leon de Bussier. Astolphe de Custine, Robert and Clara Schumann. Alexandre Dumas. Martha and Catherine Wilmol. Louis Philippe de Segure and many others. Let us follow them along the highway to Moscow, see the sights and witness the magnificent festivities celebrating the coronations of the Russian monarchs. In the Will and 19th centuries the voyage picturesque books were very popular. In our book we shall be taking voyage not only through space but also through lime traveling through the earlier history of Russia.
Размер футляра: 29 x 4 x 30 см. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Санкт-Петербург-Москва (подарочное издание) (Л. А. Карнаухова, Н. А. Марченко, М. К. Гуренок, Н. Н. Скорнякова)