This book presents the details overview of weeds, its ecology, selectivity, shifting against herbicides and chemical management in wheat to the researcher, studends and farmers. We have tried best to clarify the basic of chemical weed management in wheat through complilation and consolidation of the fact, figures, methodologies, techniques and approaches. The book has been written in a simple and lucid language with suitable explanations for better understand of the under-graduate, post-graduate students and researchers in the dicipline of Agronomy, Soil Science and Soil Microbiology in particular and Agriculture as a whole. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Herbicidal control of Polygonum Sp. in wheat (T. aestivum): Studies of herbicidal effect on weed flora and soil microbes in wheat under terai region of West Bengal, India (Sefaur Rahaman, P.K. Mukherjee)