Component-Based Development for Enterprise Systems : Applying the SELECT Perspective (SIGS: Managing Object Technology) Paul Allen, Stuart Frost

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Paul Allen, Stuart Frost - «Component-Based Development for Enterprise Systems : Applying the SELECT Perspective (SIGS: Managing Object Technology)»

О книге

This ground-breaking book distills the experience of the authors in dealing with problems in industry that can be solved by using the SELECT Perspective. A pragmatic, component-based approach for the development of enterprise systems, the SELECT Perspective comprises a unique blend of techniques, architecture, and process. Enterprise software development presents challenges of sheer scale and complexity that continue to accelerate at a terrific pace. Businesses are becoming increasingly adaptive and are calling for software that is more and more flexible. Component technology holds the promise of solving these problems, but there are some complications. For example, many organizations continue to struggle with the challenge of integrating their legacy systems with the newer technology. The approach in this book offers a streamlined set of modeling techniques based on Unified Modeling Language (UML); uses a serviced-based architecture that provides an overall design philosophy for reusable software that addresses the needs of the business, not the technology; and is a clearly defined software process that provides guidance on how to employ the knowledge base of available techniques. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Component-Based Development for Enterprise Systems : Applying the SELECT Perspective (SIGS: Managing Object Technology) (Paul Allen, Stuart Frost)

Полное название книги Paul Allen, Stuart Frost Component-Based Development for Enterprise Systems : Applying the SELECT Perspective (SIGS: Managing Object Technology)
Авторы Paul Allen, Stuart Frost
Ключевые слова разработка программного обеспечения, объектно-ориентированное проектирование
Категории Компьютеры и Internet, Разработка программного обеспечения
ISBN 521649994
Название транслитом component-based-development-for-enterprise-systems-applying-the-select-perspective-sigs-managing-object-technology-paul-allen-stuart-frost
Название с ошибочной раскладкой component-based development for enterprise systems : applying the select perspective (sigs: managing object technology) paul allen-stuart frost