The primary character "Jim Lacy" portrays a "Gung Ho" young man who volunteered for the "Army Airborne" where he spent time in Korea during the war. Immediately prior to his deployment to Korea, he married a beautiful young lady "Teena" Roberts, whose wealthy parents were killed in a plane crash during his deployment. Since she was an only child, it resulted in a large inheritance settlement to his spouse. That, combined with the large settlement from the air crash made her an extremely wealthy young lady. They elected to place the inheritance in a trust fund for the family children in future years... After returning from his tour of duty he and his wealthy young wife both volunteered for a newly formed "Special Forces Unit" to be deployed in undercover work throughout the world. The unit ultimately evolved into the highly sophisticated US Secret Services Agencies (Un-named) that operate in today"s world. Their positions required extensive long term training prior to deployment on field assignments. The story includes the "Romance, Love & Passions" enjoyed by all young married couples. Parts of the story are based on lives of real people. Many of the names used for the characters in the book "are real names" of the people depicted. It is a story of "mystery and intrigue" as they were assigned to special projects in various parts of the world. It relates to the True Real Life Passions shared by all young married couples. Additionally it includes actions in a world of special agents and intrigue of life most people only read or dream about. If you enjoy a book filled with action, love and will enjoy the story. A sequel of the story is planned. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Living on the Edge: A Story of Love, Mystery and War (Jack Lane)