Set in the dark years following the death of Arthur in the Battle of Camlann, this mystical adventure revolves around the attempts of Budoc the Hermit to preserve and protect the Arthurian legacy. Once Arthur"s proud companion, Budoc has sought refuge and solace in the Sacred Woods, one of the few places of power left in a meaningless and brutal world. Plagued by disturbing dreams and memories of the past, he senses a time of great reckoning is at hand. When a band of Irish marauders intent on recovering a mythical chalice invades Britain, it is up to Budoc and his own motley crew of followers to ensure the sanctity of both the Holy Grail and Arthur"s dream of Albion. The first installment of a trilogy, this intriguing post-Arthurian saga should find a ready-made audience among fans of this constantly reworked and evolving legend. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Last Companion (Patrick McCormack)