In this study of General McNaughton the author re-examines the historial perception of this brilliant man. Although a highly successful soldier and a gifted artilleryman in the First World War, historians have nonetheless considered McNaughton a failure as commander of the First Canadian Army during the Second World War. McNaughton"s unwillingness to see the army divided for use in operations, and his ability to train and command the army, are re-evaluated in light of the effect of his personality conflicts with senior Canadian and British commanders and government officials. This study concludes that, in the end, the effect of personality was the most important element in the McNaughton story.It led to intellectual, professional and personal gridlock and ultimately doomed his command of the First Canadian Army. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге POLITICS OF COMMAND: Lieutenant-General Andrew McNaughton and the Canadian Army, 1939-1943 (John Nelson Rickard)