Deep in the mountains of Transylvania, there lives the last representative of a dying breed, Felis catus vampirus, also known as the...Vampuss! When young tomcat Jonathan Harker calls upon the reclusive Count Scratchula, he"s led to believe it"s just another business deal. Little does he realize that the course of his nine lives will be forever altered. Based on Bram Stoker"s horror classic, Shadow of the Vampuss is a dazzlingly-illustrated Gothic adventure that"s both beautiful and bizarre. Featuring a diverse cast of feline characters, stunning cavernous faA§ades and splendid Victorian costumes bring to life the famous story of vampire intrigue and bloodlust. Sharp, macabre, and darkly humorous, Shadow of the Vampuss is an extraordinary re-interpretation of the Dracula myth. Not recommended for underage kittens! Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Shadow of the Vampuss (Karen Mahony)