Watercolor for the Fun of It Sketching: How to Sketch With Watercolor David R. Becker (книга)

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David R. Becker - «Watercolor for the Fun of It Sketching: How to Sketch With Watercolor»


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О книге

This is the perfect jump start for beginners who want to tackle the watercolor medium with speed and success. It presents an easy-to-understand approach that quickly familiarizes aspiring artists with basic materials, tools and techniquesfor getting started.

Illustrations, exercises and complete step-by-step demos show how to achieve fast results by creating sketches with drawing media as well as watercolor. With this easy "sketching" approach, artists will learn how to plan successful paintings using thumbnail sketches, value sketches, color sketches, sideline sketches, composition adjustments and experiments.

Accessible, affordable and fun, this guide will have beginners developing their skills and on their way to creating satisfying work in no time. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Watercolor for the Fun of It Sketching: How to Sketch With Watercolor (David R. Becker)

Полное название книги David R. Becker Watercolor for the Fun of It Sketching: How to Sketch With Watercolor
Тип Книга
Автор David R. Becker
Ключевые слова рисование и живопись для начинающих, акварельная живопись
Категории Дом. Быт. Досуг. Семья, Рукоделие
ISBN 1581802331
Возрастное ограничение 18
Издательство North Light Books
Год 2003
Название транслитом watercolor-for-the-fun-of-it-sketching-how-to-sketch-with-watercolor-david-r-becker
Просмотров 8
Рейтинг izbe.ru 0,0

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