CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design and Animation Releases 19 is composed of several tutorial style lessons. This book is intended to be used as a training guide for those who have a basic familiarity with part and assembly modeling in CATIA V5 Release 19 wishing to create and simulate the motion of mechanisms within CATIA Digital Mock Up (DMU). The tutorials are written so as to provide a hands-on look at the process of creating an assembly, developing the assembly into a mechanism, and simulating the motion of the mechanism in accordance with some time based inputs. The processes of generating movie files and plots of the kinematic results are covered. The majority of the common joint types are covered. Students majoring in engineering/technology, designers using CATIA V5 in industry, and practicing engineers can easily follow the book and develop a sound yet practical understanding of simulating mechanisms in DMU. The chapters of CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design and Animation Release 19 are designed to be used independent of each other allowing the user to pick specific topics of interest without having to go through the pervious chapters. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. A Block with Constant Acceleration along a Prismatic Joint 3. An Arm Rotating about a Revolute Joint 4. Slider Crank Mechanism 5. Sliding Ladder 6. A Gearing Mechanism 7. Ellipse Generator Mechanism 8. Cam-Follower Mechanism 9. Planetary Gear Mechanism 10. Telescopic Mechanism 11. Robotic Arm 12. Single Cylinder Engine 13. Universal Joint Mechanism 14. C-clamp Mechanism 15. A Mechanism with Coriolis Acceleration 16. Prelude to Human Builder Workbench 17. Exercises Appendix I: Additional Functionalities, Tips and Tricks Appendix II: Introduction to Parametric Modeling Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design & Animation Release 19 (Nader G. Zamani, Jonathan M. Weaver)