The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management
The National Space Society board of directors held its retreat and it was an amazing success. The Self-Assessment Tool was an excellent tool to guide us through the process.
--Richard E. Biehl, National Space Society
We have found the Self-Assessment Tool to be particularly helpful in assisting organizations to clarify their missions and reconceptualize strategy and tactics. The concepts presented and the carefully formulated questions are relevant to both established groups and those just starting out.
--Aliza Mazor, resource development coordinator, Shatil, a support project for voluntary organizations in Israel
Since its original publication in 1993, the best-sellingDrucker Foundation Self-Assessment Tool has helped and inspired countless nonprofit boards, executives, and teams to rediscover the direction and potential of their organizations. This completely revised edition of the Self-Assessment Tool combines long-range planning and strategic marketing with a passion for dispersed leadership. It allows an organization to plan for results, to learn from its customers, and to release the energy of its people to further its mission.
Considered to be the father ofmodern management,
Peter F. Drucker applies a lifetime of wisdom and expertise to help nonprofit organizations uncover the truth about their performance, focus their direction, and improve their overall effectiveness. Regardless of your organization"s size and planning experience, the Self-Assessment Tool provides the means to apply Peter Drucker"s invaluable insights directly to your organization and its needs. The fully enhanced edition not only provides expanded methods of evaluation and planning, but also places special emphasis on implementing the decisions made in the self-assessment process.
Fully enhanced from extensive user feedback, the Process Guide features step-by-step guidelines as well as sample reports, customer surveys, agAndasfor discussions or retreats, and a completed plan. Nonprofit leaders and their teams will find detailed instructions on how to work through the three phases of self-assessment: Preparing for Self-Assessment, Conducting the Self-Assessment Process, and Completing the Plan. The revised guide contains the tools necessary to complete the self-assessment process and an effective plan. These resources include sample customer research formats, practical facilitation techniques, methods for developing a mission statement, and a more comprehensive reference section. Designed to be flexible for your specific needs, the Process Guide offers valuable tools that will help Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Drucker Foundation Self-Assessment Tool: Process Guide (Gary J. Stern, Peter F. Drucker, Frances Hesselbein)