So, you"re considering working at home? Whether you are currently employed and feel the time is right to devote more time to your kids, or you"re lacking an education and can"t get employed in a real job, or you"ve never had work experience but need to find work to help out with household bills, for whatever reason, moms working at home are on the increase. This book is entirely devoted to your quest to becoming a work-at-home mom. Here you will learn all the preliminary concerns which you will need to take into consideration before making that final choice. You will obtain essential information on the following: * How to figure out if you are financially ready to make the change. Do you have the right personality for working at home? * The good points versus the possible difficulties of working at home. * How inexperienced workers can obtain needed training for skills advancement. * Where to find jobs and some awesome ideas for business. * Safety recommendations to avoid scams. * Tips for getting the job you want, such as advertising your skills, handling an interview. * Organizing your home office, scheduling and coordinating your work day. Work at home now and be the best mom your kids need you to be! Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Work At Home Mom Everything You Need To Know: Learn How To Work At Home Now And Be The Best Mom Your Kids Need You To Be! (K M S