The Price of a Dream tells the remarkable story of the Grameen Bank, the groundbreaking "village bank" that has revolutionized the way people around the world fight poverty. The Bank"s model--providing collateral-free "micro-loans" for self-employment tomillions of women villagers in
Bangladesh--has inspired and shaped the thinking of economists, policy makers, business people, development workers and a generation of social entrepreneurs. Both liberal and conservative policy circles have championed th Bank"s ability to transform the lives of its clients and help them escape the
vicious cycle of deep economic hardship.
Drawing upon interviews with villagers, development workers, economists, and the Bank"s founder Muhammad Yunus--a recipient of nuerous humanitarian awards--the book shows how the Grameen Bank grew from an experiment in one village to an organization that lends billions of dollars in small
individual loans. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Price of a Dream: The Story of the Grameen Bank (David Bornstein)