It is unique in its target market and the manner in which it was written. You Can Get A Better Job, A Sensible Approach To Employment, has as its target market, those individuals for whom nothing has been previously written. It is written forthose who do not have access to the information required to place and keep them on the cutting of todays competitive job market. It is written for those who have been excluded from consideration by other career & job book publishers, because they were not thought important enough to be provided with information to meet their needs.
You Can Get A Better Job is written for those entering the employment scene for the first time, High school students, those with no marketable skills, the semi-educated, and the moderately educated blue-collar worker. This includes many of those being laid-off from companies across the country. There is also material in the book for semi-professionals, and professionals who are seeking to improve their standing in the work place. The book is not only self-help in nature, but is motivational, instructional and is packed with reference material. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге You Can Get a Better Job: A Sensible Approach to Employment (Stokes, Albert H. Stokes)