The Nixons: A Family Portrait Ed Nixon, Karen Olson

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Ed Nixon, Karen Olson - «The Nixons: A Family Portrait»

О книге

An intimate look into the family of one of this country"s most influential, innovative, and controversial American Presidents. The life of Richard Milhous Nixon will forever be a focal point of 20th century American history. But until now, little has been written about the people who helped shape the ideals of this American icon. From his vantage point as the youngest Nixon son, Edward Nixon gives an insider"s perspective not only on his famous brother and his remarkable life, but also on the two extended families that produced this man of profound intellect and influence. No other President has been tested as Richard Nixon was, but her never let adversity weaken his faith and undermine his determination. Now meet the people who journeyed through life with this extraordinary man and helped him build his legacy. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Nixons: A Family Portrait (Ed Nixon, Karen Olson)

Полное название книги Ed Nixon, Karen Olson The Nixons: A Family Portrait
Авторы Ed Nixon, Karen Olson
Ключевые слова биографии зарубежных знаменитостей, другие биографии
Категории Художественная литература, Книги на иностранных языках
ISBN 1935359053
Год 2009
Название транслитом the-nixons-a-family-portrait-ed-nixon-karen-olson
Название с ошибочной раскладкой the nixons: a family portrait ed nixon-karen olson