Liar, Liar: The Theory, Practice and Destructive Properties of Deception Gary Paulsen

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Gary Paulsen - «Liar, Liar: The Theory, Practice and Destructive Properties of Deception»

О книге

Kevin doesn"t mean to make trouble when he lies. He"s just really good at it, and it makes life so much easier. But as his lies pile up, he finds himself in big—and funny—trouble with his friends, family, and teachers. He"s got to find a way to end his lying streak—forever.From the Hardcover edition. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Liar, Liar: The Theory, Practice and Destructive Properties of Deception (Gary Paulsen)

Полное название книги Gary Paulsen Liar, Liar: The Theory, Practice and Destructive Properties of Deception
Автор Gary Paulsen
Ключевые слова художественная литература, юмористическая литература
Категории Детская литература, Художественная литература для школьников
ISBN 375866116
Год 2012
Название транслитом liar-liar-the-theory-practice-and-destructive-properties-of-deception-gary-paulsen
Название с ошибочной раскладкой liar, liar: the theory, practice and destructive properties of deception gary paulsen