Jeremy Garton tells the loving story of Betty the protagonist, a beautiful basset hound, and her posse made up of Hootie, Boogie, and Hummel, her pups who were accidentally chemically altered during pregnancy. From the first day that he met Betty, worms and all, he knew that she was a very special addition to his family. After spending her first month at the veterinarian"s office recovering from the dreaded worms, she comes home to live with Jeremy and his sister, Susan. While at the veterinarian"s office, though, a very special discovery was made, Betty was pregnant! Would the puppies be healthy or would the chemicals that she was given have an adverse effect on them. The puppies were born and although some do not make it, some do survive. Betty and her posse of puppies begin a journey filled with life, love, and those crazy things that only dogs can do to warm your heart. Come along and experience the joy of raising these unique characters, and the friends who come into their lives. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Betty and the Posse (PhD Jeremy Garton)