A meticulously researched bouquet of more than three hundred fascinating, informative, useful, and always entertaining lists on all things nuptial. Illustrated with over 150 photographs and line drawings, PlanetWedding is a oneof-a-kind compendium for anyone who is getting married, planning a wedding, or is participating in a wedding. Featuring: ? Ten Things the Bridal Industry Doesn’tWant You to Know ?Wedding Customs from Around theWorld ? 231 Money-Saving Tips ? How to Tell If You’re a Bridezilla ? How to Have a GreenWedding ? 12Ways to Preserve Your SanityWhen Planning aWedding ? Kids on Dating and Marriage ? The Origin of "Something Old, Something New" Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Planet Wedding: A Nuptialpedia (Sandra Choron, Harry Choron)