FOREWORD IF character training and learning citizenship are necessary for boys, how much more important it is that these principles 5hould be instilled into the minds of girls ,who are destined to be the mothers and guides of the next generation. An attractive and practical form of active educational pastime is needed and for this purpose the Girl Scouts are organized, The Scout movement, so popular among boy~, is unfitted for the needs of girls, but on something the same lines has been devised the present systc1n giving a more womanly training for both mind and body, Honor, duty, loyalty, kindness, comradeship, purity, cheerfulness, and thrift, are the qualities it seeks to develop. To bc a Girl Scout, a girl should love and admire these things in other people, seck to attain them herself, and to promote them among her comrades, not in any priggish fashion, but through being loyal, honorable, kind, and helpful, in the home, in the school, in the field, oTable of Contents Contents; Part I Sumnlary; How TO START A PATROL; FIRST 11EETl="IG; GmL-ScoUT LAW; SECON"D fvIEETIKG; iJUTIES; Part II Camping; OrEN-AIR PURSUITS; SI~L""-DEFEiCE; VOODCRAFT; 130TAXY; STARS; GARDENING; Part III Home LiTe; SA:-JILTIO="I; IIoUSEWWERY; COOKING ; CARE OF CHILDRE~; I; 2; 7; 12; 18; 33; 41; 4~; 66; 7i; So; 86 Part IV Hospital Work; TE~D1NG THE INJuHED; BE PHEPARED FOR ACCIDE>JTS; Part V Patriotisnl; SEII"-DISC1PLDIE; SELF - b-1 PRO V Ell E NT; Part VI Organization; PAGE:; go; 91; 9 1; 102; JoG; l08; 119; QUALIFICATIONS FOR THREE RAKKS OF SCOUTS 123; CERE~IO~Y OF INVESTITURE 125; TESTS FOR PROFIC1ENCV BADGES 129; NOTES TO I~STRUCTORS 142About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books" Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest t Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге How Girls Can Help Their Country (Classic Reprint) (W. J. Hoxie)