What is ADHD? Find out about the causes and developmental characteristics of ADHD from childhood to adolescence.
Is there a treatment plan? This comprehensive resource outlines the preparation and goals for therapeutic intervention, medications and what ADHD teens, teachers and parents should know about them. Includes training programs for building attentions, social skills, organizational/study skills, and anger control.
How can you improve behavior? Dr. Flick present techniques to address non–compliance, inattention, memory difficulty, impulse control disorder, and aggression by strengthening communication, family structure and orientation, and guiding rather than directing the teen s behavior. Methods include behavioral contracts, behavior penalty plans, rewards and fines, and guidelines for modifying rules and expectations.
You?ll find 15 useful appendices, with reproducible information handouts for teens, teachers, and parents. Included in a "Twelve–Step Program for Parents and Teachers of ADHD Teens," as well as reproducible "ADHD Diagnostic Checklist and Treatment Organizer."
In short, Dr. Grad Flick gives you one of the most practical and complete resources available for understanding the nature and treatment of attention deficit disorder. He helps adolescents with ADHD prepare for adulthood. He shows how to create a network of support, and he provides the most up–to–date resources for teens, teachers, counselors, and parents. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге How To Reach & Teach Teenagers with ADHD (Grad L. Flick Ph.D.)