Why Doesn?t my Floppy Disk Flop? And Other Kids? Computer Questions Answered by the Compududes.
For the best answers, coolest Web sites, and excellent cyber–activities, pick up Why Doesn?t My Floppy Disk Flop ? This lively, informative guide provides the answers to dozens of questions that you (and your parents!) really want to know. Combining their popular brand of humor with cartoon illustrations, sidebars, and tons of advice, the Compududes make all the learning seem like play. From the ins and outs of hardware and software to the best ways to take advantage of the Internet to the exciting future of computing, the answers and explanations in Why Doesn?t My Floppy Disk Flop ? are guaranteed to plug you in, log you on, and turn you into a computer whiz in no time! Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Why Doesn?t My Floppy Disk Flop? (Peter Cook)